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Obama -VS- McCain Choose your Poison!


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Cut McCain some slack here. It's not like he's Bush's puppet - if you read into this stuff well you can see that McCain isn't nearly as conservative as Bush is, and quite qualified for president. Either of the two will be a great improvement.


Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran. Yep he's very qualified for president.

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If Obama doesn't win, America's going to be in worse shape than it is currently.


Hyperbole much.

I don't really know enough about Obama's policies to say I would vote for him. I do however know enough about McCain's that I wouldn't vote for him. Tbh there really isn't much difference between republicans and democrats as a general rule. Neither party are particularly left wing. Take the last election for example pretty much the only policies disagreement they had was Bush wanted to tax the poor more and Kerry wanted to tax the rich more.

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Cut McCain some slack here. It's not like he's Bush's puppet - if you read into this stuff well you can see that McCain isn't nearly as conservative as Bush is, and quite qualified for president. Either of the two will be a great improvement.


McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time.


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Why do some people here have so much against us Christians?


I'm in a Christian school, i know a lot of christian guys, and 80% of my friends are Christian.


None of them believes in the bible literally

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I'm in a Christian school, i know a lot of christian guys, and 80% of my friends are Christian.


None of them believes in the bible literally


Why shouldn't the Bible be believed in literally? It's inspired by God, so therefore it is God's words...

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Why shouldn't the Bible be believed in literally? It's inspired by God, so therefore it is God's words...


If you want to believe that it is fine but by believing that you are automatically undermining everyone who thinks that is absurd.

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Why do some people here have so much against us Christians?


No-one insulted us, it's just that having an extemist for vice-president, regardless of religion, doesn't always go down too well for the people they're ruling.


I mean, take Tony Blair. He's a Catholic, but he seldom let his religious views mar his job. He was already bad enough at it as it was!


Although I see nothing wrong with 'Bible believing' Christians.

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Oh great, another religious debate.


I was thinking the same thing. This really should stop before this thread gets locked. I think we've established that we just need to respect other people's beliefs in what we say, regardless of what we think and move on.

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I think we've established that we just need to respect other people's beliefs in what we say, regardless of what we think




Talking of censorship, Palin fired a librarian from her town's library after they refused to remove books that conflicted with she found "morally or socially objectionable". She also fired several senior civil figures (for example, the police chief and the head of a local museum) when she came to power, as they appeared in a video supporting the previous mayor.


Oh, and she banned city officials from talking to the media without her permission.


Fuck God, he's just a scapegoat for all of your insecurities.




Kitty can scratch!



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Talking of censorship, Palin fired a librarian from her town's library after they refused to remove books that conflicted with she found "morally or socially objectionable". She also fired several senior civil figures (for example, the police chief and the head of a local museum) when she came to power, as they appeared in a video supporting the previous mayor.


Oh, and she banned city officials from talking to the media without her permission.



Those books are rumoured to include the Harry Potter books because they include witchcraft.


And the Russians are the bad guys.....

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So Fox are going with McCain I take it?


... Silly question really.


I wasn't really talking about the media, more the accused rigging of the 2000 and 2004 elections (some even say John Kerry was in on the 2004 one!). Read up on it, interesting stuff.


And the Russians are the bad guys.....


Wait... i'm not the only person on this forum who doesn't believe Russia are the bad guys?!?!?!

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Its not censorship, its respect. Nobody's forcing you to do it. Its just something that is polite to do.


Back on topic:


I haven't really been following the republicans that much, why exactly are people saying McCain's running mate is a nazi?

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Talking of censorship, Palin fired a librarian from her town's library after they refused to remove books that conflicted with she found "morally or socially objectionable". She also fired several senior civil figures (for example, the police chief and the head of a local museum) when she came to power, as they appeared in a video supporting the previous mayor.


Oh, and she banned city officials from talking to the media without her permission.


Shouldn't have let her out of the kitchen.

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