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How Much Of A Light Weight Are You?


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oh thanks :heh: So I'm either fat or a heavy drinker, I like to think I am neither! [/joke]


It takes me a while, alot more than say letty, ridiculously more! I can however get tipsy very easily if I've had nothing to eat, but that has to be nothing to eat for about 12 hours. I would say I would much rather be able to drink as a mid-weight rather than a heavy weight.


I'm not much of a drinker, so I can't say I care too much, I'm not out to get drunk, I don't drink enough varied alcohol to be able to. moogleviper's drinking is nothing compared to some of my old school friends, to get drunk, so I believe him.


Exactly. There are plenty of people who could easily drink me under the table. If I was going to big up my e-penis then those figures would have been doubled.


haha I'm not totally confident about my weight and less about my height, sh*t happens, I wouldn't worry about it ;)


Why do short women want to be tall and tall women want to be short?


The same with boobs, the ones that have small ones want big ones, the ones that have big ones want smaller ones. You women are never satisfied.

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Why do short women want to be tall and tall women want to be short?


The same with boobs, the ones that have small ones want big ones, the ones that have big ones want smaller ones. You women are never satisfied.


I know what you mean, women = lost on me - don't even get me started on my girlfriend and her belief that she's fat. The fact that I'm not particularly strong yet I can still benchpress her weight with ease suggests that she's indeed quite the opposite. (I would share it with you but she might rip off a part of my anatomy were she to find out!)


On topic, I can drink a surprising amount before I get drunk and I've only ever been completely drunk twice. Not trying to big myself up, seeing as I don't know you people I'm not really that fussed what you think of me but it takes around 6 pints for me to start feeling the effects and I can go on to drink about 10 - 12 pints before I start to feel properly drunk as such. Saying that I don't drink so much anymore and my nights out seem to be a lot shorter than before. Give me wine and I can be drunk on two glasses sometimes, it's like my kryptonite!


Surprisingly I don't drink as much as I used to in school, I remember a friday night could consist of 15 pints sometimes! I don't drink very often anymore though, as a) I'm older and b) I don't drink to get drunk - t'is a very pointless thing to do.


I'm a bit of a big'un, 6'2 and about 83 kilos so that might explain why....

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Exactly. There are plenty of people who could easily drink me under the table. If I was going to big up my e-penis then those figures would have been doubled.




Why do short women want to be tall and tall women want to be short?


The same with boobs, the ones that have small ones want big ones, the ones that have big ones want smaller ones. You women are never satisfied.


That's generalising all women :heh: I am tall (5ft10/11) and I love it. It's great being able to reach high places with ease :D The weight thing is a big issue for 99% of women, I'll agree with that.


EDIT: ohmygod reZ, shut up, we are so not inferior you ass! :heh:

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I've only been drinking for just over a year.


So, in terms of handling my own...well..I suck. I'm a cheap date, so to speak. Sometimes, I'm pretty hyper enough as it is, and the alcohol just enhances that. I can be a right annoying sucka with my cheerfullness, haha.


By the first pint, I'm like...hmm..this stuff that I'm drinking is pretty nice. I have my drinks of choice. Brother's Strawberry Cider is the greatest drink in the world for me, followed by a nice cold Strongbow.


By the second, two things happen: I either end up getting more hypery, or the opposite, I start to feel sleepy, and everything becomes a bit slow and peaceful. I have quite happily laid down in the middle of the room and just stared at the ceiling, admiring the pretty patterns, because I like them.


After that, providing I'm not falling asleep, I'm usually just dancing, pratting around, having a laugh. For some reason, when I'm in a place with music, the music gets louder, whilst all the background noise and chit-chatter and other stuff just gets quieter. I close my eyes and I can just "feel" the music. So, you might see me stood in the middle of the room, just taking it all in, haha.


So... I guess that's about 2/3 pints. Daaamn.

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I've been drinking since I was 14, and I guess all my drinking buddies can testify to my excessive capacity for alcohol consumption. I just downed an entire bottle of 23% Sake, and I feel fairly drunk, so I guess thats your indicator of my tolerance. As for what Jayseven said, I'm not exactly fat, although I might be considered an alcoholic (:heh:) so I guess my tolerance isn't going to be as high as some people, but I can most definitely hold my own.


I can say that when I exceed the around 9 pint (within a couple of hours) I tend to get pretty down. So I generall keep within about 5 pints within an hour to start with and then it gets more gradual from there.

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..and you wonder why women hate men? :indeed: Besides I've seen the depressing threads on here, I know you men are just as bad!


Isn't this statement just as much a stereotype as the one this is in response to? Lol, sorry, I'm just being picky and annoying as usual....

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