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X-Factor 2008


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rhydian actually had talent, diana doesn't. Her squawk makes my blood curdle. She has a nice little voice at the beginning of sections then it all goes to pot with that flat dull tone. urrghh.


Eoghan may not be the most talented or vocally strong, but he could be with training and a few more years of experience. And the way he is he is at least somewhat pleasant to the ear. Maybe he doesn't really belong in the competition now, but I think he could grow into something quite amazing.


gutted that i missed this episode, i even rang my uncle in ze restaurant I was at to find out who went XD


Alexandra to win <3

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I also prefer Alexandra's voice to Leona's.


I agree, Alex is much better. Love Alex to win, she rocked tonight


Loved Diana's 'Girlfriend' and her 'White Flag' was okay


Oghun's first song was cheeeeesy but shockingly liked his second song


JLS are still shite. Umbrella was a massive mistake!


But Oghun crying because Diana went, he was really upset. I was shocked that JLS never went to be fair. They were the weakest tonight.

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Bad decision, Diana going anmd Eoghan staying. If anyone wanted to see an inexpressive idiot boy sings bland songs in an anonymous voice, they could watch the Disney Channel.

Well according to our resident High School Musical Expert [i forget the chap] many people find it entertaining. Some may even be willing to lose what little remains of their self respect to stand up/applaud/dance. This is what's keeping this chap in I assume [i was working]

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Leona Lewis and Alexandra's voices are different, Leona's being wistful and sweet, compared to the punchier tones of Alexandra.


Alexandra DOES have personality though, a lot more than Leona ever displayed on the show. Sad thing is, this year has had such good talent on it that she seems forgotten a lot of the time, and she'd definitely win in other years.




Also, anyone find Il Divo terribly dull?


But then I'm cynical of the opera/classical genre anyway. Not much creativity in it...it's just the same songs recycled over and over and over...

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Also, anyone find Il Divo terribly dull?


But then I'm cynical of the opera/classical genre anyway. Not much creativity in it...it's just the same songs recycled over and over and over...


I thought their song choice was DIRE considering the audience.




Alexandra should win by a country mile. That is all.

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IL Divo are crap. They've spoilt that song :(Bastards!


I just found out that my mate's sister fancies Oghun, she apparently printed a picture of him and has now put it up on her bedroom wall, lmao. I can't believe people like him. But I think he'll be second or first now because he got the sympathy vote for crying when Diana left.


ALEXANDRA TO WIN! She has to win now, she's the strongest voice in the competition, she should walk it. JLS were crap and they always will be crap and Oghun is the same. If Alexandra don't win and JLS and Oghun do, then everyone will see what a joke this competition really is.

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As we know Spenno182 loves Diana. Anyway I just text him immediately saying




and his response.




Love you really mate. x


I actually had no idea that's what you text me about, I was out so didn't get to watch it until this morning. She was pretty shit though.


JLS need to go really, can't stand them.

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I actually had no idea that's what you text me about, I was out so didn't get to watch it until this morning. She was pretty shit though.


JLS need to go really, can't stand them.


Yeah I realised that a bit after I posted. Well and when you were like "What..."


You were doing the "oh fuck off" thing. Like you did at work.


Do you think thats why Hitler said that thing to me? Cos' she thought you were being serious..?


Hhmmm. Anyway.

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Also when them spaccas came on I was just thinking how great it is that the X Factor is pretty much exploiting a bunch of people with learning difficulties. brilliant


I know.


Basically mocking people. Like the chick surrounded by angels. Must be a special feeling to have the entire nation laughing at you. At least she can't see them laughing I guess.

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Also when them spaccas came on I was just thinking how great it is that the X Factor is pretty much exploiting a bunch of people with learning difficulties. brilliant


Yeah it was just a bit of a filler for the final, seeing as there are only 3 acts left. Same with the Z-list celebs in the home towns of the acts.

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LOL at Ant and Seb in the finals- "Yah man! C'mon move ya body!"


Check my remix out about them:



Anyways, serious now:


ALEXANDRA TO WIN EASILY! She stole the show when she did that duet with Beyoncè.


JLS weren't so bad


Oghun was terrible. His first song was bad, his second was alright but crappy and his third was disastrous.


My hopes would be: Oghun = 3rd, JLS = 2nd and Alexandra = 1st.

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JLS Hallelujah >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexandra's


Don't agree with it being the winners song for either of them [don't like the fact it's being commercialised], but if I had to pick one version that was truer to the song it was JLS' version.

Alexandra's version was 'Whitney'd' up too much!

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