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Has Nintendo really lost it?

Chris the great

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Im sorry but the only thing that I was disappointed about for this e3 was the lack of monster hunter 3 info. Haven't heard anything about this game in a looooong while and even going to capcom's website yields no results. Have to many fun games to play at the moment, and then now that I am done with uni, I have a life to make the most of so gaming is low on my list of prorities :D


Your a MH nut like me so instant respect goes to you :)


MH3 will probably be shown at TGS seeing as its a Japanese event and MH is a huge hit over there. I cant wait to see how it works for the Wii, easily one of my most anticipated titles on the Wii.

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E3 has died for Nintendo, however MS and Sony both welcome it and get some good conferences going.
Not really, only big announcement was FFXIII, the rest was PR talk and Microsoft also bumped up loads and loads of "mii-too" content and singstar clones.


Sony was the one who tried the most, and I can respect them for that, but they didn't build up much hype from that. too hollow.


Seriously, only big thing was FFXIII, and also because all of the rest was meh.

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Miyamoto should have clarified that months before E3, then I wouldn't have cared.

But where are these announcements? Why not have a longer press conference and show the world media how modern REAL games look?


I'm expecting to see quite a few announcements from Nintendo in the forthcoming months. Right now I'm feeling quite angered. Like if christmas was to be adapted to suit people of other religions, only circa 1000 times worse.


Hope Nintendo will start organizing the Spaceworld expo again for the fans, like in the olden days.

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Was it just Nintendo? I thought E3 was poor this year for all three. Nothing major lit my fire on any consoles.


I was hoping for maybe Donkey Kong, Starfox, Zelda, Pikmin, F-Zero, Wave Race or Kid Icarus or maybe even a nice new IP.


Overall the conference was boring and long gone are the old E3s where the big three would try to trump each other with big stands and huge shock announcements.

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I think the fact they're scoring headlines on the BBC and CNN suggests that their presentation was definitively aimed outside our own fraternity.


Short answer made short: no.


Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25710005/page/2/


E3 in a nutshell, before it was a event only for games media, now? it's a gathering place for analysts and journal writers.


So this proves exactly what I said after conference.


This might actually be good for me, there's a lot of games I have to catch up and others that deserve more attention, along with a few good games that will be released I'll be more than satisfied.

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Nintendo aimed for where the bulk of the business is. They succeeded


They said their key teams are hard at work (mario & zelda teams) and Kid Icarus & Pikmin are on their way


Nintendo know that they can reveal a game like that at any time and the "hardcore" crowd will have multiple simultaneous orgasms over it.


It's just business.


E3 has died for Nintendo, however MS and Sony both welcome it and get some good conferences going.


Well, theres 2 more monster events coming which could have core gamers pleased, but Nintendo are only attending one I think, theres the one in germany and TGS.

Hardly...Microsoft's conference was even more casual based than Nintendo's...

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There are tons of hardcore Nintendo games coming that we already know alot about. Nintendo decided not to mention them at E3 because E3 has turned into an event mainly to please the shareholders by showing games they know will sell millions. Plus Wii Sports Resort's Jet Ski game is supposed to be better than Wave Race, Its actually developed by the same team. We still have Disaster, Fatal Frame, Wario Land and Captain Rainbow coming. There's even some good stuff in terms of 3rd party games coming, ToS, Rune Factory Frontier, The Conduit, just to name a few. Plus, we now know Zelda, Mario, Pikmen, Metroid, and Kid Icarus are in development. We didn't know that before. Nintendo have also revealed online Voice Chat (something people have wanted for ages) and 1:1 control (something else people have wanted for ages). E3 has, in the past, be when all the AAA titles were announced, but that may not be the case anymore, we need to look beyond E3 and see what Nintendo are really doing for the hardcore gamer.

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Have Nintendo lost it?


No, because they'll still be raking the cash in, after E3. WiiSports Resort will probably sell by the bucket-load, as will Animal Crossing.


The future of Nintendo does not rely on one conference at a 'gaming' event which has seen far, far better days.


Nintendo have 'guaranteed' franchises that will appear on the Wii anyway. There has been a Starfox game on every home console since the SNES There has been an F Zero on every home console since the SNES. Animal Crossing is now becoming really popular with different audiences, and there are other franchises which will be gaining in popularity, such as the Pikmin series.


So far, we've already seen a Zelda, Super Mario, Metroid, Mario Kart and Smash Bros. game on the Wii, and we're not even 2 years from its official launch date.


The games will come. I think Nintendo are in it for the longrun with the Wii. It prints money.

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I was just having this discussion with someone in my chat


The gaming community in general have a whole "if they don't show it, it doesn't exist" attitude...it's pretty cynical and explains the whole attitude people have had towards Nintendo at this year's E3


Personally I like it when a game is announced a few months before release...its what happens with Pokémon games' release in Japan...and let me tell you, the anticipation and hype is the same as it would be for the entire time between say TP's revealation and release but all condensed within a couple of months causing people to look forward to it more and enjoy it more. The anticipation, at least in the Pokémon community, for Platinum is outstanding...


Show too much too soon and you get another Brawl situation...too much hype, so much disappointment

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some good points raised, i going for a more run out of steam/shifted focus view of nintendo now. i mean, yeah they make money, but i feel a bit ailenated, nintendo never used to focus so much on people who don't play games. still, some one raised a good point, maybe more stuff exists then we realise.

