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I really shouldn't be spending the money on it.. but I couldn't resist :eek: I just ordered Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies for less than £20 and there is only 1 left if anyone else wants to grab it :heh:


Bugger. I paid the full 40 quid for this in blockbusters last friday.


Then again, i saw it, wanted it, bought it.


Haven't played too much of it, got to the boss at the end of the water part, stage 3 i think and died. Great game though! The wii controls fit this perfectly, so simple, yet the difficulty makes it a challenge. Hopefully i'll get round to finishing this on normal, although easy mode is always there if i get well and truly stuck.

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You guys are bit late to the party but the more the merrier I (and Dr Eggman) say :p


It is a good game but I've probably not played it as much as I should have because Monster Hunter just got in the way all the time.


I beat it on normal with Isa and easy with Kachi. Not too sure I have the mad skillz required for Hard mode though...

  • 2 weeks later...

That's a great price :hehe:


I haven't beaten it yet as I've been playing other things.. but I've enjoyed what I have played :grin: I thought the first couple of stages felt a little underwhelming but then things really ramped up after that and it has been much better :yay:

That's a great price :hehe:


I haven't beaten it yet as I've been playing other things.. but I've enjoyed what I have played :grin: I thought the first couple of stages felt a little underwhelming but then things really ramped up after that and it has been much better :yay:


I thought the early stages were quite good. Sure they are more spectacle than challenge but still good to blast through. Stage 4, 5 and 7 are where it's really at. Stage 6 I didn't enjoy as much - still fab though.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
I picked a copy up and Endless ocean 2 from Blockbuster last weekend for a total of £20. Both were preordered, but still in excellent condition.


I'd be nerd raging all over the shop if something I'd pre-ordered was in less than immaculate condition.







I'd be nerd raging all over the shop if something I'd pre-ordered was in less than immaculate condition.









Correction Preowned.


Sin and Punishment is pretty short, good thing there's plenty of modes.

Correction Preowned.


Sin and Punishment is pretty short, good thing there's plenty of modes.


Whilst it is pretty short in some respects, it's definitely at the lengthier end of on-rails shooting game spectrum and easily twice as long as it's predecessor.


I'm up to the boss on Level 4 right now on Hard Mode. It took me ages to beat her (it?) on Normal and so I'm not particularly confident I'll manage to do it on Hard.


It may not be particularly long but it lasted me months :eek: I found myself dipping in and out of it every couple of weeks just to make my way through a couple of checkpoints but never really played any of it for a sustained period of time..


I'm not exactly sure why I never stuck at it any time I played it because I found it to be a great game and well worth getting if you appreciate the N64 game or any of Treasure's other shooters..

It may not be particularly long but it lasted me months :eek: I found myself dipping in and out of it every couple of weeks just to make my way through a couple of checkpoints but never really played any of it for a sustained period of time..


I'm not exactly sure why I never stuck at it any time I played it because I found it to be a great game and well worth getting if you appreciate the N64 game or any of Treasure's other shooters..


I think part of the reason you may not find yourself sitting down for any length of time is because the levels are pretty long really. Between the length and difficulty, you could play for an hour and still only manage to do one level. And for a game about score attacking, it can be slightly off putting.


Obviously if you're good enough to completing the level in one go to get a decent score, it's not going to take you that long but on a first run through, that's what you're facing. But even when you know what you're doing, the levels aren't 5 mintue jobs like Star Fox.


I wouldn't say you have to appreciate any of Treasure's previous work or even the original for that matter. This is such an improvement on the first that you could hate the original's clunky control and chunky art style yet still enjoy this immensely.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys!! (my first post!) - to finally see a dedicated and active Sin and Punishment thread is a joy :) (Im a Sin and Punishment fanatic!)


I've managed about 35 hours of gameplay and I love SP2 to bits. Do you think we'll ever see a sequel aka Sin and Punishment 3?

Hi Guys!! (my first post!) - to finally see a dedicated and active Sin and Punishment thread is a joy :) (Im a Sin and Punishment fanatic!)


I've managed about 35 hours of gameplay and I love SP2 to bits. Do you think we'll ever see a sequel aka Sin and Punishment 3?


I'm sure most Nintendo forums would have a dedicated S&P thread. I wouldn't exactly call this one "active" as such but if someone posts something new or gives their thoughts on the game, someone will normally reply with their own - but that goes for most games on any of the boards here.


Sin and Punishment is one of those hardcore Nintendo games you would think they would want to be pushing on the WiiU as something for the more experienced games player. Yet this one didn't exactly set the sales charts alight and whilst you could argue that the Wii is mostly made up of a "casual audience", there are still a lot of "hardcore" game playing Wii owners but they didn't pick up this game.


Look at sales for Children of Eden on the 360... numbers that make S&P2 look like a sales juggernaut by comparison. If they believe they could turn a profit with a follow up, they may try it but personally, I really don't see it happening.


Kid Icarus: Uprising on the 3DS looks to share more than a passing resemblance to S&P and so they might be the closest you get for a while at least.


Thanks for the reply Captain Falcon...


I get what you mean. However, Nintendo did a pretty poor job of advertising. I believe that if Nintendo pushed this game via ads in store, TV, Newspapers etc.. it would have been a sleeper hit imo.


On the topic of sales, I tried looking up any information for sales figures. I looked up VGCharts but I believe that they hold sales info for the first 10 weeks.


