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The University Thread 08/09


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Ok, I'm incredibly confused.


The Kent website says they want accomodation fee's paid by the dates in the contract, but the first date is the 20th. I don't get paid my loan until the 29th. How the fuck do they expect people to pay this shit before they've even gotten their loan money through.


Also, they say they want me to send a copy of my Student Finance financial notification for tuition loans, but they don't say who.


And one more thing, is on the getting started thing, they say you need to 'Arrange a method and system of payment' and that their guide thing will help you. All their guide thing does is list what they accept and a link to their online payment system.



Dooom heeelp.


Yeh i had teh same problem man, turns out it has to be paid by the 20th of october or something, not sure, well i rang them and inquired, beware, they don't take checks, only online methods of payment. See, some people will be moving in on the 21st too, so they would have to pay before they go, which i dunno, makes not too much sense.

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Yeah rang them just now, apparently as long as our deposits are in before we move, we have until the 9th of October for the first term, And a fortnight after the specifies dates for the other two.


Relieves me quite a bit hearig that, well, apart from the last term, when I recieve my money like a month and a half after fees are due.

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I got nothing other than a piece of paper telling me how much my fees would be. No information on how to give the University the money or when I've to give them it. And I still don't know whether I'm being funded or not because SAAS finally sent me a letter saying,' We don't have enough information so fill in this form for us before we can process your application.' The fact that the form required me to fill in information about my schooling past and previous education beyond school was strange seeing as they should have it on my application. And if not, it's definitely available on previous applications. Lazy pricks. Took them 3 weeks to send me that and I'll probably have to wait even longer to find out whether or not I'm funded.


Anyways, I sorted out my student account. Went with NatWest for the free student rail card. Just waiting on the papers arriving to finalise it. Got a nice overdraft of £1,250 which isn't bad although my mother said straight away,' You're not to use it!' :indeed: Could have a very nice night out with the money.

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I had a look around Nottingham Uni today, i found surprisingly good considering it's in Nottingham. I had a quick look around the main campus, but spent most fo the time at a smaller one as that's where i'd be. The Computer Science section is fairly new there and looks a good course. The only downside would have been the accommodation, i wouldn't really want to be in a catered halls'. Overall i'd say it is still in with a chance.


Next Uni's to look at are, Sheffield Uni (And hallam), Plymouth, Norwich, Exeter and maybe Lincoln... although Lincoln is 99/100 in the league tables in computer science. Which leads me on to a questions. How much does the ranking of a Uni make a difference? I know entry level points are lower, but is a degree at the worst Uni who offers the course really worth much?

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My degree is from Lincoln (media) and when I went to look round if certainly was impressive. The Uni is expanding at such a fast pace its quite cool too see all the changes happening. But it is still a relatively young uni.


You'll find its not the degree that counts its experience that will get you the job.

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Next Uni's to look at are, Sheffield Uni (And hallam), Plymouth, Norwich, Exeter and maybe Lincoln... although Lincoln is 99/100 in the league tables in computer science. Which leads me on to a questions. How much does the ranking of a Uni make a difference? I know entry level points are lower, but is a degree at the worst Uni who offers the course really worth much?


Exeter is a fookin beautiful place. I went there to see my best mate, and absolutely loved it. It feels like the countryside, lots of green and hilly in some areas but also has a good shopping centre with loads of shops/restaurants etc. P.S The girls there were pretty damn fine!


In terms of rankings for uni, I guess they do matter, but they shouldn't be the be all and end all. Some Uni's may have a good reputation but don't really excel in the the subject you're interested in. Take for example, myself.


I was interested in York Uni as well as it has a good rep and high on the league table. However when I looked at its rankings for Business and Management (which I'm looking to do), it was something like 50th. Instead I chose to go to Aston Uni, which my not be as reputable as York, but is well known for its graduate prospects (getting a job afterwards is pretty important!) as well as its business courses. Its 24th in the table overall in the UK and 11th for Business and management.


May not be as high as other places but I feel I'll get the most out of the course at Aston. :smile:

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I had a look around Nottingham Uni today, i found surprisingly good considering it's in Nottingham. I had a quick look around the main campus, but spent most fo the time at a smaller one as that's where i'd be. The Computer Science section is fairly new there and looks a good course. The only downside would have been the accommodation, i wouldn't really want to be in a catered halls'. Overall i'd say it is still in with a chance.


Next Uni's to look at are, Sheffield Uni (And hallam), Plymouth, Norwich, Exeter and maybe Lincoln... although Lincoln is 99/100 in the league tables in computer science. Which leads me on to a questions. How much does the ranking of a Uni make a difference? I know entry level points are lower, but is a degree at the worst Uni who offers the course really worth much?


