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The Official Fire Emblem Thread


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Guest Ray Falling
So... I never got round to pre-ordering the game. Too many things got in the way. Plus my GameCube died :weep: So it'll have to wait until I get another GameCube.


Here's a question to anyone who has this game: is Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance worth getting?


Yes it is...but then again theres a chance you may not like it. I'm really enjoying it still. I'm on my second play through and I'm getting alot faster too, its great fun and I actually think I'll try to get al them secret characters even if it means finishing the game 15 times n_n.


I think I can manage in under 15 hours now 0_0.

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I've always wondered how they got all those different names for all of the games! I mean there just so many people, but then again i do guess there are heaps of names across all languages.


Whats the name of the blue-haired main character in the Path of Radiance. I forgot already.

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I'm now just over 24 hours into the game. Chapter 26 I believe. So far, I have lots of charcters and up until now none of them have died. The storyline is one of the best part of the game and to be honest it kind of surprised me. Nintendo being Nintendo rely more on Gameplay that storyline, Nintendo games usually have weak storys but this time, Path of Radience I believe has a really strong one plus great gameplay. A great game, you must get it now - everyone!

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Finally arrived yesterday (thank you to the ever reliable gameplay) , and have put a couple of hours into it - just starting chapter 3 - and I think I will enjoy this game immensly.


Obviously , a little slow to start with , but the proposed depth on offer has me eager to explore this game a lot more. A worthwhile purchase.


Incidently , a word of warning to you all , avoid CDWOW at all costs , not only did they botch up my order for this game , they have also buggered my order for the new SOAD album , avoid them like the plague.

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Now that you've finished it you need to play all over again!! That's what you do to a game that's so addictive. I thoroughly enjoyed Fire Emblem 7 and 8 (though I don't own them) and I have spent a few hours on 4 and 5 but didn't get so far because of the language barrier.

Finally, this weekend, my sis is gonna drop down from the US with my very own copy of FE: Path of Radiance!!! I can't wait!! It's been a long wait (the trouble with living in Africa) but it's been worth it. Think (Gladius x 2.5 x teH MEGATON!!11) = FE:PoR!!!!

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I got mine from CDWOW by Nectar Points redemption. They are quite slow, though I found out the game shipped from Hong Kong, so that is why it takes so long.


Can't complain too much I guess for not paying for it.


The game is brilliant, I've rarely been so hooked on a game. I literally play the game for 3 or 4 hours a time, because some of the battles require quite a bit of strategy and planning.


I'm on Chapter 20 and played for nearly 40 hours already. And that doesn't include the 5 or 6 times i messed up and restarted chapters.


Must buy for sure. Miles better than Advance Wars.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I began my quest along the Pth of Radiance this afternoon... Ive only done the first chapter and have it saved to restart the second. Im on easy and the Tutorials are a little tedious but I know that they are probably best seen out as itll be better in the long run to know what Im doing.


Its my first Fire Emblem game, my impressions are that its a medievel version of Advance Wars, and thats far from being a bad thing! My GameCubes got so much life left in it this year, who said it was dying out?!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry for reviving a (very) old topic, but for my Birthday, I finally got Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. I just thought I'd give my opinion is all.


It's bloody brilliant. So far, I'm up to chapter 15, and I'm loving every second of it. So far, my Soren, Boyd and Oscar have been given class upgrades, and most of the units are close to upgrading. Not Marcia and Jill though. Flying units are such a pain to raise...


The storyline is as great as you'd expect from a Fire Emblem game. Certain support conversations can be hilarious, and the cutscenes you get are absolutely amazing.


You've done it again Intelligent Systems. Keep making the awesome games. Now, chapter 15 awaits me. To battle! Hiyaaaaa!

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Just completed it about 5 mins ago. Top quality strategy RPG game. I took me past 26 hours of gaming to finish it.


Last battle I lost a couple of my guys but because it was the last it didn't really matter, I just wanted to finish it and see the ending.


Now what do I play?



you can unlock seceret people if you keep playing the game. i think you can get the black knight if you beat the game 15 times so keep tring. you get other charicters as you go along. i think you get one after your 7th win as well, or you can connect it to your GBA fire emblem 7 and 8 (the one with lyn, eliwood and hector is number 7 aint it?). either way i hope i have helped

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