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Its a pretty big week in terms of releases as Mario & Luigi, Kingdom Hearts and Scribblenaughts all hit the shelves! I want all 3 but its pointless getting them together, especially as 2 of them are RPGs. Hmmmm... decisions, decisions.
Indeed. It'll just be 2 out of those lot for me though.

I'm going to be picking up Scribblenauts first, then M&L3 next month I reckon.


Well, that's the plan anyway. :laughing:

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Scribblenauts will probably be the one I leave til last
I was going to do the same, but I managed to pre-order it on the cheap a while back so that kind of made the decision for me. :hehe:


When will the industry learn to space their games out better? :hmm:
Don't hold your breath, put it that way. :heh:
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Just finished Rhapsody DS tonight so here are my overall impressions.


It took me 10h 02 and by the end Cornet was Lv 48. That might be slightly high as I spent some time earlier levelling up to take out the Ancient Weapon in the passage under the graveyard- the only thing was, once I beat it... nothing happened. Unless I got some item that I didn't notice...?


If you asked me to sum Rhapsody up in one word it would be "uninspiring." If you noticed my other posts around here you would know its been a game I wanted to get the hold of and try out, being well aware of what reviews have said about it. I still wanted to give it a blast as it offered something of a lite RPG experience with a different atmosphere to others... and a short playtime to boot, so if it was a woeful game, atleast it wouldn't be a 50+ hour slog. So with all that prior knowledge and inner hype, I headed into the game wanting to like it (the stuff I'd read online intrigued me! :blush:) and tried my best to give it a fair go.


The good points that stood out to me during the game were:


  • Party experimentation
    There was a decent array of puppets and it didn't hurt to try them out and switch your team around. I get too comfortable in RPGs and rarely bother giving different combinations a chance.
  • The auto-battle feature
    Saved me tapping the A button during random encounters!
  • Health being replenished when you level up
    Made the game fun to play as gaining a level in a dungeon filled up my health and magic, meaning there was no need to retreat to get healed up elsewhere.
  • The final boss looked weary when I was getting near to finishing him off! :D


The story is both a good and bad point. Overall it was nothing amazing and was in fact extremely cheesy but thats not to say it didn't have its moments. Some of the dialogue, as well as the captions you got when checking furniture and stuff was genuinely funny and some of the events in the game were actually pretty shocking. Re: what happened in Frogburg. :blank:


The negative side of things stems from it being generally so mediocre and uninspiring. The dungeon layouts were so claustrophobic and there were a fair few dead ends. Also, there were points in the game were I found it difficult to know where to go next. But to balance that out, when I sat down with the game for half an hour or more, it drew me in (maybe you could say it lowered me to its lowly level) and I did get a decent amount of enjoyment from it. I was glad it ended when it did as ten hours seems about right, all things considered. There is only one long chapter with the rest being short, giving you a good sense of always making progress. :)



Definitely not a game that would appeal to everyone but if you are at a loose end and fancied trying out something, then open your mind and give Rhapsody a go. I got it for £15 in Game a few weeks ago and I'm sure it could be found for even cheaper if you shop around.



(Oh did I mention its prone to crashing and did so on me once? :( When I checked a grave in the Ice Temple, so you might wanna make a save just before you do that... just in case!)

Edited by darksnowman
typo central
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Its a pretty big week in terms of releases as Mario & Luigi, Kingdom Hearts and Scribblenaughts all hit the shelves! I want all 3 but its pointless getting them together, especially as 2 of them are RPGs. Hmmmm... decisions, decisions.


Well I ended up getting all 3 :D I bought Kingdom Hearts yesterday for just over £20 at Morrisons and I went to GAME this morning and snapped up the other 2 ( along with Dead Space for the Wii ) as I had a large sum on my points card and trade in card.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like the DSi is getting a DSi Speak channel


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* Make sure you entering the number in the correct field in the Nintendo DSi Shop.


o For Nintendo Points Card redemption, enter the number off the Nintendo Points Card in the "Add Nintendo DSi Points" section off of the main Nintendo DSi Shop page, and select "Redeem Nintendo Points Card."


o To redeem a Nintendo DSi Download Ticket number, such as for the Nintendo DSi Speak Channel, enter the number off the Nintendo DSi Download Ticket in "Settings and Features" off of the main Nintendo DSi Shop page, then select "Nintendo DSi Download Ticket."


* After verifying you are entering the number in the correct location, retry the number again and make sure it is being entered correctly.



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Guest Captain Falcon

What's the quality like on the DS - I've never used the communication functions in the games that allow but it seems like a rather redundant feature if you ask me.


The Wii speak channel is borderline pointless in this day and age. Making me hold a DS in front of my face whilst I attempt the same limited communication isn't a better solution.


I know Reggie reiterated recently that they have no intention to entire the mobile phone market, and whilst this may sound like a good test bed, it seems deeply flawed as a possible substitute. They need to focus on getting voice comms into the online games.


Quite how they expect me to be able to speak to someone through the DS without me somehow telling them to turn their DS on in the first place is a bit of a mystery. And if I can get that message to them, then why do I need a DS to communicate with them?

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Handheld devices these days really need to be able to run multiple applications at once.


