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The War/Panic Thread


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If National Service was bought back into this country, i would join, but force them to kick me out by doing nothing and not listening to orders at all. I'd just sit there and if they got physical then i would attack them back. I'd even walk out of the base and get into fights out and inside the base. Its probably the only way to get out of service without physically leaving the country because you will be traced and forced back to your home country to do the service anyway.


Think of it, they are forcing you to do something that you probably don't want to do so get out of it by being as disobedient and un-ruley as possible and force them to kick you out, what else can they do. They can't keep you there against your will can they.



They'd just whack you in military prison though. Not nice, I believe.

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I wouldn't go, simple as. They would have too literally hunt me down to make me join. I don't like the army or anything to do with it. I don't like being controlled and told what to do in my life, nor will I risk my life being a useless pawn to the higher ups in a meaningless bloodshed war because thousdands upon thousands of people getting killed means nothing.


People (idiots who drop out school) think joining the army is noble and brave or even 'cool' serving their country since they think it's the right thing to do, I just don't. Their just useless pawns in the higher ups mind. And at the end of the day 'their' country doesn't care for them. I'm not brainwashed into believing it's the right thing to do or if it's their 'duty' to fight for their country. I think it's bull because their forcing people to go against what they want to do and it's not their choice to sign up.


That's all for now.

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As a conscientious objector I had to do a year and a bit of my schools CCF, despite trying to get out of it. I offered to do other stuff in place of it, that would just benefit the school , but no, apparently marching around in squares was much more worth all involved's time.


I mean sure, we didn't go into battle, a bunch of 14 year olds, but it's the principle. I don't like playing with guns, which is what we were doing. There were children out there playing with guns, only among soldiers in far off countries with an actual intent to kill people.


Makes me sick.

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War has a different mentality to it, you are always watching out for yourself and your allies. Everybody else is on the other end of the barrel.


There is no black and white in war, there is no right or wrong in war. Whatever is advocated to be "right or wrong" is no more than a judgement on the behalf of society, and by that, a niche.


Wars will continue to happen, and much more worse wars will come. If anything, this is probably the longest peacetime the world has ever seen. Probably since the Pax Romana. There are conflicts, but nothing the size of WWII or previous wars to it. Unfortunatly, I fear that is probably going to be coming to an end at some point soon.


The only thing I can pray for is that if it must happen, let it be my generation that has to take care of it. Not my child's.


I digress though, what happened then happened. I can only hope it never happens again.

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War has a different mentality to it, you are always watching out for yourself and your allies. Everybody else is on the other end of the barrel.


There is no black and white in war, there is no right or wrong in war. Whatever is advocated to be "right or wrong" is no more than a judgement on the behalf of society, and by that, a niche.


Wars will continue to happen, and much more worse wars will come. If anything, this is probably the longest peacetime the world has ever seen. Probably since the Pax Romana. There are conflicts, but nothing the size of WWII or previous wars to it. Unfortunatly, I fear that is probably going to be coming to an end at some point soon.


The only thing I can pray for is that if it must happen, let it be my generation that has to take care of it. Not my child's.


I digress though, what happened then happened. I can only hope it never happens again.


With a mentality like that, yeah, it will happen.

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Guest Maase

Female people aren't different from Male people, that's sexism, they can hold guns as much as male can... and shoot, and don't come with "Emotional" excuses...


It shouldn't be National service for anyone tough, not even men.

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Female people aren't different from Male people, that's sexism, they can hold guns as much as male can... and shoot, and don't come with "Emotional" excuses...


It shouldn't be National service for anyone tough, not even men.


Yes, but Chair was making a point that they wouldn't just be getting half the people being sent out, they'd have to have both men and women, which would be highly impractical.


What, a mother and father would have to leave their children in care, if they have no other relatives?

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Guest Maase

Reformed old man's? Govern houses?


It will be expensive, that's for sure.


Once again, i don't believe in this "National service" for Brittain anyway, lol.

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Guest Stefkov

I'd go. I wouldn't shoot to kill though. Aim for the hands/arms/legs. If they can't shoot or walk they can't carry on. Might aswell cripple them for life than kill them. That way I'll feel good about myself.

