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Left 4 Dead: A Thread For Suvivalists


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Don't know what powershots are but if you're trying to get the CroOwned achievement, it might refer to sneaking up on a witch with you torch off and with a shotgun and shooting her at point blank in the face before she gets up. I'd say that must be what they are referring to as that's the only way I can think of getting it and it's how I got the achievement.

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Can someone tell me about these powershots people refer to when getting the Cro0wned achievement.


I'm pretty sure that the Cr0wned achievement is for killing the witch with one shot. A powershot shoots a whole clip at once, and probably wouldn't count.

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I did it totally by accident. I could hear her, and was sneaking around to avoid her. But happened to bump into her around a corner, just as she was getting up I just started unloading my shotgun, I must have missed the first couple of shots, then got her with a headshot......crOwnd.

Edited by MATtheHAT
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^yeah pretty much what I did. I was trying to get it for a few games, and when I did it was amidst a flurry of "ohshitohshitohshit" auto-shotgun rounds. I think you basically need her to turn her head as you're really close, while she turns real red. Poke your gun in her eyeballs and BLAMMO! Job done.


There are two that I'm kinda-trying to get -- they're both versus ones; Drag a survivor for 100yards (madness) and incapacitate a survivor after they've left teh safe room. The latter is definitely possible and I've come close a couple of times, but the former is rather more down to luck (being a smoker in a massive area, for one!). Kill all 4 survivors in one life as a tank? I came real close. Got three DOWN, but was on fire and the other dude had legged it. Finding that I get kicked a lot trying to play on expert live, so I doubt I'll ever do any campaigns on that difficulty without patient amigo at my side.


When's taht new campaign out again?

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If you really want to, you can do the versus achievements in split screen. I had to do it for Lamb 2 Slaughter as nobody comes back out.


For the Tank one, cars are your best friend. Although they've "improved" the location of the cars in most levels so it's harder to get that way. You also have to make sure your team or the bot (that your infected turns into when you take control of the tank) don't incap anyone.


Apparently it's out in September.

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A preview is a bit excessive for DLC. It would involve:


- Releasing a patch

- Accepting friend requests

- Sending download codes to people involved

- Let people download a beta version of the content which would only allow use if invited by whatshisname.

- Require people to download the updated content when it's fully released.


Which would also limit the amount of participants to 100 at the most.

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Well, I finally got my computer (or well, all the components which I've succesfully put together it seems).


If people are up for a game with newbie (Have played though the first campaign in single player on easy to get a feel for the game, and a feel for PC gaming in general, it has been a while :D), people can add me, my steam account is Nat_King_Cole. Please notify me through e-mail.

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Damn, how much longer do we wait. Any Americans able to download Crash course yet? Just so I know if europe has to wait longer.


They usually have updates the same time as us (5/6AM their time, 10/11AM our time).


It's up, but they've increased the price from 560 to 800.


Edit: According to Major Nelson it's a mistake and should be fixed sometime soon.


Edit: It's now 560.

Edited by Cube
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I hate helicopters!


Awesome, this is gonna be good :)


After completion....


It was good but not amazing. Not sure what I was expecting really but it reused most assets so it all looked very familiar. Thought they might have included some movies to link crash course with no mercy but nope. Obviously would be better in multiplayer which I can't play at the moment due to internet woes. Also...


At the end when you get in the truck, instead of it sending zombies flying as you plough through the horde, they merely just pass through it.. Was pretty lame.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not much talk on the new campaign, then!


First thing that struck me was how damn quick it was all over! I played it online with some people who obviously knew where they were going, and we were done in 20 -- only that slow because I was still looking around a little. The glitch at the end, as you pointed out, SPAMBOT, is rather lame.


Got to give this a go on versus after a few more plays on campaign (offline as well as on). The new achievements actually look quite fun, too!

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