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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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Later in the dream I was watching Mulholland Drive (I've never seen it, so it was my dream version of the film) anyway I only saw one scene....there was this weirdly shaped concrete curve path, with a deep puddle in the middle. Two people were stood still and just fell/flopped head first into the puddle and drowned, then Charlie from Lost/of the Rings hopped over them. Then I discussed with Paj how I didn't get/like it.


I don't think you'll get/like the real Mulholland Drive.

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I dont really dream these days.


My best dreams have been the ones where I've dreamt up places and explored them. I'll never forget one city that was littered on the outskirts with millions of marble statues. The city centre was by the sea and it was home to huge towering emerald coloured skyscrapers and there were lots of those giant stone heads along the beach:




It was an amazing place! I dreamt that 5 years ago and really wish that I was good at drawing.

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Awesome dream this morning! (Woke up then fell asleep again)


Alright, I went back after a party, by car, to Miley Cyrus' house. Basically this was after some party, she happened to be at with the rest of people from school. Her dad (not her real life dad) said something along the lines of "Pack those clothes in here" or "get changed" or something...in any case, I had to go with this guy from my class (also with me at Miley's house...), who's kinda loser-ish, but nice, upstairs to find a medium sized purple luggage bag.


The upstairs was the upstairs of my Dad's house. In one room was another (cooler than the guy I was with) person from my year, Miley's brother, for the purpose of this story. He was reading something. That's where his role ended.


In what's in real life my old room (we moved out of my dad's house), there were loads of boxes and a pole-dancing pole erected on the left of my room.


*OOh! Just realised, where the pole was attached to the celing was exactly where I had hanging at electric bat that spun around flapping it's wings, in real life*


Anyway, THE WHOLE REASON WE CAME to Miley Cyrus' house was because she wanted to come to the Liz Phair concert I was going to, but she had to get changed or something. So when Liz Phair was in my room, sitting on a box, It seemed odd (but of course not so, in the dream itself).


She then began doing an extremely erotic and accomplished pole dance, whlst wielding another pole in her hands, which she spun around and stuff. I remember she was singing a song, which I think was;

I recall requesting a song, but I don't think she did them, before I found the purple bag.


I said "Well..be. See You later!", but she just kept on dancing, while pointing her hand-held pole at me.


Anyway, downstairs, for some reason, I ended up changing into clothes *someone else in the dream* was wearing, and Miley's dad compimented my tie.


I think that was it.

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In my dream I got pet cat and then I took it on some kind of school trip. We all went swimming in a lake and I took the cat with me and every one loved him, he was swimming everywhere. And then he won some king of award. At the end I was at home and realised I hadn't given it a name. It started tasking and in the end I called it 'LT', which the cat was happy with....



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Awesome dream this morning! (Woke up then fell asleep again)


Alright, I went back after a party, by car, to Miley Cyrus' house. Basically this was after some party, she happened to be at with the rest of people from school. Her dad (not her real life dad) said something along the lines of "Pack those clothes in here" or "get changed" or something...in any case, I had to go with this guy from my class (also with me at Miley's house...), who's kinda loser-ish, but nice, upstairs to find a medium sized purple luggage bag.


The upstairs was the upstairs of my Dad's house. In one room was another (cooler than the guy I was with) person from my year, Miley's brother, for the purpose of this story. He was reading something. That's where his role ended.


In what's in real life my old room (we moved out of my dad's house), there were loads of boxes and a pole-dancing pole erected on the left of my room.


*OOh! Just realised, where the pole was attached to the celing was exactly where I had hanging at electric bat that spun around flapping it's wings, in real life*


Anyway, THE WHOLE REASON WE CAME to Miley Cyrus' house was because she wanted to come to the Liz Phair concert I was going to, but she had to get changed or something. So when Liz Phair was in my room, sitting on a box, It seemed odd (but of course not so, in the dream itself).


She then began doing an extremely erotic and accomplished pole dance, whlst wielding another pole in her hands, which she spun around and stuff. I remember she was singing a song, which I think was;


I recall requesting a song, but I don't think she did them, before I found the purple bag.


I said "Well..be. See You later!", but she just kept on dancing, while pointing her hand-held pole at me.


Anyway, downstairs, for some reason, I ended up changing into clothes *someone else in the dream* was wearing, and Miley's dad compimented my tie.


I think that was it.


That is odd! :o


I think there is a Miley Cyrus theme is going around in a dream lately as my friend had a dream about her the other night as well!


He was in a shop waiting to buy a new CD when he saw another friend (like most unlikely person to like her) already in the queue buying the Hannah Montana soundtrack... while other girls where looking at him disapprovingly shaking their heads!


I also had a dream about her but that is more understandable. All my worries about my exams where explained to me in a dream through a Hannah Montana episode which was bizarre as all the characters were talking about RS or Psychology and where explaining all different techniques to me. Twas very Bizarre! :)

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I also had a dream about her but that is more understandable. All my worries about my exams where explained to me in a dream through a Hannah Montana episode which was bizarre as all the characters were talking about RS or Psychology and where explaining all different techniques to me. Twas very Bizarre! :)


That would be such a great way to revise. "Help I can't learn this" *A buzzing sound begins, followed by Miley Cyrus transforming from a fly into herself* "I'm here to help!".


That would make the best revision session ever. Well actually. Lady GaGa performing a revised version of Just Dance, aptly named "Just Revise" may top it.

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I've only ever had 1 sexy dream (where I was involved), and even then, it wasn't sexy, I just had sex, to move the plot of the story on.


Only 1 wet dream too...


Am I odd?


