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Red Steel 2 (£4.95 @Zavvi)


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Sales for the 3rd week in the US: 13,383 copies and for europe 6,532 copies, so thats a total of almost 20 000 in its 3rd week.


It now has a total of 113.000 in 3 weeks, thats what i call a nice number and i could certainly see this game selling past the 1 million mark by the end of the year(maybe even faster).


Also that exclusive the japanese sales, the japanese releasedate for RS2 is May 27th 2010.


Red steel 2 (Wii)











w10//////n/a//////n/a//////////n/a//////n/a (it sold 113 000 units so far)

Edited by marcel
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Yes :heh:


Brush up on your swordfighting!


Started a new game yesterday, as I fancied playing something diffrent from MH3, plus so that I could "brush up on my swordfighting", and I managed to defeat Payne on my first go. Yay! With that done I was able to progess with the game (hadn't touched it in weeks!) and I ended up playing for 4 hours straight. Played for another 4 hours today before finishing it.


Really enjoyed it, and it should defintley be in your collection if you loved the sword fighting games in Wii Sports Resort. Wasn't too keen on the first 2 chapters, mainly because the stages weren't very well designed and mosts rooms looked 'samey' , but the locations in the next chapters improved the look and feel of the game for me. Loved the first (and only!) quick time event in the game, but I don't understand why there weren't any more? Did they loose whoever was in charge of them or something!? Many of the later cut-scenes could of benefited from using them, instead of taking us out of the action. Story-wise I had no idea what was going on throughtout the majority of the game or why I was doing the missions, but it doesnt really matter with this type of game. A lot of reviewers said that you basically go from one location to another killing enemies, without much variety, and while this is true, once you start learning new moves, of which there are plenty, and upgrading your skills and weapons, no fight is ever the same, and I for one never though "Oh great, another bunch of enemies to kill, yawn" as each encounter was as much fun as the previous. My two favourite moves to pull off were The Guilotine and The Reaper. On your journey there are loads of crates to destroy and hidden rooms to discover which reward you with cash for your upgrades, which if you're familiar with the Lego games, can become quite a pretty addictive whole other game! So yeah, a great game, which gets a solid 8 /10 from me, and it's only £17.95 at Zavvi if you haven't brought it allready, and despite the poor early sales (I'm positive this will do well in the long-run), I do hope we see a third entry in the series on the Wii or as a launch title on Wii2.


Btw, did anyone beat the final boss by using sword attacks? Feel that I cheated there because I just deflected every attack from him and then used my guns when he was stunned :heh:


Oh, a quick question regarding 'Challenge' mode. I'm guessing it's just re-playing the chapters and collecting the highest amount of cash you can, but is it possible to finish the side-quests you started in this mode? I didn't realise that we had side-quests until chaper 3! :p

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I completed this today!


Hurray for me!


Ending was rather underwhelming, but the gameplay was a joy through out. :)


What is the 'Challenge' mode though? Is it just an easier way to access different parts of the game? I was hoping it was some kind of score attack mode, then when I realised I was basically going through the whole thing again without a few talks I did this - :sad:


So then I put the game back in it's box and remember that was one more game I could tick off the 'not completed' list. Which made me do this - :hehe:


And the world was a better place for it.

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Well, I did my part for the salesfigures.


I was initially put off by the controls, but after a bit of customizing, it works well.


It's fun, I'll give you that, but it feels slightly too... fabricated and artificial. It's too much going back and forth between segmented areas (with each a small loadingtime), where there are X number of foes waiting for you.


It's a good, game, don't get me wrong, but it's not as... adventurious or ambitious as I had thought. It's too much style over substance.


But, as I've said, I'm having a great time. Who'd have thought one could get rich by slaching garbagebags and boxes? =p And the main character is a badass! =p But not as badass as this gunslinger:




Now, for that Dark Tower-game... ;)

Edited by Strange Cookie
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Just bought the game, quick question: Should I choose easy or medium difficulty?

NINJA DIFFICULTY all the way! It's simply no challenge otherwise. Seriously, that's not some dumb stealth brag (!) your game will last longer and you'll get a deeper sense of mastering all the moves.


Funny one, this. Enjoyed it very much whilst playing but can't imagine ever going back to it. The linear progression and lack of a new game+ don't help.


It's a solid 7/10, but people looking for a last great hope for third party sales on Wii should temper their expectations...

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Welcome. I loved this game while it lasted but I can see the issue with replayability. But I will undoubtedly pick this up again next year to play it on the hardest difficulty and actually complete all the side missions. Not completing those the first time round really bugged me.

