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Obama -VS- McCain Choose your Poison!


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Im not sure how much press the US election season is getting over in Europe but for those of you interested, who do you favor as the 'leader of the free world'


Old man McCain or secret Muslim Obama?


Im leaning towards Obama mainly to see if he's really the Washington outsider he claims to be. And although im fascinated with potential VPILF Sarah Palin, some of her comments give me the impression that shes a lunatic.



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Obama please. McCain is 72, he'll probably kick it and that Nazi vice president of his will assume command.


Apparently Obama only used the word 'victory' in regards to his electoral campaign and never in regards to Iraq. As soon as some thinks that what America has done in Iraq could ever be conceived as a victory, or could potentially be a victory, I have no respect for them. There is no victory in war, only death.

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As soon as some thinks that what America has done in Iraq could ever be conceived as a victory, or could potentially be a victory, I have no respect for them. There is no victory in war, only death.


Agreed here. I dont understand how Republicans can label themselves 'conservative' when the Iraq War has been the most liberal squandering of life and money ive seen in recent memory

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Obama, by a mile. He's the more socialist and liberal of the two, he's less likely to kick the bucket in office, and he's an amazing public speaker. He's also pro-healthcare-for-all. He's also anti-Iraq war and is pro-energy independence, as well as anti-lobbyist. :D


If McCain does die in office, we'll be stuck with Sarah Palin, who is, put simply, the anti-me. She's anti-atheist, pro-life, pro-hunting (ironic, eh?), anti-gay marriage, anti-contraception, and is generally stupid enough to drag the scale out to the point at which Dick Cheney and a Nobel Prize Laureate are indistinguishable.

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I don't know enough about the actual policies of the two candidates to make an informed decision on voting. But I do know this; I'd never vote for anything that gave someone like Sarah Palin the chance of getting any power.


1. The whole pro-life, anti-hunting thing is hilariously dumb.

2. Never give an extreme Christian get any kind of authority

3. She was nominated only because of being young and female. McCain wanted the Hilary voters and the people concerned about his age. She wasn't the best person for the job. It's too much about politics, not enough about the best way to lead the country, which is bullshit.

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Obama. I love him, and the propect of change in the White House is exciting.


McCain is just an idiot. I mean, as if starting a war with celebrities such as Paris Hilton is bad enough, he also comes across as very rude in interviews. On top of that, he's too nationalistic for my liking.

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Obama, without any doubt.

I don't know their rules, i don't know what they're against and with, i just know that McCain is more of the same.


And that makes me choose Obama, obviously, he is fresh air to the world.

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How anyone could even contemplate voting for McCain I don't know. He chose Palin as a publicity stunt, he's fucking old, and he just sounds like the next Bush.


Plus Palin has said numerous times she wants Gay Marriage banned, she's Anti-Choice (Oh sorry, "Pro-Life" :heh: ) and she can't seem to control her own problems let alone the problems she'd face when she becomes Vice President.


If Obama doesn't win, America's going to be in worse shape than it is currently.

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How anyone could even contemplate voting for McCain I don't know. He chose Palin as a publicity stunt, he's fucking old, and he just sounds like the next Bush.


Plus Palin has said numerous times she wants Gay Marriage band, she's Anti-Choice (Oh sorry, "Pro-Life" :heh: ) and she can't seem to control her own problems let alone the problems she'd face when she becomes Vice President.


If Obama doesn't win, America's going to be in worse shape than it is currently.


Not only America, most of the Western world will suffer if we have him as the new president

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If I had the choice, Obama for sure. Most of his viewpoints seem to be the same as mine, while McCain's are the total opposite. Honestly if McCain gets in, it'll just be the same like Bush I reckon. And the USA (and the world) don't need/deserve that.

Change needs to be made, and I don't think McCain is right for that job, at all.


So yeah, I'll be severely disappointed in the American people if they vote for McCain.

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Plus Palin has said numerous times she wants Gay Marriage band


A Gay Marriage band? Hmm, I wonder what songs they'd play... "How deep is your love"?


Anyway, Obama for sure. Republicans suck, and having a black president would be awesome (24 anyone?). Haha, me and my superficial views on politics...:p

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He chose Palin as a publicity stunt


Amen to that. As if to say 'Hey, feminists and those who love female politicians, vote for me!'


Although, I sincerely doubt a single one of the aforementioned feminists in their right mind will vote for John Bush, sorry, McCain.

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Cut McCain some slack here. It's not like he's Bush's puppet - if you read into this stuff well you can see that McCain isn't nearly as conservative as Bush is, and quite qualified for president. Either of the two will be a great improvement.


Having said that, I'd much prefer Obama for various reasons. Firstly because any Democrat is better than a Republican.

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