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I'd go. I wouldn't shoot to kill though. Aim for the hands/arms/legs. If they can't shoot or walk they can't carry on. Might aswell cripple them for life than kill them. That way I'll feel good about myself.


Im sure the'd love to live a life of pain whilst without an arm or a leg.

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The Pax Romana was a period in Roman history between the reign of Augustus Caesar (the first emperor, nephew of Julius Caesar) and the reign of Marcus Aurelius. It is considered the most peaceful time in human history because there was almost no conflict at all. Its english translation is "The Roman Peace".

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If National Service was bought back into this country, i would join, but force them to kick me out by doing nothing and not listening to orders at all. I'd just sit there and if they got physical then i would attack them back. I'd even walk out of the base and get into fights out and inside the base. Its probably the only way to get out of service without physically leaving the country because you will be traced and forced back to your home country to do the service anyway.


Think of it, they are forcing you to do something that you probably don't want to do so get out of it by being as disobedient and un-ruley as possible and force them to kick you out, what else can they do. They can't keep you there against your will can they.


Then you would be disgraced and shoved in prison.


Anyway, i think that England will not get affected by the current things happening....



Are you actually being serious?


I wouldn't go, simple as. They would have too literally hunt me down to make me join. I don't like the army or anything to do with it. I don't like being controlled and told what to do in my life, nor will I risk my life being a useless pawn to the higher ups in a meaningless bloodshed war because thousdands upon thousands of people getting killed means nothing.


People (idiots who drop out school) think joining the army is noble and brave or even 'cool' serving their country since they think it's the right thing to do,


Paragraph 1) You would also get shoved in that case and you would fully deserve it.


Paragraph 2) I really have no answer to that, absolutely none, that is completely wrong and I really don't have an answer to that at all. I don't want to say anymore on the subject because you're staff, you're insulting so many different people on so many different levels there. That comment has actually put me in a really bad mood, try and see what you're actually saying and insuating about a vast proportion about people in the country.

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I don't understand the idea of what a war is meant to achieve. In this day and age, the year 2008, you'd think that we would have developed some form of intelligence and resolve, rather than smashing your enemy's face with a rock.


Isn't the whole idea of diplomacy and having a government in place so that we do not need to go to a war, but rather sort things out diplomatically? If in the end one country is sending their troops out to fight another, isn't that teaching people the idea that violence is needed to solve a problem? That the only way to solve this problem is to kill the person on the opposite side, who is most likely being told the same thing as you are?


I don't like the idea of fighting or conflict. Neither do I really like the idea of taking somebody else's life because I'm being told to do so. Why? What can possibly be so important that you need to kill somebody else? Money? Power? Grow the fuck up.

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I don't really understand why they'd jail people who refused to partake in National Service. It seems like shooting yourself in the foot.


"Let's put them in jail, where we have to pay to feed them, rather than putting them in hospitals and arms factories where they could be of use."

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I'd go. I wouldn't shoot to kill though. Aim for the hands/arms/legs. If they can't shoot or walk they can't carry on. Might aswell cripple them for life than kill them. That way I'll feel good about myself.


Why not do what about 90% of the troops in the Western Allied armies in WWII did, and just fire roughly in the direction of the enemy, or over their heads.

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Then you would be disgraced and shoved in prison.


As a person with a similar to him, I doubt he would feel disgraced, as I wouldn't. Unless disgraced is not describing a feeling..?


Paragraph 1) You would also get shoved in that case and you would fully deserve it.


Why would he deserve it? Some of us want to live our lives as fullt as possible, why is that so bad? I have intense fear of death, hence I'm going into a battlefield to kill or be killed (probably both).


Paragraph 2) I really have no answer to that, absolutely none, that is completely wrong and I really don't have an answer to that at all. I don't want to say anymore on the subject because you're staff, you're insulting so many different people on so many different levels there. That comment has actually put me in a really bad mood, try and see what you're actually saying and insuating about a vast proportion about people in the country.


I agree that he stereotyped, which is wrong, as it is a brave thing to do for many people. That doesn't mean everyone should have to, or that it's wrong that someone doesn't want to risk their life for (effectively) no reason.

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