Chris the great Posted June 17, 2009 Author Posted June 17, 2009 jayseven said: But maybe unchartered wouldn't have existed without Gears :P and maybe jurrasic park wouldnt exist without mosquetos, dosent mean i have to enjoy their comany.
Cube Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 Gears of Wars 2 GoW1 was meh. The sequel is awesome in all kinds of ways. Graphics (it has colour!), story, gameplay, length, level variation, stand-out moments and other things are much improved. 10/10
jayseven Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 Chris the great said: and maybe jurrasic park wouldnt exist without mosquetos, dosent mean i have to enjoy their comany. That's one of the stupidest arguments I've ever heard.
dwarf Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 jayseven said: But maybe unchartered wouldn't have existed without Gears :P Unchartered? hmmm not heard of that PS3 game. You need to play the game, it's just better.
Chris the great Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 jayseven said: That's one of the stupidest arguments I've ever heard. and yet its just a rephrasing of yours. it was purpousfully stupid to show how little it matters that uncharted may not have existed without gears of war.
ReZourceman Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 dwarf gourami said: You serious? Gears of War is nothing like Uncharted! Gears in a nutshell:Knee-high walls - take cover. What? No knee high walls? BAM! Ahhh there are now! 'Look at how big my muscles are.' Seriously Uncharted looks incredible the way it's so action-movie based, take it over Gears any day of the week. Chris the great said: well, i can see some simularity in the shooting mechanics, in that theres cover and shooting, but then that can be said of alot of shooting games, and its hardly a unique feature to gear of war, hell i remeber taking cover in goldeneye. ive played a bit of gears of war, and my preference is for uncharted, just due to a more likable lead and more appealing environments. Who was saying Gears is better than Uncharted? Heck who was even comparing them. They are A) totally different B) Uncharted is fucking leagues above Gears.
dwarf Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 It was someone that said it over the page somewhere. And you came to the same conclusions as me
jayseven Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 CTG: because what you're saying is like saying "if cheese never existed then nor would CATS because mice wouldn't exist without cheese, and cats wouldn't exist without mice!" The sentiment that you don't have to enjoy both is in itself fine :P
Chris the great Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 jayseven said: CTG: because what you're saying is like saying "if cheese never existed then nor would CATS because mice wouldn't exist without cheese, and cats wouldn't exist without mice!" The sentiment that you don't have to enjoy both is in itself fine :P mice can exist without cheese, cats can eat catfood, which isnt mice. mosquitos were central to the plot in jurrasic park. your just being silly now sir.
dwarf Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 Well it's just a game argument, all that needs to be said is that Jayseven should play Uncharted. Was it you that hadn't played it? Got the name wrong anyway.
Chris the great Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 just my inital thoughts on my latest rental to arrive star wars the force unleashed its average as can be. some parts of the game actualy feel realy good, but then it kicks you in the nuts with its unfisnished ness. i mean, falling off a cliff because your doing a sword combo that makes you step forward? if i was in danger of fallling, how come the robot i was swording didnt fall? i'll give it more time, i mean, i guess i just have controle issues at the moment.
Goafer Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 (edited) Star Ocean: The Last Hope I always thought it looked average and had heard sub par reviews, but I saw it in HMV for £25 so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm glad I did. I'm finding it quite hard to get into games at the minute, but I managed to clock up 9 hours having only played it for 2 sittings. Something about it just works. Maybe it's the fact that the story (so far) isn't overly complex to the point where it just becomes confusing, or maybe it's that the combat is actually fun (IMO) rather than menu based. Reveal hidden contents The main character, Edge, is part of a mission (I forget what. I assume it's to find a planet to live on since Earth is Fubar). During the journey, the ships experience an anomoly in the warp tunnel thing and have to come out of warp. One ship where Edges brother is captain get lost. Once you have found the other ship that has crashed on the same planet as yours, you become captain of the ship you were on and set off looking for Edges brother. Along the way you discover information about a mysterious meteor thing that makes things evolve quicker than normal, un-naturally fast to the point that it's bad. During a journey to one of the characters home worlds, you experience a black hole and: Reveal hidden contents you get transported to Earth in 1957, essentially Roswell, but in 1957 to coincide with the discovery of nuclear power and the cold war (Not sure 1957 is the correct year for those events). You get captured and are essentially contained in Area 51, although Area 51 and Roswell are never mentioned. That's as far as I am at the moment. I can't wait to play further. It's very linear, but it stays fun throughout, so it's not really an issue. Plus you can see the enemies wandering around, so there are no random battles. 8.5/10 Edit: Although I want to Stab Lymle's face off. She has an annoying, slow, droning voice and says "'kay?" on the end of almost every sentence. I hate her so much. And there's no way she's 15 as the manual suggests. She looks and acts about 5. Edited June 21, 2009 by Goafer