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Red Steel 2 Sells 270,000 Worldwide


VandenBerghe talked at length about the underlying problems behind Red Steel 2's lacklustre sales figures – the game only managed 270,000 worldwide, he claimed. As well as the restrictions of being single-platform and requiring a peripheral, he thinks it has a lot to do with players themselves. “I isolated this factor called audience willingness. There is a small group of people that is willing to get up and move and exert themselves for fun ... We had to ask ourselves: how many gamers are willing to move? I don't know how many there are, but it's no higher than 20 per cent. That's actually probably optimistic.”
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There is a small group of people that is willing to get up and move and exert themselves for fun ... We had to ask ourselves: how many gamers are willing to move? I don't know how many there are, but it's no higher than 20 per cent. That's actually probably optimistic.â€


Quite right too. It's not about laziness, it's about convenience. People like to play games in certain positions - kneeling, laying down - and Red Steel 2 was a pain in the neck to play, the way it asked you to swing hard and do the full movements etc.


This type of motion control should not be the future of gaming.

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Quite right too. It's not about laziness, it's about convenience. People like to play games in certain positions - kneeling, laying down - and Red Steel 2 was a pain in the neck to play, the way it asked you to swing hard and do the full movements etc.


This type of motion control should not be the future of gaming.


I played it sat down in a chair in front of the TV!


However I do agree. The Wii remote can be a blessing and a curse. For games like Resident Evil, Call of Duty and other shooters it can be great. In fact I prefer it to analog sticks by a mile.


But in contrast, there have been some games that basically have you pulling your hair out with the elaborate and needless gestures and jumping around. There is a line and developers need to know where it is.


I remember playing Far Cry on the Wii, and it wasn't very good. But the controls were such a mixed bag. The aiming was perfect, but to zoom in with a scoped weapon you needed to thrust the Wii remote forwards. It didn't work and was a jarring experience which actually broke up the gameplay and made sniping so painful it was basically useless.


What developers need to realise is that the Wii remote can add so much to gaming, but at the same time often a button press is far more convenient than a motion - and it's actually more fun that way too. Just look at COD, great aiming, but you just push a button to ADS.


Developers need that balance. Ubisoft are probably one of the worst Wii developers - they make a hardcore Wii game that is strenuous to play, needs a peripheral and has no online play. They then dumb down games like Ghost Recon and turn them into rail shooters. To be fair Ubisoft do everything wrong.


Why they haven't done with Ghost Recon what Treyarch has done with COD for the Wii is beyond me.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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VandenBerghe talked at length about the underlying problems behind Red Steel 2's lacklustre sales figures – the game only managed 270,000 worldwide, he claimed. As well as the restrictions of being single-platform and requiring a peripheral, he thinks it has a lot to do with players themselves. “I isolated this factor called audience willingness. There is a small group of people that is willing to get up and move and exert themselves for fun ... We had to ask ourselves: how many gamers are willing to move? I don't know how many there are, but it's no higher than 20 per cent. That's actually probably optimistic.”


The funny thing is I couldn't play it some times because I like to move. My arms were so tired from training in some cases I could hardly do the slashes required in RS2. There were actually some times when I wanted to play but couldn't because of that.


When I played it I really enjoyed the movement required. I did not like though that some of my movements got interpreted wrong and resulted in a different special moves than what I wanted to do.

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From what I played of this game the shooting mechanics were brilliant, but the sword play was just unnecessary and annoying. It worked but I don't want to swing my arms around, just give us a button press. The best part of the Wii's controller is the pointer and games use that well (i'm playing RE4 atm, brilliant!) but even the motion in that isn't needed.

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Hmm, I'm going to have to disagree with some of you guys. I really enjoyed the controls and the gameplay aspect involved. It's different to how it works in Zelda, where you can just sit down and flick your wrist when you want to slash something. Its effortless, but its also effortless in terms of thought. You don't have to think about what you're doing, because the slashing system is really not that intelligent in Twilight Princess.


In Red Steel 2, I liked the way that the special moves were incorporated, as well as the different angles you could slash at. It was more thoughtful. There's more thinking that has to be done by the gamer, but I found that to be more engaging than anything. As time with the game went on, I found that I could just roll off the special moves with ease.


I can see how some would find it off-putting, but at the same time, you know what you're buying before you purchase the game, so I don't have any sympathy for you, I'm afraid. :heh: I don't see the fun in just sitting down and flicking your wrist like how it might work in other games.

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