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Irrational Fears.


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Behold my incredible laptop paint skills!



Seriously I am terrified of this


Also Dan, I agree being left handed is fucking awesome!


I once put the window of the school bus through. The whole glass window and metal around it and rubber seal came out.


PS: Never try to squash people against a bus window with you legs. You will have to pay monies.

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I've got some fears, all of the "waking up to find..." assortment.



...a spider crawling on my face. *shudder*




...myself in bed with another man. *shivers constantly*




...I had changed sex in the night. *squeals in terror.*


Now I know this last one is extremely unlikely. But, lads, if this was to actually happen to you, how could you tell your loved ones you're now a girl? How the hell did it happen? Could the people you know accept that you now have a fanny, and that you had probably turned lesbian (if you're that unattracted to men as I am)? Plus you'd start having periods and what females go through. And as I don't know the opposite gender AT ALL, that scares the living piss out of me! :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead




I'd still love football, though. Probably as much as lipstick... :indeed:


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Well, I wouldn't like having periods. Pregnancy wouldn't be a problem, as I'd be lesbian. What I'd love the most: Having boobs, which I'd grope constantly, and having to use the girls' locker room.


On a serious note, though, it's something I find interesting. If you changed sex, would it change your sexual preferences, too? How much can you actually change physically regarding sex? I like pondering existential questions like these. :)

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