I reckon SP2 would be reaching the 1 million milestone (that's if its not surpassed it?).


Additionally, the 'SP2 team' is far smaller than team's for well known franchises so I'd hazard a guess and suggest that they must have made a healthy profit (in comparison to the amount invested into producing and publishing the game)?

Thanks for the reply Captain Falcon...


I get what you mean. However, Nintendo did a pretty poor job of advertising. I believe that if Nintendo pushed this game via ads in store, TV, Newspapers etc.. it would have been a sleeper hit imo.


On the topic of sales, I tried looking up any information for sales figures. I looked up VGCharts but I believe that they hold sales info for the first 10 weeks.


I reckon SP2 would be reaching the 1 million milestone (that's if its not surpassed it?).


Additionally, the 'SP2 team' is far smaller than team's for well known franchises so I'd hazard a guess and suggest that they must have made a healthy profit (in comparison to the amount invested into producing and publishing the game)?


VGChartz shows data for the first 10 weeks and puts it less than 300k. Sales would have dropped off to the point that this probably only just eclipsed the half million mark.


The dev team was fairly small because Treasure don't have many members but it probably took them longer as a result. Making a game like this in HD would be a much bigger undertaking.


I often wonder how much advertising affects games like this. Games like this are considered niche at best typically and as such, even if you advertised it on TV, I doubt most of the viewers would be the type to pick up the game. Someone after a game like this is likely to be an active viewer of gaming sites and seeing it in the news and reviews sections would be all the advertising required. Plus it's not cheap either if you want decent coverage and I suspect it would soon eat away at any profits.


And as for instore demos... I question whether the difficulty might put people off more than suck them in if they went hands on.

  • 8 months later...

Old thread is old.


I've started playing this. It's such a good game. Very fun, and also quite hard at the same time. I've died a few times already. :heh:


I do feel as if I'm missing out on the story somewhat after never playing the first game.


..Flink, are you a wizard? I've been thinking about picking this game up since earlier this week and my local CEX is selling it for £6!


All I had to do was look at the game play on the first stage to sell me. Dat' music is fucking awesome too. Heck, I shared the first level's BGM on my Facebook just an hour ago!

Old thread is old.


I've started playing this. It's such a good game. Very fun, and also quite hard at the same time. I've died a few times already. :heh:


I do feel as if I'm missing out on the story somewhat after never playing the first game.


I got the first game on the VC, it's good, but hard. It really screams out for the Wii remote to be used as a pointer.

..Flink, are you a wizard? I've been thinking about picking this game up since earlier this week and my local CEX is selling it for £6!


All I had to do was look at the game play on the first stage to sell me. Dat' music is fucking awesome too. Heck, I shared the first level's BGM on my Facebook just an hour ago!


6 quid is a steal. You'll regret it if you don't pick it up.


The music is one of the best things about this game. It's just so, so good. I'd happily pay the 6 quid for the music alone.


I got the first game on the VC, it's good, but hard. It really screams out for the Wii remote to be used as a pointer.


I can't imagine playing a game of this type without Wii controls. Dual analogue/N64 control wouldn't even come anywhere near as useful.


I can't imagine playing a game of this type without Wii controls. Dual analogue/N64 control wouldn't even come anywhere near as useful.


Completely agree. And yet you still get the arseholes on Youtube that make comments like "no classic controller support - FAIL" and other dumb shit.


I picked this one up new a while ago for £15 and it was well worth it. Six quid is a complete steal, you have to buy it!


I do feel as if I'm missing out on the story somewhat after never playing the first game.


The only real connection is that you are playing as the son of two of the 3 main characters in the first game. Not sure if Kachi is related in any way shape or form to Achi other than being alien.


So much has changed from the version of the world of the first game to that in the second it really isn't worth worrying about. It goes from an over populated planet Earth with an out of control GM food replacement/substitue in 2007 to multiple Earths, multiple dimensions, the protectors, space travel... etc.


I know there must be a bit of a gap between the two games and Achi informs she is preparing Saki for a war to come but still, the link between the two, story wise, feels pretty tenuous outside of Isa Jo.


So really, there is nothing to miss out on. It's not like the story is explained well in the first game anyway. If you only played the game, you'd still be left wondering what was going on.

  • 3 years later...

I started playing this on the Wii U last night. I bought it when it was on sale and figured I may as well start this game next, especially as it's a short one.

I never finished it on the Wii ( can't remember why, maybe because of the reasons I state below ) so i'm determined to get through it this time.


Firstly, the character models are awful. Simply awful.




Apart from the jaggies, they look like some kind of deformed, half adult/half kid hybrid. I also hate the fact that a few of the characters use the exactly same faces but the colours have just been changed. Very lazy. Also, for some reason the character faces remind me of these guys...




Luckily I can move past that and just enjoy the gameplay, which is great. It's fast and frantic and some of the boss fights are very epic. The soundtrack is also a big plus for the game and draws you into the fight very nicely.


I think I played through 4-5 chapters before calling it at night. I would have liked to continue playing it but it was getting close to bed time. :D I'm hoping to get back on it tonight and finishing it off.


What struck me while playing it was how Treasure would be a perfect fit for Star Fox. While I enjoy the Star Fox games, I really hate how short they are. This game seems to have some decent length to it and there is a lot of variety to the levels, with some even going 2D like a classic R-Type game.

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