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Penguin Break Season 4


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Season 4 is a standalone season like any other, That fact that Sara is in it sort of seperates it slightly from season 3, and that fact they kinda ain't in prison any more.


Enough with the 90210 tag, i dont like the show, I simply couldn't think of a better subject for my first thread in god knows how long.

haha yeah ok!


It's not a standalone season like any other, because Season 3 was cut in half due to the writers strike. Without that strike the show may not have needed to go to a fourth season, we don't know what they're doing with the story.


Yes it now being billed as Season four, and it is!

But it's still the story we would have seen after the 'mid-season break'... only extended!

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haha yeah ok!


It's not a standalone season like any other, because Season 3 was cut in half due to the writers strike. Without that strike the show may not have needed to go to a fourth season, we don't know what they're doing with the story.


Yes it now being billed as Season four, and it is!

But it's still the story we would have seen after the 'mid-season break'... only extended!


But is it? With all the talk from the cast about the show potentially being able to go on for a while longer, the writers could have wrapped up the show in 9 extra episodes? Some how I think not.

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But is it? With all the talk from the cast about the show potentially being able to go on for a while longer, the writers could have wrapped up the show in 9 extra episodes? Some how I think not.
I think fans of the show would be a bit pissed at a 9 episode mini-season, I know I would be!


So yes they would have padded it out a little, but it's in securing Sara whilst the show was off air that I'd imagine has resulted in the additional storylines.


That's why they've made it longer at 16 episodes and why it's now more of it's own [fourth] Series.


Anyways aside from all that, it wouldn't have made sense to call it and market it as Season 3 part 2!

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Right just seen the new episodes. Thoughts...


Firstly I like the fact that they're all after the company now but it does seem a little too happy family at the moment. Though T-Bag is on a revenge mission, awesome. It seems too convenient they all get arrested and all have to take the company down to get their lives back. Micheal, Linc, Sara and Mahone working together I can understand. Sucre and Bellick? As much as I like having the old gang back together it seems to me going a bit Lostified. Like Lost all the characters seem to be tied together regardless of whether they should/want to be or not. I would've preferred Sucre and Bellick to have had their own back stories much like Season 2. What the shit is with Micheal at the end, he better not frigging die! One final puzzling thing though. The guy called Jasper who the cop talks to... did anyone else get shades of Kellerman in his acting or is it just me? I was sure it was Kellerman until I saw his face properly, plastic surgery because the actor wouldn't come back?


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Watched the first one, second one is being torrented.


Well, I thought they wrapped things up from series 3 far too quickly. I would've liked to have seen the guys busting out of Sona for one. I think the episode really tried to get too much done, the stuff which happened should have taken 2 or 3 episodes IMO.


Whilst things seem to be set up nicely, they could have been a lot more subtle in doing so. So I'm a little annoyed. I'm also wondering how they're going to drag it out for however many episodes they're doing...


Oh, and I don't like the new company guy. He doesn't have that ice-coldness that guys like Kellerman and Kim had. Plus I preferred silent Pad Man. I would have loved to have seen him scribbling furiously at Gretchen :D


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Bollocks. Looked on SKyone website to see what time I had to watch season 3.

There was a picture that showed the cast of season 4. Fuck. So sarah isnt dead like i thought, which is really good. Shell look nice without a head. Still a spoiler though.

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Just watched the first two episodes:


Yes they did skip over everything a bit to quickly at the start, and it was all a little convientient, but once again I'm liking the shows new direction.


It was always gonna be tough for them returning back into America and it caught up with all of them!

But I think they've worked the story around quite well. Finding out that Michael and Linc's father was already in league with a branch of the government to bring the company down and now they have to finish the job.


Some seriously unexpected moments so far!! and that can only be a good thing so early on in the season, as it's setting a good standard.


- Never thought Whistler would go out so soon! major shock!

Though I thought he was a good character, it's probably for the best as he was beginning to get a bit boring... "The book, the co-ordinates, I'm sorry Michael, The book, the co-ordinates, I'm sorry Michael" etc...


- Poor Mahone!! didn't see that coming either and felt really sorry for him.

Also once again William Fichtner is on form!


Thought they delt with Sara coming back well, and some great scenes between her and Michael.

Great acting from Sara aswell!


Was obvious Gretchen/Susan wasn't dead as they didn't actually show it!

But damn did she provide a sexy start to the Season! If only Whistler had been able to take her up on her offer!!


But at the end of episode 2... WTF is up with Michael?!! Shit that's gotta be bad!!

