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Guest bluey
wont be able to post my cds on monday but will be done by tuesday!


same same, tomorrow is a bank holiday here :smile:


Well, I've got mine in their packets ready to be posted Royal Mail classes them as fucking large letters so I've had to scrounge up 65p of stamps, so whoever gets mine it's kind colourful.


It also means I can only have people in the UK, so no (non northern) Irish addresses :(


I ay have to rob somewhere to by cds and stamps and shit (well not actual shit [unless...]) so I'll have em done as soon as i can. Still whittling down the tracks, I think 20 is probs too many.

Guest bluey

jeeze... you guys THINK too much.

i just threw a track or two that i particularly like from each album i have then arranged them so there wasnt any reeeeally chilled out stuff heart stoppingly close to any reeally noisy stuff :wtf:

i was just planning to doodle on the cd/case and pop them in a jiffy bag O__o


chillax, biddies!! :grin:

jeeze... you guys THINK too much.

i just threw a track or two that i particularly like from each album i have then arranged them so there wasnt any reeeeally chilled out stuff heart stoppingly close to any reeally noisy stuff :wtf:

i was just planning to doodle on the cd/case and pop them in a jiffy bag O__o


chillax, biddies!! :grin:

Same here, I picked a few choice cuts, then whittled it down from there.


As you know, our own Ashley has more complex thoughts.

The world is built upon stories, including music.


I dunno. I don't really like a mismatch of rise and falls. It needs to have a greater purpose.

Guest bluey

..but does he listen to music because he's complex...

or is he complex because he listens to music...? O____O *nods*




Im aware I overthink things thanks. But what can I say, im naturally a storyteller. It oozes out of me (in a non-literal sense).


..but does he listen to music because he's complex...

or is he complex because he listens to music...? O____O *nods*




Judging from my last.fm nah :p Music isn't my 'thing' (television is) so many on here would frown upon what I listen to but if its got a good story then im sold. Something like The Format's 'Dog Problems' album I adore because its a story (and more importantly, one of pain and misery).


Its more about if I create something it has to be a labour of love and something I have dedicated myself to. I give 110% :P

..but does he listen to music because he's complex...

or is he complex because he listens to music...? O____O *nods*





watching this actually reminded me that mixtapes are win hence this thread. Although the book is like 1083493755626x better.

Sounds crazy.


I'm in.


EDIT* How many tracks should we include?


as many as you can fit on a CD. send me your Addy asap and we'll get you sorted.


So yeah; general plan is to send out addresses to everyone involved tomorrow, then people can (as little as possible) take their time to deliver their promises.


Shit, I just realised mine sounds like a fucking 12 year old scene kids' wet dream.




Edit: Fixed. Much better. Dunno what I had going on there.

Ashley, I'm curious, without putting too much effort into it [since you can't make a disc] what would/could you put on a disc to make a story.


I can make a disc, just not in the timeframe (im a busy man :P) but it does kind of reflect the rise and fall aspect, just with songs chosen for their content rather than beat, tone, feeling or whatever.


i.e. you could tell the story of loss through spending the first few songs building up hope and the happy equilibrium (i.e. songs like...Feeling Good which is a bit of an on the nose example but its late...) and then have it come crashing down. Death. So a song like (and again, placeholder so don't mock) She Falls Asleep. Then built it from there. Through songs that express the pain of loss (or at worse connote the pain of loss) such as Hold On, Hold On (which was going to be on my list) or Lose You.


And then the build up and ending is up to you. If you're more optimistic you build toward gradually dealing with it and having songs such which slowly build up hope or it can just end tragically. Use a song such as Accidntel Deth (spelt like that, not sure why) which sound upbeat but aren't deep down to give that late rise before another angsty ending.


note: just a quickly bung together job


Part of me is glad Ashley isn't making a CD, I don't know if I could deal with the emotional rollercoaster that listening to the CD would be. :D


I made mine try and have a similar feel throughout.


I can't be arsed sending it, I might just digitally send it, since I'd make better cover art on the computer you can tell (/I wouldn't).

I made mine try and have a similar feel throughout.


I can't be arsed sending it, I might just digitally send it, since I'd make better cover art on the computer you can tell (/I wouldn't).


I think the whole idea is that you send and receive a physical object. If you're not willing to make the effort, don't sign up in the first place.

I think the whole idea is that you send and receive a physical object. If you're not willing to make the effort, don't sign up in the first place.


Oh ok. It's just cause I saw someone else mention e-sending.


I prefer physicality myself anyway.

j7 - a thought. When you send us the addresses will you tell us the forum names of the people we're sending to as well?


Edit: Wait, I had the total wrong idea, post completely vanished.


Have fun without me guise.

j7 - a thought. When you send us the addresses will you tell us the forum names of the people we're sending to as well?


Well I'm going to keep the suspense high and not tell you who you're sending it to :P A lot of people have given me addresses without names, so i recommend you title your envelopes "n-e mixtape" Or something similar.


So yeah - I quite like my playlist :) I'm fairly certain nobody else will, and that i probably won't like what I receive - But that's not really the point. I will love the cd I receive regardless of what is on it simply because some random person from the internet sent it to me, and that's good enough.


I didn't get to draw addresses today, i will do it tomorrow. I've burned one of my CDs, and made an atrocious cover, and shall complete the job tomorrow.

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