Definitely not. I want more sexual dreams. I've only had a few, and most seem to involve some form of horror aspect too.




Dream last night was ANOTHER scary one...with a brief Britney Spears cameo.


I was at this huge swimming pool complex place, and left my mum and her friends talking in the jacuzzi and I swam off to another part. Then I found this wristband that belonged to Britney, and I gave it to her. She offered a reward but I declined. So she said "I'll buy you an icecream then!" After buying one, suddenly it clouded over and everyone began screaming and running indoors to leave. Britney grabbed my hand, but I screamed "Let gooooo!" and ran to find my mum. When I had found my mum, everywhere was almost empty.


We ran insdie this wierd building and tried to find our way out, but instead found our way to the roof. There were some "zombies" (Like 28 days later) around. We saw some other people and we formed a plan to tip this huge "can" of oil that was on the roof and set fire to it to burn all the zombies. Sadly, they came thick and fast, and we had to run for our lives by climbing down the reeeeeeally high building.


We found this "mining track", and grabbed some dead zombie bodies and rode them like mining carts down the track. When we got to the bottom, we peered out these trees and could see zombies on either side of us. We ran into this field and suddenly were being chased by these real farmer type people with guns. They wanted us for food or something I think.


Then, the same thing happened as always like it does in my scary dreams. I "froze time" to stop myself from being killed and then woke up. I have NO idea why I seem to be able to slow time down when I'm about to be caught. It's so freaky.

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That dream means you're sexually frustrated.






As do all dreams.



I don't need a dream to inform me of such things. :p


I thought the dream meant Britney Spears obviously thinks I'm sexual, and that I should never accept an icecream from her, should she offer me one. :D

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I don't need a dream to inform me of such things. :p


I thought the dream meant Britney Spears obviously thinks I'm sexual, and that I should never accept an icecream from her, should she offer me one. :D



To see a famous singer in your dream, represents harmony and some divine influence or vibrations. It indicates glorification of the human spirit. Consider also your general impression of this singer and how those specific qualities may be triggered by someone or some situation in your waking life.


Ice Cream

To see or eat ice cream in your dream, denotes pleasure and satisfaction with your life. You need to savor the moment and enjoy it. It is also indicative of good luck and success in love. Alternatively, the dream may suggest that you need to cool off and not let your temper get out of hand.


To dream that you are eating ice cream that is tasteless or sour, signifies sorrow, disillusionment, or betrayal.

To see ice cream melt in your dream, symbolizes failure to realize your hopes and desires.



To dream that you are swimming, suggests that you are exploring aspects of your unconscious mind and emotions. The dream may be a sign that you are seeking some sort of emotional support. It is a common dream image for people going through therapy.


To dream that you are swimming underwater, suggests that you are completely submerged in your own feelings. You are forcing yourself to deal with your emotional difficulties.





Not sure why I posted that. I mean, I find that my own analysis of my dreams is pretty easy to undertake. Dreams are easier to understand than we think... But I like reading different dream dictionaries and things.

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Lol, thanks for the pretty interesting post. Dreams have always fascinated me, I love trying to figure out where they may have developed from or what they could signify.


You missed out the most glaring aspect in the dream. Lots of dead people chasing me! :p


But tbh, with all these explanations of things in dreams differering from place to place it's hard to know what to believe. The Ice-cream thing made me think though. I was given it, and then as I was about to experience the pleasure of eating it, everything clouded over and I dropped it. So it's kind of signifying there's some form of pleasure I am trying to obtain in life, but never seem to be able to fully do so. (Something which I can definitely make comparisons too)


/is reading into things too much.

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My dreams have always been weird, but lately theres something weird been going on.

Ive been dreaming that ive woken up, and the some sort of spider attack happens.

The first time my bed was covered in thousands of small spiders.

[This is where i actually wake up]

I freak out and throw my blanket in the bath, and get back in bed.


Another dream i had was instead of lots of little spiders, there was one bounding big one that jumpped as high as me'(Which somehow opened my door to get in :s). this is where i thought its either me or him.

[This is where i actually wake up]

throw my duvet over where it is supposed to be and stomp on it.


Ive woke my family up twice doing it now, anyone know what it could be/mean?

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Don't usually have dreams except when I'm in a bed with someone. I have no idea why?!?!


Anyway just woken up from a dream where I am protecting Tidus from FFX, may have been Yuna since I tried to summon, I was fighting this beast (IIRC looked like a tank from Left4Dead) and then I bitchslapped it which did nothing, not sure what happened next, I've forgotten it already :) Was a weird dream.


I remember my first sex dream, was about this girl in my english class, man she was hot. Fancied her for a bit after because she was sexy in my dream. Then she got pregnant at like 15/16. Wasn't so sexy then :(

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Don't usually have dreams except when I'm in a bed with someone. I have no idea why?!?!


Anyway just woken up from a dream...


Good night then? :p


Im getting flashes off my dream last night. Was with someone and they wanted to hold my hand but I refused as im not so much into that (and 'Back In Your Head' just reminded me of that). Me and my housemate agreed to also rent rooms in another house. A nice house but once the contracts were signed I was like "hang on...money??" And some things that were meant to be sexual but I wasn't really feeling it. (not sure how best to explain that but I'll stick with that)

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Good night then? :p


Im getting flashes off my dream last night. Was with someone and they wanted to hold my hand but I refused as im not so much into that (and 'Back In Your Head' just reminded me of that). Me and my housemate agreed to also rent rooms in another house. A nice house but once the contracts were signed I was like "hang on...money??" And some things that were meant to be sexual but I wasn't really feeling it. (not sure how best to explain that but I'll stick with that)


3 good nights actually ;)

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