Great start!

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Somewhat disappointing to be honest. Everything in the first episode happened too fast; I understand why they had to, to catch up quickly and get on with it, but it still didn't feel right. And as has been said, very "convenient".


Also, it all seems too easy for them now. In Season 1 Michael was taking a bolt from a bench and shaving it down on the floor until it fit to unscrew the toilet. Now, they have a warehouse full of PC's and can get a million different cars instantly. Also, the "device" is such bullshit. A phone that can take data off of a memory card wirelessly? Bugger off.


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Somewhat disappointing to be honest. Everything in the first episode happened too fast; I understand why they had to, to catch up quickly and get on with it, but it still didn't feel right. And as has been said, very "convenient".


Also, it all seems too easy for them now. In Season 1 Michael was taking a bolt from a bench and shaving it down on the floor until it fit to unscrew the toilet. Now, they have a warehouse full of PC's and can get a million different cars instantly. Also, the "device" is such bullshit. A phone that can take data off of a memory card wirelessly? Bugger off.

It's not a phone, it's just designed to look like one so it's less conspicuous!


They've got everything handed to them thus far because they're working with a top branch of the government, of course they'll have a lot at their disposal.


It's a very different direction for the show, but they're only just starting out on this mission. I think the struggles and tensions will be there. Mahone's gonna really struggle with his loss, Sara's nightmares are there, and things look like they might be about to get very dark for Michael!


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I've found the perfect moment. I'm sat here, eating garibaldis (biscuits) and with a huge cup of tea.


Holy Fuck...I mean...what?!


WHISTLER IS DEAD?! I mean...just like that. Shit!


I couldn't agree more.


Very like how Veronica died in the first episode of season 2. Still, definitely didn't see it coming!


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Ok, my thoughts:


Pretty strong, so far. Yes, it was very convenient for all the characters to get busted, but then it does kinda fit in with what Self was saying about Fate.


Also, the more I think about Sona rioting, the more it makes sense. Lechero is dead, there is technically no leader now. T-Bag probably caused the rioting and then just slipped off the radar.


I think it's been pretty good up til now. Was very shocked to see Whistler get owned so quickly. And, I did think Susan was dead...fuck. But, she's still alive, a good little recovery there. I did think, shit...whistler AND susan!


I did get a little teary when Sara reappeared. She does appear to be scarred after the events which took place. Also, Michael...he's going to crack. It's been hinted at for a long time, but it looks like it's going to happen.


Also, new Company Assassin (wyatt) is fucking awesome. The company look menacing once again.


Also very happy to see Mahone on form, again. :) The way he dissected the information about the driver, was superb. Reminds you that he used to be a very good Agent, and still has the brains.


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It's not a phone, it's just designed to look like one so it's less conspicuous!


They've got everything handed to them thus far because they're working with a top branch of the government, of course they'll have a lot at their disposal.


It's a very different direction for the show, but they're only just starting out on this mission. I think the struggles and tensions will be there. Mahone's gonna really struggle with his loss, Sara's nightmares are there, and things look like they might be about to get very dark for Michael!


Yeah, I know that it's obvious for them to have everything they need because they are working for the government. But it's just not as good as before; the whole point of S1 was that he had to improvise, be resourceful, use what he's got. Now it just seems too easy.


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Well, I thought that was fucking awesome.


I had hoped Gretchin "wank bait" wasn't dead. Glad to see I was wrong. Possibly she could potentially now want to take down the company? She has always seemed to almost solely view it as a job, and not been shown to have any kind of emotional connection to anything other than the job at hand? Maybe.


Whistler getting shot was epic shock. Major gasp.


Michaels nose bleed is a bit worrying...I hope its just stress, however mad props if the writers kill him off.


T-bag was acted amazingly well as always. He broke another taboo!


Mahone is such a fucking bad ass. He was so smart finding out the driver. I wonder where hes gonna go with the death of his family....he seems sad at the moment, will this turn into anger against the company?


Also the pervie techie Asian guy is like the pervie scientisty Asian guy from Dexter, heh heh.




So yeah....bloody amazing tbh.

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Same here, thought it was incredible. I was glued to it and couldnt believe it was a double as it went so fast.



Scofield has a brain tumor! OMG! I really hope they go for a shocking, bittersweet ending with him dying for the greater good. It would really make some waves and get alot of attention.


I didn't like how they totally forgot about Sona. It took a whole season for Michael to plan an escape, and yet T-Bag, Sucre and Bellick somehow escape without telling us much about what happened. What a gip.


