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For the Revolution I wish for . . .


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Well we all know that more information has yet to be released about the Revolution, and after something like the controller being shown I really wouldn't be surprised by anything anymore.


So, if you could wish for one thing for the Revolution to be revealed, what would it be?


Mine would be a NES/SNES/N64 all-in-one card reader. That'd be awesome.

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I want eight controllers to be usable at once, on the one console. Rather than four. So that four people could play, with two in each hand.
I actually think there is a good chance of that happening! There are times in the Revolution controller video (such as the drummer) where this is shown! It would be great for music games, duel-wielding in FPS etc... It could happen!!
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I definitely read a quote from someone high up at Nintendo that I saw on some respectable website that basically said no, four controllers at one time would be the max on the rev. No four players controlling two remote-things each, I'm afraid. Two players controlling two each is perfectly doable though.

I'd dig up the quote but frankly, I can't be arsed.

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I was just watching a video showing off the co-op mode in PDZ on the 360. I was very impressed, but I thought what could be better than that? a 4 player wi-fi co-op mode. I'm not sure whether it's been done in an FPS before, but I would like it if one of the supposed FPS games for the Revolution had this kind of feature.

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I was just watching a video showing off the co-op mode in PDZ on the 360. I was very impressed, but I thought what could be better than that? a 4 player wi-fi co-op mode. I'm not sure whether it's been done in an FPS before, but I would like it if one of the supposed FPS games for the Revolution had this kind of feature.


yeah that would be pretty good to have a co-op mode on a fps. the revelution has really got me excited. i can't wait for it to be released.

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I think some original peripherals would do me. Like a water jet that squirts you in the face when you get hurt!


Honestly though, I'm quite happy. I just wish people (the public) would start listening to the developers (apart from Mark Rein) and realise that the Rev is innovative and fun and has backing and that the other systems are same old dame old.


I mean great, you can either have a specialised PC or a tricked out BluRay player as the other two options. Yawn....

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Now that you mention DS connectivity, I remember it was said about a few months ago, that you would be able to download demos to your DS from Revolution, but unfortunately, I can't remember what site reported it. I think it was IGN og something.

Anyway, what I would really like to see on Revolution is a FPS like F.E.A.R. Something with lots of action, scary moments, and nice graphics.

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Lyk ya totally, dude.


I'm not sure if your making fun of me (calling me a dits or something...I'm black and live no where near the beach buddy), or making fun of yourself. It was a stupid comment all around.


Anyway, DS-REV connectivity has already been confirmed. They didn't tell us anything else (as usual). I'm sure downloading REV VC games to your DS is in the works (the obvious use of the connection), so I wouldn't worry.


As for my wish? So many things are already coming true that making a wish at this point would seem...well, pointless. However, I'll still join in the fun and say RE5.


Imagine walking around in a pitch black environment with only a flash light (controlled via the REV). It would be like the part where your ashley except MUCH more immersive. Add a couple zombies or bats (basically something to startle you) and it could quite possibily be the scarest game to date.


With better, faster, more precise aiming, the bosses could be crazy intimadating but still beatable. Imagine driving a humvee, chasing down a beast of a bird with a gatlin gun. Your aim with gun would have to be almost perfect. The dragon/bird would swoop by and grab the top of the humvee. You have to act quickly and slice it's talons off. You can also control the humvee (albeit restricted). Quickly moving your hand left or right will cause the humvee to swerve. This is good for DODGING FIREBALLS!


Anyway, the game has endless potential. It would be a shame if not made.

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uh. the way that i read the article was that nintendo had something else that was intuitive to reveal. not just a:


"hey guess what, #Game X# is coming out and it uses the controller like this..."


no offence guys, but you are looking in the wrong direction. a revelation is a tad more important than a new game coming out.


"So even though we've already shown you the basics on Revolution," Harrison concluded, "you can be sure that there are still a few more surprises we're holding for a later date... We'll be eager to hear what you have to say and think you'll be pleased with what's in store around the corner!


for those that were excited by the 'revolutionary controller' (pardon the pun), im sure that there is a lot more in store to be revealed at a later date, that not even we can comprehend.

i mean cmon!!! if the controller was the first wave of goodness to be released, surely whats left is gonna be awesome!


think outside the box people.

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I'm not sure if your making fun of me (calling me a dits or something...I'm black and live no where near the beach buddy), or making fun of yourself. It was a stupid comment all around.


Jesus, bringing in your colour and everything, man. Calm down.

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I would like to see a massive presentation of developer support. Far more than Nintendo has ever had, for any console! That would be most important if names such as Tecmo, Rockstar, Gearbox, Epic, etc, etc were confirmed. We are going in a brave new direction for gaming and total support from all types of developers would be appreciated.

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