The ranking seems like arse to me, sheffield is quite low down as jay pointed out I think, but I believe the standards seem to be pretty damn high. I'd ignore the system and go for what you think is the better option.


As to halls most unis should and usually do offer a range, is there no private halls there? It's about ten quid a week more if anything to live there.

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As to halls most unis should and usually do offer a range, is there no private halls there? It's about ten quid a week more if anything to live there.


I think i went to a private halls today, it was off campus anyway. Problem is it just felt really grotty. My brother is at Lincoln in his final year and his flat is both big and en-suite. His was the first halls i had seen and it's given me a standard, a standard which hasn't been met yet. I think i'm being too picky. :heh:

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I think i went to a private halls today, it was off campus anyway. Problem is it just felt really grotty. My brother is at Lincoln in his final year and his flat is both big and en-suite. His was the first halls i had seen and it's given me a standard, a standard which hasn't been met yet. I think i'm being too picky. :heh:


Nah I can't blame you, me and my parents were exactly the same, my dad refused to pay for my rent unless i was using an en-suite. Some places are awful, norfolk park in sheffield used to be a horrible place to live, my ex lived there and there shared toilet looked like a public one. eurgh.

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@ Strider - I was exactly like you when I initially looked at places to stay in Aberdeen. The halls weren't up to much and almost all of the places where shared bathrooms, which I wouldn't have had a problem with if it weren't for the fact that I spend about 20 mins in the bathroom every morning before I go out to college. It took ages for me to find somewhere which I thought was up to the standards I'd acceptibly live in but it was really expensive. Good thing I'm not going there anymore though. That'll save £5,000+ a year on rent.


Starting to get a bit antsy about starting Uni now. It's only a few days until I start and while I'm really looking forward to getting started I'm a little apprehensive about going. I'm sure I'll be fine when I start. It's just jitters about going to a new place again. Was exactly the same when I started college two years ago. Except when I went to college I had come out of private school and was looked down on for being a snob, which I promptly became just to piss everyone off. :P That's how I turned those guys into friends.

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You aren't the only one, I start in a week and do I have a computer..




I love my mum she's sorted everything, except the thing I might happen to need the most. sigh, at this rate I'll have to say in to wait for it, during freshers week and yet my mum doesn't seem too rushed to buy me computer..


sigh. I give up ^_^ I may as well buy my freaking own.

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Urgh. Just checked my timetable and remembered lectures this year are starting and finishing at quater past the hour so that people with kids can drop them off at the creche >_< Its not like they could just leave the house a bit earlier...?

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@ Nightwolf - I know what it's like. It was my mother who was supposed to originally sort out my laptop but for weeks she just didn't do anything about it. So to solve said problem, I went round her and just got my father to buy it without her knowing. And the good thing was that because of it being my father he said no to me getting a £250 laptop and plonked for one that cost £335 instead. lol. I'd just buy your own and then recoup your money from your mother as I presume she said she'd get your the computer. Verbal contract. No going back. :heh:


@ Ashley - I know how it is with a screwed up timetable because of parents. Ok, some leeway has to be given to them for their kids but it ruined my timetable at college last year. The lecturers kept cutting lessons short so they could go and pick up their kids and so we had to rush in the last few weeks of term to get the missed stuff done. It really should be that they just go to the daycare earlier with their kids but we can't really tell them how to do it.

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I can't really afford a £600-800 desktop, it's just irratating because if it'd been done earlier this week it wouldn't have mattered, now if it turns up I may have to miss most of freshers week just to wait for it, because I'll be the only one to pick it up as nobody will be home during the week.


It just makes no logical sense whatsoever and does nothing but make me stressed about it, but she just doesn't seem to realise and my dad is useless with computers. So thats a no go :(.

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I'm really starting to get excited about uni....and a bit nervous though! I was just looking at my calender today and realised its already the 13th of September! Time seems to be going so quick now, which I'm happy about. I just wanna have my own place and have some fun ....and of course study! lol.

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I can't really afford a £600-800 desktop, it's just irratating because if it'd been done earlier this week it wouldn't have mattered, now if it turns up I may have to miss most of freshers week just to wait for it, because I'll be the only one to pick it up as nobody will be home during the week.


It just makes no logical sense whatsoever and does nothing but make me stressed about it, but she just doesn't seem to realise and my dad is useless with computers. So thats a no go :(.


Surely they'd just leave a 'we missed you' card and you can go pick it up in your/your parent's own time?


Besides, you don't actually need a computer during freshers. Nor the first few weeks really (uni'll have computers to use)

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3 more days and I move in. Bit aprehensive, bit excited, but most of me is just ...meh to going. I just have a part of me saying is this gonne be worth my while. Hopefully I'm right.

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