Pit-Jr Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 Infamous Its hard for me to bash on this game but i must. The developers did a great job with the controls and visuals. I also liked the voicework, particularly Moya and Sasha and the comic storyboard was well done. I also enjoyed alot of the platforming elements like climbing Alden's tower, which actually gave me a tinge of vertigo. BUT, they forget to include things like fun missions and creative sidequests. I hated the way Cole learned new powers. Instead of earning them through epic boss fights or subtle story progression, he learns them by revisiting the same shitty sewer maze a dozen times. The optional sidequests are equally boring and repetitive. Speaking of bosses and powers: the boss fights are fun but theres only 3, and although you can learn a dozen or so powers, i barely touched half of them. Fix these issues for the inevitable sequel 7/10
Oxigen_Waste Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 On the whole Uncharted vs GoW thing, it's actually pretty simple. They both have a shitty story/setting and they're both visually awesome. Now the differences, Uncharted is better because of the inclusion of puzzles (although they're insultingly easy). And Gears of War is better because the gameplay mechanic is just much more evolved and perfected, plus the online gives it more replayability. So, at the end of the day, I'd rather have Gears of War because it gives me more for the same money. And also (but this isn't the game's fault, so...) because the 360's controller is much more suited for accurate aiming... I can't stand those fucking analogs on the PS3. In fact, even if the 360's isn't anything to write home about, apart from that god awful d-pad, they struck gold on the controller. It's quite perfect. We'll be having this discussion again soon when Uncharted 2 comes out, me thinks. ^^
dwarf Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 I have to state my disagreement again, half of Uncharted is about the platforming and better cinematics, not puzzles - they just slow the pace for effect. I'd say the locales for Uncharted aren't shit either - U-boat in jungle and caverns were great although maybe more variety was needed. As for controllers, I find them both equal, Dual Shock 3 pad is great for me with improved and well worn analogues I find it perfect because I have small hands anyway.
Guest Captain Falcon Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 Super Mario Galaxy Still continuing my latest play through of the title having beat it 3 times previous. Must have got almost 40 stars in my session yesterday - and every one was a joy to get. Just got the last three worlds to do and then it's onto the end boss. What can be said about this game that anybody who's played it doesn't already know? The graphics, on a technical level, are unmatched on the console but that's not why I play it. The entire score, almost all of which was written new, is sublime to say the least (and more impressive than the visuals), but that isn't why I play it either - but like the above, it sure makes it easier. No It's the never ending inventiveness and how no single idea ever out stays it's welcome - by the time you get used to something, you're given something else to play with. Entire worlds created around a sole thought which is played out to show the strength of the concept and thrown away at the end. It's the unparalleled controls and variety of moves afforded with the most minimal of buttons. Guide Mario with one hand, and use the pointer to help him with the other. What it ultimately comes down to is that it's just so much fun. Is it flawless? Hardly. But when it's this good, it doesn't matter because it's difficult to see how any company could get so many pieces of the puzzle so right in just one game. 10/10 - no questions asked.
Chris the great Posted June 21, 2009 Author Posted June 21, 2009 (edited) i liked the story/setting in uncharted, it was pure sunday afternoon film fare and didnt try to hide it... STAR WARS: THE FORCE UNLEASHED or throw shit around well, the game started to pick up towards the end, i ended up feeling fairly warm towards the game. just getting it out the way first, the story was stupid, it did everything youd expect, then the last chapter totaly sold out and went exactly were you hoped they had the good grace not too. Reveal hidden contents fighting vader? come on, thats to far, totaly out of place and looks stupid next to the films the game itself was pretty rough, i'll cite irratic difficulty as one of its main flaws. the games deffinatly not perfect, but in all honesty, when your throwing storm troopers out of star destroyer windows, who cares? 6/10 a messy game, but did a very good job on the force. Edited June 21, 2009 by Chris the great
jayseven Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 Chris the great said: mice can exist without cheese, cats can eat catfood, which isnt mice. mosquitos were central to the plot in jurrasic park. your just being silly now sir. if there were no mosquitos then the plot would've been central around something else. I am being silly. dwarf gourami said: Well it's just a game argument, all that needs to be said is that Jayseven should play Uncharted. Was it you that hadn't played it? Got the name wrong anyway. Yes, i should play it :P don't know anyone with a PS3 though!
