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X-Factor 2008


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Why was Britney miming? Miley did more performing and she actally sang! Plus, why such a short chat with Dermot? She comes all this way to mime and then bugger off? Pfft. Anti-climax if you ask me. At least Miley did an interview for Xtra factor. Miley, Miley, Miley!

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Not happy. Ruth is amazing. Eughen or JLS should have gone. I hope she still gets a deal or something because she deserves it. I like her 'shouting' as they called it, it gives her that rocky edge and is why i liked her.


She had an absolute passion, you can see it in the way she sings.



I wanted jls or diana to gooooo.


But seeing as its a popularity/pity contest they'll like be in the finals :indeed:

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Why was Britney miming? Miley did more performing and she actally sang! Plus, why such a short chat with Dermot? She comes all this way to mime and then bugger off? Pfft. Anti-climax if you ask me. At least Miley did an interview for Xtra factor. Miley, Miley, Miley!


She always mimes, plus womanizer is hardly a song that can be sung live. Plus, at places you could actually hear her singing, it's just the backing track was THAT loud - rather like in Eoghans songs. :heh: Still, she has stage presence again, which is ace.


DIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANA IS THROUGH! I literally screamed when they said her name. I though she was a gonner when JLS got through, just ask Raining. :p

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Shes a fucking psycho. I'm sorry but she is. Fit again though. Mildly. Actually no. Fuck it. Shes nothing special, and the psychoness just detracts from that.


She didn't even answer Dermots questions.


"What did you think of da contestants singing of your songs?"

"I love England."


Good stuff.

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How did JLS get through, they have been poor 2 weeks in a row.


I'll say the same about diana, taking my hate for her aside, she defo hasn't been anywhere near what she was before she got sick. Think a lot of people are taking the pity vote on her. Especially when Louie had a go at her for not dancing.


(Rightly so, I mean just sitting on a sofa for a disco song, its utter stupidity.)

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"What did you think of da contestants singing of your songs?"

"I love England."


Yeah I laughed for about 5 minutes after that, 'I love England, it's awesome. Awesome'. (or something like that) hahaha.


Ruth going is just ridiculous. I don't know who I want to win now, Alex has a good voice but when she's talking to dermot it's like she's faking some upbeat personality, it's just weird. Diana is lovely but her songs weren't amazing tonight. JLS and Eogeoaghan = MA Lose.

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Why do people moan at Diana for not dancing? She is not that kind of artist, and won't be when the competition ends. Eughan DOES NOT dance either! He walks around the stage, that's it. Why have people not moaned at him for the same thing, considering if he has a career, he will most likely need to dance in his videos.


Annoys me immensely.


Shes a fucking psycho. I'm sorry but she is. Fit again though. Mildly. Actually no. Fuck it. Shes nothing special, and the psychoness just detracts from that.


She didn't even answer Dermots questions.


"What did you think of da contestants singing of your songs?"

"I love England."


Good stuff.


I think your being a little unfair by calling her a "fucking Psycho" (She had a kid, couldn't cope, and got utterly depressed). But I did laugh when she completely dodged the question. To be fair, she probably heard her songs being butchered, and hated them all. Like "See! This is why I mime my songs!".


Also, Dermot is so gay (As in actually homosexual, I'm not just using "gay" as an insult, like half the population seem to nowadays). That is all.

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lol yeah Britney was AWEFUL! So bad that she mimed! Dunno if anyone just saw James Cawdon talking about her on ITV2 but he was hillarious! just saying what everyone was thinking!

It's been hyped for a couple of weeks now and what an anti-climax!!


Real shame Ruth went, she seems such a lovely person, beautiful, funny and just really genuine! Probably got the best voice of those left in the competition, but it's so close to the final it's just down to popularity and regional votes now, not talent.


Alexandra deserves to win, with JLS with her in the final.

Eoghan will make the final though because he's got the whole of Ireland voting for him. And the sooner Diana goes the better; her act is just so boring now it's untrue!

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Alexandra deserves to win, with JLS with her in the final.

Eoghan will make the final though because he's got the whole of Ireland voting for him. And the sooner Diana goes the better; her act is just so boring now it's untrue!


Not the whole of Ireland at all, he's from northern Ireland, which is CONSIDERABLY smaller than Ireland as a whole, and there are Irish people who actually like other acts better. Take our maybe 3 million people to England's 27 million, we are a small region.


I want Alexandra to win ^^;


PS - eoghan eoghan eoghan eoghhhaaaaaaannnn


(I will type it as many times as neccesary until people spell it right)

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Why was Britney miming? Miley did more performing and she actally sang! Plus, why such a short chat with Dermot? She comes all this way to mime and then bugger off? Pfft. Anti-climax if you ask me. At least Miley did an interview for Xtra factor. Miley, Miley, Miley!

Because Dermot wastes time by mentioning who's already been on/going to be/is on. Not unlike Simon Anstell in Never Mind the Buzzcocks, by bringing attention to a guest several times so the audience can attempt to give a shit.


I didn't watch tonight's show as I was working, but I can feel it mirrorings Carey's show:


Dermot: "Just in case you haven't heard it because you've been under a rock, this is meant to be a joke because if you actually were under a rock you wouldn't have heard that Mariah Carey is on the show?"

Audience: WOOOOOO!! *claps*

Dermot: I'm going to introduce the judges (again) in a minute, but you have to know about the massive shit I took before I came on, it was huge. By the way, Mariah Carey's here?"

Audience: WOOOOO!! *more clapping*


Not including the bullshit time wasting when they announce who's leaving/staying.

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Can't believe Ruth went. I saw her performance (at a party, too loud to hear), but noted her good comments.


She was my favourite.


Also, did Britney do that thing with a massive like ball, and the circus-music remix of Womanizer? Cause she's been doing that on the other appearances she's done (The Bambi Awards in Germany, and Star Academy in France).

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Can't believe Ruth went. I saw her performance (at a party, too loud to hear), but noted her good comments.


She was my favourite.


Also, did Britney do that thing with a massive like ball, and the circus-music remix of Womanizer? Cause she's been doing that on the other appearances she's done (The Bambi Awards in Germany, and Star Academy in France).


No, there was no massive ball like the ones in the other performances. She changed the dance moves in the second verse completely too. Actually seemed like she finally had a stage presence again. The crowd were going utterly mental.




It's so ridiculous that Ruth went, and JLS/Eoghan are still there.

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