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some good points raised, i going for a more run out of steam/shifted focus view of nintendo now. i mean, yeah they make money, but i feel a bit ailenated, nintendo never used to focus so much on people who don't play games. still, some one raised a good point, maybe more stuff exists then we realise.


Why on Earth do you feel alienated? Like I've said, we're not even 2 years from the Wii's launch, and we've had some fucking kick arse games already. Super Mario Galaxy by far surpassed Sunshine, and depending on who you asked, it was a greater game than Super Mario 64. Metroid Prime 3 was just as powerful as the first Prime game, and utilised the Wii's control and graphical potential. Brawl improved heavily upon Melee, and Mario Kart featured 12 player online. There's more as well.


Nintendo never used to focus so much on people who don't play games, but times have changed. What makes more business sense? Going after people who play games, or going after people who play games AND people who wouldn't usually play games? By going after a bigger market, you enhance your chances of success. Success being more monies.


Nintendo are smart. They have the experience, and they have been in a variety of situations, both in a winning and losing situation. Right now, they're on a high. The DS is shifting units faster than rain falling from the sky, and the Wii's popularity is getting bigger and bigger. If developers see this success, they will see that there is money to be made on this console. The PS2 has an enormous variety of games, and was also the most popular.


It'll come in time. But, I think Nintendo are in a good position right now. They just need to keep attracting the third party support, for these parties to create games that Nintendo wouldn't. Nintendo wouldn't create a No More Heroes type game, so its up to third parties to do this.

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What games are coming out in Europe this year?


I don't fucking know! But, does it all have to be thoroughly planned out? Whatever happened to things happening unexpected, at unexpected times? Why does every big surprise have to happen at E3? If everything that was a surprise happened at E3, would it be a surprise anymore?


I'm not saying they should advertise the day before, but like Serebii said, Pokemon games get unveiled a few months before launch. That is the way to go, Imo.

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We know that doesn't happen often does it? No need to be naive, specially if you're European.


So, you're saying that what is on release lists now, is definitely what is all we'll be seeing throughout the year?


It doesn't work like that either.


As a Nintendo fan, you should know better that Nintendo are always planning their next move. The next big thing.


Like Serebii says, gamers have the "if it isn't shown, it doesn't exist" attitude. There are two types of people: Pessimists and Optimists.


I'm an Optimist. At E3, I saw the online voice chat, the confirmation of a new Pikmin, a new WiiSports, and Animal Crossing confirmed.


Pessimists saw No new Zelda, no new Mario, no new franchises, and no huge announcements.

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OK he said there is a new mario, zelda and pikmin coming up: AWESOME!

But what about the other kick ass franchises they didn't even mention let alone showed footage of?? Yes, I am talking about Star Fox in particular... Will we see the Fox soar through the skies again?? I doubt it for at least another year... And THAT my friends is a DAMN SHAME!!

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I'm an Optimist. At E3, I saw the online voice chat, the confirmation of a new Pikmin, a new WiiSports, and Animal Crossing confirmed.


Pessimists saw No new Zelda, no new Mario, no new franchises, and no huge announcements.

It's alright saying you're an optimist, but if those are not your types of games, the extreme lack of news and announcements meant you left E3 feeling empty!


Though if anyone went into E3 expecting a new Zelda and Mario they're crazy as that was never ever gonna happen this year!

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I think everyone here is forgetting something....


When did Nintendo ever really attempt to please the 'core' or 'hardcore' gamers? Over the GameCube's lifespan how great games did we get from Nintendo for the 'core' gamers? I think by the end of the Wii's lifespan the number will be very different. The only difference between now and when the GameCube was around is that the Wii has hit mainstream because of the Wiimote.


If you want games for 'core games' head over to Microsoft or Sony, if you want casual games with the occaisional AAA title made by Nintendo, go for a Wii.

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Actually they don't have to hurry for these titles, because the public they are trying to reach with this E3 " a wider public" don't give a SHIT for a new Zelda... they've never heard of Pikmin...

Wii Sports is a game everyone knows... so is Wii Music...

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Actually they don't have to hurry for these titles, because the public they are trying to reach with this E3 " a wider public" don't give a SHIT for a new Zelda... they've never heard of Pikmin...

Wii Sports is a game everyone knows... so is Wii Music...

I'm not exactly sure why you quoted me when you said that?
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Try to put it in to perspective...


I would say Nintendo has never released so many "big" games in such a short while as the first 18 months of the Wii: Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Kart Wii. Then we have more hardcore stuff like Battalion Wars 2 and Fire Emblem and the underrated Excite Truck. They're even all out in Europe.


We know a new Zelda, Mario, Animal Crossing and Pikmin is on the way, so is there any reason to complain?


As I said before it's third parties that has messed up. So far over 60% of my Wii games are Nintendo published. That shows something is very wrong.

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Yeah but just because they've released alot of games early, so then what, it's fine for them to not release anything for 18 months while they work on the next batch?! That's an exageration I know, but if that's how Nintendo are seeing it, then I think everyone would have prefered a more staggered release list of their key titles!

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ok i;m going to forward another argument here..


we all agree that there has been a sudden lack of nintendo games compared to gamecube for instance but..

if you think about it.. havent almost every single series on wii had the best game ever ON the wii!


im going to exclude zelda from this


super mario galaxy

mario kart wii

super smash bros melee


these are some of the best games on their respective series.. so maybe nintendo is working harder and longer on these news games.. time has been freed up for them.

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