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Yeah i have aswell, I think a few of us might have. Its not actually that hard when you get all the secret maps.

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Yeah i have aswell, I think a few of us might have. Its not actually that hard when you get all the secret maps.


Not at all to be fair, i have since recovered many secrets since retrieving some of the maps.


Currently downloading the free DLC at the moment, see what that is like.

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Wonder if Eidos will follow Criterion's business model for Burnout and give us this free dlc then give us something awesome we really want but charge us for it...

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Really like the DLC, I prefer the combat style of this new map to the original ones and its defiantely nice to have a new silent predator map to mess around on.

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I have, im pretty sure someone else has as well... i think.


Yeah it's not that hard to get 100% really when you get those maps and they tell you where everything is. Only reeally had to use them for finding those last few icons, rather that the riddles which are simple when you find something that looks totally out of place.

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Yeah it's not that hard to get 100% really when you get those maps and they tell you where everything is. Only reeally had to use them for finding those last few icons, rather that the riddles which are simple when you find something that looks totally out of place.


Yep, couldn't agree more!!!


The challenge maps are where the difficulty is though IMO. Some of the predator ones just took some very good thinking (to get all the medals) and the combat ones just some very good combat skill! (which seems to naturally come by playing the game shit loads anyway!).


However in the case of Shock and Awe extreme, u need to be fast and good!!!


Once i had done the challenge modes i flew through the game on hard difficulty, there was just one of two bits that took me a few goes to get past.

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Yep, couldn't agree more!!!


The challenge maps are where the difficulty is though IMO. Some of the predator ones just took some very good thinking (to get all the medals) and the combat ones just some very good combat skill! (which seems to naturally come by playing the game shit loads anyway!).


However in the case of Shock and Awe extreme, u need to be fast and good!!!


Once i had done the challenge modes i flew through the game on hard difficulty, there was just one of two bits that took me a few goes to get past.


Wish I had the time to get the plat on this game >.< Had a week from work and have still not got around to playing it again!

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Can't download the free DLC as i'm not a gold member at the moment. It doesn't even say you can download it at a later date like some demo's.

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Can't download the free DLC as i'm not a gold member at the moment. It doesn't even say you can download it at a later date like some demo's.


You usually can after a week or two.

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Starting playing this today, its awesome!


I love the camera view when you are in a cut-scene etc, original, at first I thought it might be annoying, but it does allow you to see more of the scene itself.


Not so sure about the fighting yet, although its pretty impressive, as is the graphics. :D

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Dammit the Freeflow Combat Challenges are pissing me off. I only need to do these for the Platinum. The Predator challenges were awesome, I loved those. But fuck 'Shock and Awe (Extreme)'


*sigh* Anybody got any advice?

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I think I may trade in the game tomorrow, I have now completed it 3 times. I do like the challenge rooms but ive played through them quite a few times already so it might be time to move onto another game.

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I think I may trade in the game tomorrow, I have now completed it 3 times. I do like the challenge rooms but ive played through them quite a few times already so it might be time to move onto another game.


It might be worth keeping hold of it for the amount of DLC planned.

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It might be worth keeping hold of it for the amount of DLC planned.


Yeah that is one thing thats on my mind but ive never been a big person for DLC, I like main games then extras I get bored of quite quickly so if it was some amazing DLC then id consider buying the game again when it got cheaper.

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Is it me or does this game has metroid prime elements? Its pretty good so far. Extremely well polished and fun. Take notes EA.

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Is it me or does this game has metroid prime elements? Its pretty good so far. Extremely well polished and fun. Take notes EA.


id say it reminded me of a mix between metroid prime, assassins creed and a hint of eternal darkness.

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id say it reminded me of a mix between metroid prime, assassins creed and a hint of eternal darkness.


Nothing wrong with the Prime aspects. Good game mechanics. :D

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Dammit the Freeflow Combat Challenges are pissing me off. I only need to do these for the Platinum. The Predator challenges were awesome, I loved those. But fuck 'Shock and Awe (Extreme)'


*sigh* Anybody got any advice?


Aaaah, the good old Shock and aaww shit as I like to call it


It's just a loooong process of trial and error really :p


But if you want tips, I'll give you some:


1) Don't bother going after the guys who're going up for guns, just wait for them to return and then smack 'em in the face....


2) Take out the "special" henchmen ASAP, with instant takedowns, they'll get a pain in the ass for your combo later on...


3) Roll as much as you can!! If you find yourself in a bad position or surrounded, just roll!! It makes Batman look like a total douche, but he doesn't get hit/doesn't break the combo :D


4) Go for Ground takedowns, they land you a huge amount of points (100*combo), but don't forget to clear out the area with the combo batarang before attempting it, nothing more annoying than some goon that breaks your 45 combo while you're GT-ing a guy -.-


Here, hope it helps :)

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im currently trying to get the medals on the combat challenges, im finding the normal shock and awe hard enough let alone the extreme version. The game does remind me quite alot of Metroid Prime in some aspects particularly the upgrades to your weapons and when you have scanner on. One of the best games of the year I think, I wonder if there'll be a sequal.

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Think i am going to buy this. Its really good.


PS3 or 360 version.... 360 has better frame rates.


I kid i kid, sorry i just couldnt resist >.<

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