The DSi has extra power so there isn't really any good reason as to why it can't use the music player, DSi Speak or something else in the background. It's just that Nintendo are too lazy to do it.

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The Wii speak channel is borderline pointless in this day and age. Making me hold a DS in front of my face whilst I attempt the same limited communication isn't a better solution.


Small bonus is that it's portable I guess. You could always get a headset so you don't have to hold it to your face as well.

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Guest Captain Falcon


Well the DS screens aren't really running at a resolution that would make looking at a four inch screen any easier on the eyes in my book and I'm sure some games will look worse as a result.


But on the plus, I guess it makes the touch screen easier to use.


Still, it's going to have to be a fair size bigger to accommodate those and given the ever increasing demands on pocket space, it seems like a strange choice to me.

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Nintendo Plans DS Push



The Tuesday morning edition of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reports that Nintendo will be attempting to spur sales of its DS line of portable systems. Domestically, the company will be releasing a DSi hardware revision within the calendar year. By the end of the fiscal year, it aims to release the current DSi in Korean and Chinese markets.


The new domestic DSi, which goes unnamed in the paper, is the current DSi with a larger screen. The new screen size is over four inches, well above the current model's 3.25 inch size.


With the larger screen size, Nintendo aims to expand use for the system to movies and digital books, and also spur demand amongst older audiences who might have considered the current screen hard to see. It also hopes to fend off stronger competition from Sony and Apple.


Pricing for the new system is expected to be "about the same" as the current model's ¥18,900. The paper lists a release time frame as the calendar year rather than the fiscal year, so it's possible that this will be a holiday item.


Overseas, the company will be expanding the DS market through Korean and Chinese releases of the DSi. The model released in those territories will be the current DSi model, but with improved security for combating piracy. Pricing is expected to be at the same level as Japan.


Nintendo already offers the DS Lite in Korea. The system has sold over 2.5 million units there.


The Chinese market has strict regulations on the release of overseas game machines. The paper reports that sources confirm Nintendo is close to gaining the required approvals for the DSi.


Nintendo hopes that it can combat piracy through the new security measures and grow the Korean and Chinese markets for legitimate software, making it possible to recoup the costs of localizing its software for release there.


Typical for these Nikkei stories, Nintendo hasn't formally announced these new initiatives yet. However, it's likely that we'll hear official details later this week.


Interestingly, the DSi saw a similar Nikkei "unveiling" in late September last year. At the time, the paper did not provide a new name for the system.

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Well the DS screens aren't really running at a resolution that would make looking at a four inch screen any easier on the eyes in my book and I'm sure some games will look worse as a result.


But on the plus, I guess it makes the touch screen easier to use.


Still, it's going to have to be a fair size bigger to accommodate those and given the ever increasing demands on pocket space, it seems like a strange choice to me.


Take a lok at the TG01 mobile from Toshiba. Its a 4.1 inch scrren, and a prety wide frame but so thfin it remains perfectly 'pockable'.


I think at this point, Nintendo need a completely new peie of hardwre.If, as i have read, nintendo are chasing mulimedia, we'll probably se a widescreen to.

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I think at this point, Nintendo need a completely new peie of hardwre.If, as i have read, nintendo are chasing mulimedia, we'll probably se a widescreen to.


When the DS is STILL selling like hotcakes, not a chance.


Nintendo probably have the next new installment of a hardware since the original DS came out.


All they have too do for now is waaaaaaaaaaaaait until people stop buying DS's :heh:

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When the DS is STILL selling like hotcakes, not a chance.


Nintendo probably have the next new installment of a hardware since the original DS came out.


All they have too do for now is waaaaaaaaaaaaait until people stop buying DS's :heh:


I'm not so sure. Eurogamer reported that there could be advanced media functions - such as movies which would pretty much force Nintendo's hands into a full, 16:9 widescreen. I doubt the DS has the muscle power to produce DVD quality images, so an uppage of power would prove essential.


Nintendo really wouldnt need to promote any new DS as a 'next generation' anyway, call it DSe or whatever, and its just another fiddle to the bow in the same way there are a multitude of iPods available to buy.

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I think this is one update too far...i understand the idea to aim this at the elderly but jeez Nintendo..just release a new handheld..or at least a handheld which has all the updates you were thinking off, on launch day!


Weird colours too!

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK. Being an occasional gamer throughout my life, while getting ocasionally completely hooked on some titles (games like Zelda, Crono Trigger, Final Fantasy V & X... Mario's are good fun too, especially Super Mario Kart 16-bit. Mainly the big titles I guess.)


What should I get? A DS Lite or a DSi (normal one, I don't want the XL, although the wine red color is nice). These next questions will problably tell me.


1] Can you also use an AC-adaptor (?) to play without (using) your batteries?

2] Can you hook them up to your TV (or monitor)?

3] Do you NEED wireless internet on your computer to hook it up, or can you use cables of some sort?

4] Will I miss out on the GBA games? I'd like to have some of them IF I can find them in local stores (once again, the Zelda titles. I haven't looked what else I'd like yet). Or will there be GB/GBC/GBA downloads later on in Europe (PAL) too?

5] Any Dsi Exclusive titles announced so far?

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