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Theres a insect called Klegg in Norwegian, dont know whats it called in English, it looks kinda like a normal fly but with a brown hue to it. It lands stealthily on your leg, youre lucky if you notice it, and bites you with the force of of a small girl.


Sounds like a horse fly.

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I fucking hate the little bastards. One day while driving home from school on my scooter (pro-tip: In Spain, scooters aren't driving only by fracking chavs), a wasp flew into my helmet, and stung me a load of times. Suprised I didn't crash :heh:



It's like my heart skipped a beat for you when I read that, just imagining... Well done for getting through the ordeal.


Well, like King V, I think these guys are cool for the the little social structure most of them have, but I can't totally live in existence with them.

I remember the night when there were not 1, not 2, but 3 wasps in room. There was no way I could sleep with any of them in there and it's not like they were going to leave on their own accord, so from 1:00am to 5:30 am, I spent my time taking down all three of them

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Wasps are brilliant, I mean just look at that highly evolved form. People need to respect these queen-serving insects a bit more for the highly organized system they create.


The wasps stung your girlfriend (and died) because they thought you were threatening their inhabitance and their queen...Its honourable stuff really. :P


Wasps don't die when they sting you.

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When I was a lil kid, I stood in a bucket, bairfoot, and felt a sharp pain. Looked in the bucket to see a freakin queen bee. That same summer, a swarm escaped from nearby and blanketed the sky suddenly while I was playing in the garden, we had to run in and close all the windows, the sky went from blue to black. Yeah, I've kind of had a bit of a fear of all things small and stingy since then. So wasps get the eviction vote from me.

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When I was a lil kid, I stood in a bucket, bairfoot, and felt a sharp pain. Looked in the bucket to see a freakin queen bee. That same summer, a swarm escaped from nearby and blanketed the sky suddenly while I was playing in the garden, we had to run in and close all the windows, the sky went from blue to black. Yeah, I've kind of had a bit of a fear of all things small and stingy since then. So wasps get the eviction vote from me.


I stood on a wasp in the grass when i lived in Germany, think I was about 3 years old. I remember it! And I'm terrified of wasps now :P

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When I was a lil kid, I stood in a bucket, bairfoot, and felt a sharp pain. Looked in the bucket to see a freakin queen bee. That same summer, a swarm escaped from nearby and blanketed the sky suddenly while I was playing in the garden, we had to run in and close all the windows, the sky went from blue to black. Yeah, I've kind of had a bit of a fear of all things small and stingy since then. So wasps get the eviction vote from me.


Heh, we had a similar experience in Spain. We were playing in the pool (me, my two sisters and three cousins) and one of my cousins was hitting the wasps/bees (I forgot which one it was) that came too close with a fly swatter. Then all of a sudden we heard this really weird humming come closer and closer, and then BOOM! The sky was filled with these critters flying over the pool! Literally thousandsssss. We ran inside as fast as we could, with my cousin still hitting them on his way inside. =P

Scary, but so very cool at the same time.


Also, I don't mind them too much, though I "prefer" bees over wasps. Never been stung except by a bumblebee in my back (which was in its own defence).

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I hate bugs of all kinds, if i see them i kill them. Moissies, flys, spiders, wasps, bees, moths. The can of mortein is going to fuck them up :)


I think it all stems from wasps attacks i seemed prone to when i was young. Perhaps the worst was a day (I was about 8) where my dad told me to retreive a ball from under our caravan (which hadnt been used for a while). I did so, because dads know best right? Wrong, turns out there was a nest of wasps underneath. I got 5 bites on the face, and two on my right arm. I cant remember crying harder than I did that day (And i had to get 26 stiches in my mouth when i was 5 due to a moterbike/barbwire accident).


I hate any kind of bug, they must all die. End of story.

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Wasps just don't give up, they only sting you for the sake of it because unlike Bee's who use the stinger as the last resort because they die afterwards, wasps have what seems an infinite supply of stingers and venom so just sting for the sake of it, and they just don't give up either.

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2 Very SEXY beasts! I hate them :'( they scare me to death but at least they are being put to use now to sniff out chemicals which are valuable or that may be harmful.


They are also used in pest control to protect crops such as tobacco and many others which cost alot if infected.

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The Japanese wasps are huge, seen a whole documentary about them, a single one of them can kill 1000+ bees in a single attack. No problem though, the japs still manage to put them in wasp flavoured cookies.


You're probably talking about the hornet there bro, those things are beasts! They navigate mass invasions on bees nests when they need to. I saw one cool documentary where some bees, knowing that their attacks are not very effective on the hornet, have adapted to swarming on each hornet and beating their wing muscles to heighten the body temperature of the hornet thereby killing it.

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You're probably talking about the hornet there bro, those things are beasts! They navigate mass invasions on bees nests when they need to. I saw one cool documentary where some bees, knowing that their attacks are not very effective on the hornet, have adapted to swarming on each hornet and beating their wing muscles to heighten the body temperature of the hornet thereby killing it.


Yeah, that's exactly it! They raise their body temperature to kill the hornet and the difference of temperature between killing a hornet or themselves is less than 1º Celsius! Its all quite impressive.

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Funny you should create this thread, as yesterday I took a great dislike of wasps because of them ruining our outside meal (for me, at least). I freak out when they come near my food.


It's a funny thing, me and insects. I find insects to be very cool, from their appearance to their abilites (like the example mentioned in the post above this), but at the same time I hate being near them, as I can't stand their creepy crawliness. It gives me the creeps.


I'm especially afraid of spiders. I suspect I have arachnophobia (so please spoil-tag photos of arachnids), as the fear is completely irrational. I don't know what it is that's freaking me out about spiders, but it's certainly there! It's getting better though, partially due to me having to deal with a lot of the bastards in my room this summer.


Moths I don't particularly mind, but we've had trouble with colonies this summer. I think we've found two or three colonies in total.

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