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Would you rather be ugly or stupid?


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The ultimate question, on which all of humankind dwindles on;


Would you prefer to be ugly or stupid?


Now, I know that the great bulk of users here will be neither, but I want you to imagine which curse you'd rather.

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It's hard to imagine being one or other, with myself being both of those things. :p


Nah, I kid. If I was attractive but dumb, I wouldn't really give a toss about being clever because I wouldn't really think about it anyway. I'd be to busy with the opposite sex and so on. I'd much rather be intelligent than hot though, who wouldn't?

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Nah, I kid. If I was attractive but dumb, I wouldn't really give a toss about being clever because I wouldn't really think about it anyway. I'd be to busy with the opposite sex and so on. I'd much rather be intelligent that hot though, who wouldn't?


Quite a lot of people.

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It's hard to imagine being one or other, with myself being both of those things. :p


Nah, I kid. If I was attractive but dumb, I wouldn't really give a toss about being clever because I wouldn't really think about it anyway. I'd be to busy with the opposite sex and so on. I'd much rather be intelligent that hot though, who wouldn't?



Pre-pubescent twerps with the intention of getting a 14 year old pregnant.

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I might go for the vain option. Being hideously ugly does nothing for yer self esteem... Especially when I am in public places and (innocent) kids loudly ask what is wrong with my skin. Or the nasty stares, whispers, and laughs that happen when you walk past people.


Rather be gorgeous and oblivious.

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I might go for the vain option. Being hideously ugly does nothing for yer self esteem... Especially when I am in public places and (innocent) kids loudly ask what is wrong with my skin. Or the nasty stares, whispers, and laughs that happen when you walk past people.


Rather be gorgeous and oblivious.


Fuckin tell me about it.


There was a point were my self-esteem was so bad, I couldn't even get on a bus. Whenever I saw little kids, I moved away, in fear of them saying something. The worst thing is, their parents don't actually do anything.


I'm through that point of my life though, it was a dark year, and one that I'd rather put behind me. The worst thing about it was seeing my face in public, in a mirror, and being horrified by it.


Yeah, just had to get that out my system. My self-esteem is brilliant now, and now I'm older, I'm handsome.

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Fuckin tell me about it.


There was a point were my self-esteem was so bad, I couldn't even get on a bus. Whenever I saw little kids, I moved away, in fear of them saying something. The worst thing is, their parents don't actually do anything.


I'm through that point of my life though, it was a dark year, and one that I'd rather put behind me. The worst thing about it was seeing my face in public, in a mirror, and being horrified by it.


Yeah, just had to get that out my system. My self-esteem is brilliant now, and now I'm older, I'm handsome.


Yeah it's not very nice. =(


I'm covered in sores, from head to toe (psoriasis)

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What was wrong with your face navarre, if you don't mind being asked?


Acne. Severe acne. I was the only one in my year to be plagued with it. Everyone may get it, but not everyone got it as bad as me.


I still do have mild inflammation, but I'm rather pleased with it. Not only is a sign to show the rough transition from childhood to manhood, it is also a reminder of just how much better it has become since I first got it. I still get called nasty names, like 'chicken pox', but that's only by one or two people, as oppsed to everyone in the school. There was a time when I thought the whole world was against me.

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Acne. Severe acne. I was the only one in my year to be plagued with it. Everyone may get it, but not everyone got it as bad as me.


I still do have mild inflammation, but I'm rather pleased with it. Not only is a sign to show the rough transition from childhood to manhood, it is also a reminder of just how much better it has become since I first got it. I still get called nasty names, like 'chicken pox', but that's only by one or two people, as oppsed to everyone in the school. There was a time when I thought the whole world was against me.


Probably the loneliest feeling in the world. :(


I don't think anyone can comprehend what being truly "ugly" is until they've felt that.

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Well being overly-lanky with an easy-to-insult long nose and sticky-outy ears (which my depressingly low self-esteem has forced my hair to grow over in recent years) is absolutely horrible. I'm glad I do have my intelligence - cynicism is a wonderful trait for me to have; despite how much my prole-like "friends" loathe me for it.


Using that cynical disposition, I must look at this realistically. When I do that, I see bone-headed, pea-brained, over-sized chavs doing all the beautiful woman fucking.


Yes. Call me shallow, but I'd hastily give up some of my geniusness to not feel this bad about my appearance.

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I might go for the vain option. Being hideously ugly does nothing for yer self esteem... Especially when I am in public places and (innocent) kids loudly ask what is wrong with my skin. Or the nasty stares, whispers, and laughs that happen when you walk past people.


Rather be gorgeous and oblivious.


Thats very mean Raining. :sad:

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It's because they don't intend to be mean that is the defeating thought. They aren't trying to wind you up, or trying to provoke a reaction.


Aye kids genuinely don't know what is wrong with you, and their innocent minds will of course be curious.


I was in Subway last Saturday and it happened..


"that girl has really DRY skin!!"



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Fuckin tell me about it.


There was a point were my self-esteem was so bad, I couldn't even get on a bus. Whenever I saw little kids, I moved away, in fear of them saying something. The worst thing is, their parents don't actually do anything.


I'm through that point of my life though, it was a dark year, and one that I'd rather put behind me. The worst thing about it was seeing my face in public, in a mirror, and being horrified by it.


Yeah, just had to get that out my system. My self-esteem is brilliant now, and now I'm older, I'm handsome.


No joke, and I honestly don't mean it in a mean way (so don't take it like that) but I really thought of the story of the ugly duckling when I read that. But it is great that you have a high self-esteem now in comparison to before :).


Well, knowledge is power as they say, so I guess I'd say I'd rather be smart, (although looks are generally important in terms of other people) but I'm pretty sure any well-rounded person would just like to be adequate in both :D. If I actually had to choose and I picked knowledge, I'm pretty sure I'd be sad with my decision somewhere down the line, because I totally lacked the looks.

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