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The Dark Knight Discussion (Spoilers)


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She looks like a wirey Kirsten Dunst. After the movie my g/f said she looked so weird it put her off.


Agreed. She put me off slightly. She looks quite old but at the same time, quite young as well.....pretty but also ugly.....weird. :heh:

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*snap!* That's where the mayor is from! Lost!


The bank worker guy at the start has been in a bunch of stuff in minor roles, but I remember him from the ill-fated show Invasion.


He also plays Agent Mahone on Prison Break.

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I prefer Batman Begins, and I feel I have legitimate reasons.


What are they?


First of all please bear in mind that I LOVED the film. It was amazing. My current score is 9.4/10 from one watch. That may change after another watch. I feel that Begins was only slightly better, but my reasons are;


- I felt that the city felt a lot less like Gotham City this time round. The lack of Wayne Manor (although I understand the reasoning) I feel it hurt the film. The main buildings like the DA office/whatever and the Wayne Enterprises blah building almost felt like a shell. The city wasnt gothic enough, and because the movie focused on the city so much I felt this was pretty major. Japan almost looked more comic booky than Gotham in fact.


- The story line almost just seemed like a string of reasons to give Joker screen time, and insert Two Face in. It was no way near as strong as the intricate and linked storyline of Batman Begins IMHO.


- Sonar thing was a bit stupid. Although not every area of Begins was perfect, I didnt feel it had any massive flaws whatsoever.


- The fall of Harvey Dent wasnt quite convincing enough. Joker said "Madness is like gravity...all it takes is a little push" (Or something to that effect) ....but....thats not really true...like...at all really. :blank: Especially for someone like Dent DA white knight etc.


- Finally I felt the pace and editting was a little disjointed at times, just felt a bit weird and up and downy.


And this is my opinion only, so don't say Im "wrong"

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- The fall of Harvey Dent wasnt quite convincing enough. Joker said "Madness is like gravity...all it takes is a little push" (Or something to that effect) ....but....thats not really true...like...at all really. :blank: Especially for someone like Dent DA white knight etc.



He's just had half his face burned off and his love taken away, id think all it would take is a little push

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And the fact he was already had a secret dark side anyway. So...no, that doesn't count.


I actually preferred the city this time around. I'm glad we get the contrast, but the final act of Begins is actually annoying to watch, it's so full of beige smoke and unbelievably cramped city space. And to be fair, did Nolan ever make much of an effort to make the city particularly gothic in it's design? I don't think so personally.


The story line almost just seemed like a string of reasons to give Joker screen time, and insert Two Face in. It was no way near as strong as the intricate and linked storyline of Batman Begins IMHO.


I don't really know what to say to that. I mean, every scene he's in furthers the story, it's a Schumacher film with pointless scenes of them cackling with laughter at their plans.


And I'm sorry, but the way they handled Two-Face was perfect. He's such a lame villain, formidability-wise, that I'm glad they got him out of the way, but in the best interpretation of Two-Face I've ever seen.


With the points I made above, he wasn't just inserted in. Obviously In the real world, he might wait a while before embarking on revenge killings, but it's a Batman film.


The sonar thing wasn't stupid, really. A bit random, maybe. It's a film version of any of the countless gadgets Batman emplys in the comics, plus it gave us the first comic accurately cowled Batman on modern screen (with the white eyes).


But sorry, this went beyond "the superhero movie" that Batman Begins (though a great film) was still an example of. It was it's own creature, thrilling and free to do whatever the fuck it wanted.

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One problem I had with the Two Face thing was that he spat diesel a few times and a bit went on the other side of his face, but why didn't that get burnt?


Another strange thing was


[spoiler=]instead of twatting all the SWAT guys, why didn't Batman just call Gordon on his mobile like he does earlier in the film to tell him that the clowns were actually hostages



Bear in mind that these are very very small criticisms and the film still gets a 10 from me

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well, i give the film an 8.


i liked it but had some issues with it.


batman wasnt really that involved with the film, i mean, it seemed to focus on every one but him, like he was a bit player in the whole thing.


batvoice was annoying as hell


alot more action could of been put in. the action scenes were great but to few of them.


the fight with the joker was pretty short, could of been longer


two face was great, but really shouldnt have been killed off, tho it makes sense for the story that he was


first half of the film (well, 45 mins) was actualy pretty dull, was thinking it would be a huge disserpointment.



things i did like


the little actions of the joker, the way his tounge kept flicking out, the way he walked, the way his scar story changed.


gordon! oldman rules and was fantastic once again.


the bat cycle was pretty good, was supprised when it just came out of the car.


harvy dent was great, and i liked how they kept hiding his disfigured face, and when batman turns him over at the end to show his good face.


the car chase scene was great


rachel dies! fantastic that they let that happen.

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Batman is more about the villains and his surroundings than Batman himself.


Exactly. Batman is usually the dullest character in his universe...he's the order to the chaos (in his own way).




So, I went to see it a second time, and I'm so glad. I think I was so in awe of it before, I missed the details of some plot bits, like for some reason, I didn't equate the tied and gagged group of men to be the entire squadron from the street below upon first watching, I don't know why, even though he said "They took our guns and uniforms". Brain fart I guess.


I dunno if it requires two viewings, or if it was just me being hyper the first time I watched it.

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I definitely need to see it again. Definitely. (With my sister...suprisingly)


Was it still stupidly busy?


Also I dont find Batman the dullest character in his universe at all. Like...at all! Id say hes just as interesting as his universe, allies and adversaries.

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I saw it again with my sister, and it was even better the second time.


I understood what was going on way more; I didn't really get how the corrupt cops fitted into the story the first time round.


I cried this time aswell, at a really random bit - the boat bit (not even the bit where Rachael dies lol).


I'd probably go see it again (if someone paid for my ticket lol).

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the fight with the joker was pretty short, could of been longer

Batman vs. the Joker has never been about the hand to hand action. Joker is not really a fighter, most of the time they actually end up fighting it's just Batman punching the hell out of Joker while he laughs it off and his crazy plan occurs a mile away. The entire film was "the fight with the joker", not just the final face-to-face meeting.

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Batman vs. the Joker has never been about the hand to hand action. Joker is not really a fighter, most of the time they actually end up fighting it's just Batman punching the hell out of Joker while he laughs it off and his crazy plan occurs a mile away. The entire film was "the fight with the joker", not just the final face-to-face meeting.


well im not saying he couldnt use his trickery and boyish japes.


i was discussing with a friend who would be the best villan for batman 3/ who would you get to take over as joker (i said to do it like oliver reed in gladiator, no new actor)

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