I like that Sara is back, i always liked her but i knew that anyway so it wasnt a suprise. Still, why were the Company torturing her? It's not like she had information. That confused me a bit, and seems like they just made it up. Hopefully we'll learn more about where she's been and why she hasnt been in contact before now.


Also, did they sleep together? Because after putting his shirt back on Scofield finds out about the lashes on Sara's back for the first time afterwards. I guess they didn't do doggie :woops:


I was a bit annoyed that there was no confirmation of Mahone's familly's deaths, again. They could still be alive. The writter's really need to stop doing things like this, it's getting old. I was glad they didn't do the same thing with Whistler, though i was shocked and a bit sad to see him go.


T-Bag was awesome as always. I laughed so much when he said he had eaten bad mexican. Quality moment. I wonder what was in the locker... hmm.


Glad also that there's a long way to go. 5 more cards to steal, that's 5 more break-ins hopefully. Should be exciting. I like the guy from Friends being the secret cop (cant remember his name), though the black assassin is a bit rubbish at the moment. He doesn't have much personality.





But yeah, brilliant start if not for a few niggles. It can only get better, which means it will blow me away :D

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I think the main users of this thread have all seen the eps now, so is it alright to stop talking in spoilers? I'll just post down a few lines...







Seems we're all pleased with the shows fourth reinvention! Good good!


To be honest those who say they havn't enjoyed the show really since the first season because it's nothing like the Fox River episode, I just don't understand.

Yes the shows callled prison break, but that was just the beginning, the show is about the fight against the company and I think I've always been satisfied because this is really how I always envisaged it panning out and the shows always taken the next logical step in my mind...


Break Out > On the Run > Take down company.


And that's what's happened. I think in extending the show from the original plan of just two seasons, the writers threw in Sona and another Prison escape because a certain percentage of the audience were complaining the show had changed to much.

But what did those 'fans' expect from the show... Escape, capture, escape, capture etc... that's what wouldn't make sense.


I love the show for it's continuing 'road-trip' of a story, the reinventions, the story arcs and the threat of the company always hanging over everything. It's so much more!


Anyways rant over, few responses to peoples thoughts...


- Yeah the company seem to be at there baddest and most devestating yet!

Whilst the new agent seemingly lacks character [at the moment anyways], he's the perfect representation of the company at this stage: a ruthless cold hearted hit-man who's simply there to clean-up the mess they've gotten themselve into.

The company agents have actually gotten progressively darker and ruthless as the series have gone on Kellerman... Kim... Gretchen... New Agent.

The company seem to step up a notch the longer this fight goes on, which I really like.


- I think there's a slim chance Mahone's family isn't dead. The company could have either used other bodies, or they could have staged the whole thing [fake cops etc...]. But then you have to say, well surely the company would have been waiting round for him to return [if they had staged it] and killed Mahone at the scene!

Doesn't look good imo, and it shows the company really do mean business and will go to all lengths this time! VERY sad for Mahone!!


- Gretchen doesn't have a place in the company anymore, so I think it's safe to assume she'll want her own personnal revenge on them aswell!

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I would love that. She was looking hot this episode. But yeah, she will work against the company, which sort of confirms what i said in a previous spoiler about her teaming up with a certain someone.


One more thing, does anyone else get annoyed with Linc the way he's always on Mahones back for killing his dad? Scoffield seems to have let it go, but Linc is always like "when this is over, i'm coming for you blah blah". Leave the man alone! He's had it rough as it is, was only doing his job and is helping them out loads now!

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One more thing, does anyone else get annoyed with Linc the way he's always on Mahones back for killing his dad? Scoffield seems to have let it go, but Linc is always like "when this is over, i'm coming for you blah blah". Leave the man alone! He's had it rough as it is, was only doing his job and is helping them out loads now!
Don't think any of them know about Mahones loss yet do they? Think he's keeping it bottled up for now.


I think Michael tolerates Mahone and can see the benefits he offers.

Linc not realy being the interlectual, I think just finds it harder to move on from it.

He did kill their dad, so it is understandable, but then again it was the company who put Mahone in that situation in the first place! It's a difficult one!

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Don't think any of them know about Mahones loss yet do they? Think he's keeping it bottled up for now.



Yeah i suppose they dont know do they, but i doubt it would change Linc's mind. He's so brash as you say and acts before he thinks.


I'd be a bit sad if he does get his way and kills Mahone, but it would be a good, uncomfortable scene for people to watch considering the morals.

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