Oxigen_Waste Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 dwarf gourami said: I have to state my disagreement again, half of Uncharted is about the platforming and better cinematics, not puzzles - they just slow the pace for effect. I'd say the locales for Uncharted aren't shit either - U-boat in jungle and caverns were great although maybe more variety was needed. As for controllers, I find them both equal, Dual Shock 3 pad is great for me with improved and well worn analogues I find it perfect because I have small hands anyway. The platforming is quite unnecessary, really, and terribly straightforward. As for the cinematics, yes, it's more cinematic than GoW. You got me there. As for the locales, I didn't express myself that well when I said "story/setting", because by setting, I meant the whole plot and story of the game. I agree that the locales are pretty nice, if not that varied, that's partially what I meant by "visuals", not only the graphics. Don't get me wrong, I liked Uncharted and will be playing Uncharted 2 as soon as it comes out, but I just preffered GoW, mainly because the in-action gameplay is much more smooth and perfected, the whole cover dealio is pretty well done, the 3 weapons thing is better than 2 weapons, the active reaload thingy, the action just flows better, and the multiplayer just perfectly fills that post-completion void. Plus, one thing that always bugs me about Uncharted is that the action parts just fell like the same shootout over and over and over again. Granted, it's still awesome, but I preffer GoW in that it's more varied (but hey, it's much more action driven than Uncharted, so that makes sense). As for the pads, it's not really a valid argument, that's just a personal preference. But I'll have to say, the shoulder buttons and the analogs on the ps gamepad just annoy the hell out of me. In fact, when it comes to non-exclusives, the only game I'll be buying on the PS3 is Tekken 6 (I mean, that PS pad is perfect for 3D fighters). Still, the whole "controller" thing is too subjective to be pertinent.
Chris the great Posted June 21, 2009 Author Posted June 21, 2009 platforming unneccicary? i dont see what your line of thought is there im afraid.
dwarf Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 Well it's not platforming in the traditional sense that it isn't exactly hard, but it breaks things up and the odd bit of jump timing is a nice change from just constant shooting.
Oxigen_Waste Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 Chris the great said: platforming unneccicary? i dont see what your line of thought is there im afraid. The platforming never really felt integral to the game and is pretty much just there for the sake of being there. In this particular game, it felt unnecessary and misplaced. Not that I would preffer it if it weren't there, it's just completely irrelevant to the experience. Got it? dwarf gourami said: Well it's not platforming in the traditional sense that it isn't exactly hard, but it breaks things up and the odd bit of jump timing is a nice change from just constant shooting. Agreed that it is a nice break. But in that sense I preffered the vehicle segments and the giant worm bit on GoW. And apparently I wasn't the only one.
Paj! Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 X-Men Next Dimension Not played this fighting game in about 3 years, but i thought I may as well. When I was 12 (or however old I was), I had no idea what the squiggly arrow + another button meant on the moves screen, and it wasn't explained in the booklet, so I had access to no decent moves except the obvious charged specials. Coming back now, I realised that it meant I had to spin the control stick, but it's so fiddly and hard, and after a while sore, that I'd prefer to just punch them to death. Pretty shit graphics too. I liekd the expansive arenas though, where you moved into different sections. And I hate how bad the script/voice acting is except Patrick Stewart. I love/hate how it gets 12+ because Psylocke randomly swears, as she is, of course, a rowdy londoner. I just can't imagine her screaming "Bugga this!" while psi-scanning someone in the comics like she does in this. Bad/10
Konfucius Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 Prototype I'm a few hours into it and so far quite like it. Gameplay is a bit like GTA with Superpowers in a Manhatten full of Zombies and the Army. The powers are quite cool and diverse but what I really enjoy is absorbing other people so one can disguise as them and get their memories. Combat requires little tactic and the combat system doesn't provide much, only when there are a lot of enemies around it can get quite tense and unlike me one should know then to make for a quick escape. Before I got a new ability fighting helicopters could get pretty annoying because they kept evading what I threw at them. The game actually shines when one is not doing a mission, there are quite a few sidequest but it's really fun to just run around and mess with your powers to your hearts content. Reveal hidden contents At the moment I got stripped off most of my powers, just when I got to grips with most of them. Now I have to rely on hit and run techniques, which is pretty annoying because after all the powers make combat fun and good. 7/10
Oxigen_Waste Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 hmm, ok disregard what I said about the platforming in Uncharted. The platforming is quite nice, even if it isn't essential.
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