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X-Factor 2008


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"So?" - Ok, don't you see something wrong in doing that? Both giving a talentless guy hopes that will only be dashed and in turn maybe (laura is just the first) getting rid of people that may otherwise have a chance of a long career ahead of them due to the talent they have.


I agree. It's wrong people vote for him for "funnies" because, to be honest, it's not really funny at all. I think it's unfair that talented people are forced to be eliminated from the show because of Daniel. The reason why he gets so many votes is because he says "I'm doing this for my wife...who is dead" and people automatically feel sorry for him and vote for him to stay. If he never said that about his wife, would he still be in the competition? Nope! Louis decided to keep him in when he faced elimination against Scott and why? Because he has a better voice? Nope. Because he dedicated the song to his dead wife? Yes. If Louis don't like him whenever he performs, why did he pick him to stay?


I think what Daniel is doing is wrong, to be using your dead wife to progress through the show. It's just not right! He should stop using the sympathy card because we're voting for his voice, not his life story!

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That's bull though, because there are actually some people on the show with real talent, unlike the guy who's only talent is discussing his dead wife.


If they had enough proper talent they wouldn't need a tv show to get their music heard. End of.

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Just watched the repeat I missed.


Holy shit.


I'm glad Ruth beat Laura, that's what I wanted, but fuck's sake...Laura shouldn't have gone by any means.


Not when shit like Daniel, Eoghan, and even Rachael (that show) is still in.


I literally captured a crow, so I could tell it to scratch out my own eyes.


If they had enough proper talent they wouldn't need a tv show to get their music heard. End of.


To be fair, XFactor contestants often have "better" voices than popular artists.


That's talent vocally only.


Definitely live, anyway.

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If they had enough proper talent they wouldn't need a tv show to get their music heard. End of.


Hmm, that's a pretty strange argument to make. TV is just another way of getting yourself recognised, and its publicity. Its making yourself known, and it gives you the opportunity to show off your talent. Even if you don't win the show, you have been heard, so chances are that somebody may take a game and pick you up on a record deal.

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It looks like people are finally beginning to realise that X Factor isn't a talent show but an entertainment show. They took their time, that quote at the bottom about it being 50% soap opera is 50% right, it's 100% soap opera. They can make whoever they want win win and they don't have to fix the votes to do that.

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I don't like how people see it as the end of the world when people get voted off the show.


Realistically, Laura is just as likely to get a career out of this as she would if she came 2nd. If I were a record label, I'd scoop her up right now.


Although if I were a record label, I would sign acts which actually are interesting, rather than just your average, but technically excellent, female vocalist.

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I don't like how people see it as the end of the world when people get voted off the show.


Realistically, Laura is just as likely to get a career out of this as she would if she came 2nd. If I were a record label, I'd scoop her up right now.


Although if I were a record label, I would sign acts which actually are interesting, rather than just your average, but technically excellent, female vocalist.


Were I the head of a joke record label (not big, but actually worth it in the business), knowing me, I'd sign Diana and Rachel from this year.


If only because they're interesting and have a passion for actual music. (Respectively)

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Why? Every week he used his dead wife as an excuse for us to keep him in there. I would say that's pretty low.


It does sound rude though.






I just wish Eoghan would leave. Then at least anyone left would deserve to win. I'm not too keen on Rachel or JLS, but yeah.


Ruth and Diana are my favourites.

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WOOHOO! DANIEL'S GONE!!! Finally, the public saw through his sympathy card. With every song he says "This one is for my wife...who's dead" or "This is for my family/kids". He tried it with the last song he performed but it didn't work. I think what he did was disrespectful to his dead wife, using her as an excuse to progress through the show. When they said Rachel was against Daniel, I thought "Oh no!" but I'm glad the judges saw sense and put Rachel through.


Ogun's next to go! Alexandra was great, JLS...hmmm and Rachel and Diana was really good as well.

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What theme for a week would you guys do, given the chance?


I would have ones like the Michael Jackson one...definitely Madonna (I mean, Mariah? WTF?! I know about 3 songs of hers. Madonna has hundreds of songs from virtually every style of music the show could use), and maybe a "Rock" night, allowing for the shitter ones to just do rocky power ballads.

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Why? Every week he used his dead wife as an excuse for us to keep him in there. I would say that's pretty low.


Every tit on that show has their different sob story portrayed, but you know I only see you singling out that guy because you didn't like him. Ripping him for losing is wife is low mate any angle you chose to look at it.

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