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It is impossible to find a job.

I'm quite lucky and have an interview for the shop i've been doing a paper round for 5 years for tomorrow. I should get it hopefully. They love me in there.

Apart from that, i have not been able to find another job in the past year. Not even as a xmas temp. They all want experience.

I'm not looking forward to looking for a full time job for september.

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I went to an agency. They wanted experience.


Ask for work experience at various places, most places will take you on in some form or another, even if its just making tea for a week you can still put it down as experience in that field of work.

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Ask for work experience at various places, most places will take you on in some form or another, even if its just making tea for a week you can still put it down as experience in that field of work.


Yeah if you tell em yer desperate you can usually find something. I had no experience at all and got an office job.

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Ok, this is fudging me off now.


I went to the job-centre on Friday, and found a few phone numbers. So, rang up, and one of the numbers sounded really promising and they seemed interested in my experience. So, they asked me to send my CV across, which I did.


I've heard nothing since. On top of that, I've got a telephone interview with Lloyds TSB but I don't think they'll be taking in new workers until the end of July.


*sigh* :(

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Shush, you.


Anyway, I've emailed that person again, and she's said it's ok for me to pop in this afternoon. Probably won't amount to much, but still...


I need a hug. :(


It really is horrendous job seeking, took me a year before I got a job =(



*massive n-e hugs for flink!*

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I'm currently hunting for a job. Been to a local shopping centre today, handed out some CVs and a few places are currently looking for staff so fingers crossed for a reply. Also went to town on friday and handed out some CVs there. I at least have some retail experience from working in my local charity shop so I'm not in desperate need of that anymore. Does anyone else think girls are more favoured for work in retail or am I just being stupid =/?

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Does anyone else think girls are more favoured for work in retail or am I just being stupid =/?


Depends on what sort of retail work I would think. Somewhere like Boots and they might unofficially prefer a girl but in a male clothes shop then they would unofficially prefer a guy.


I say "unofficially" because obviously they're open to anyone applying for the job regardless of gender.



I should be doing my training this Thursday and Friday and then start properly when the restaurant opens on Monday evening. :)

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Well, went to see the agency in town, and the lady told me that they're more or less looking for permanent workers...why is a bit shitty because the print-out from the job centre said TEMPORARY.


She said she's got a few places in mind and will get back to me in the next few days. My reaction: I'm not holding out much hope, at all. Again, as soon as she found out that my future profession was teaching, she pretty much wrote me off. Why the hell do they keep doing this?


So, on the way home, I passed another agency. Went inside, and signed myself up. Did a few word, excel and typing tests, which altogether took about an hour! Saying that, I've found that I can type 61 words a minute with 98% accuracy, which she seemed really impressed about! So, heh, you never know.


I'm going there again tomorrow to fill out some admin, and then they're going to see what's out there for me. They specialise in admin and office work, so maybe I'll have some luck. *fingers crossed*

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Alright, that's it. I've reached the end of my tether. Expect a rant and foul-mouthed tirade of abuse.


I've woke up this morning, taken my documents and have hit the town. Been back to the agency I went to yesterday, filled out a load of forms. And, got told that they'll get back to me if they hear anything...


What? Is that it? After ALL that, after spending an hour doing your tests, another hour filling in your forms and coming in again this morning, THAT is all you had to tell me?


On the plus side, they gave me a list of all the agencies in Newport. I've looked at this list and have ticked off the ones that I have already been to. So, I visit each one, and I hear "sorry, we haven't got anything at the moment."


"ok, what about <insert category>."

"nope, sorry, we haven't got anything."


"Anything...*like I'm stupid*"


So, I pop along to the next one. I see an advert for customer services in the window:


"sorry, we don't do customer services here."

"But, the window..."

"yeah, that's taken care of by our <insert other brand name in here>"

"ok...can I have their email address, please."

"Yeah...here's mine and then I'll forward it for you."



I have been everywhere. I've been to the jobcentre, I've been to the agencies, I've checked online, I've looked through the paper, and there is NOTHING. Not a fucking single job going in this town.


I've had it, I've had enough.


I'm training to be a teacher, and it's not fucking cheap to be a teacher. Apart from the placements which you do not get paid for (infact you lose money), there's the fact that you also have to pay rent, bills, uni expenses, and somehow live off that money as well - without the student loan, I'd be royally fucked.


So, I come home for the summer, and I think to myself "hey, I'll fund my career by doing some work. I'm not afraid of working, I'm hardworking and I'll put in as much effort as I can. I'll go job-hunting."


Well, it's not nice to see the door slammed in your face at every place you go, or worse, to not even get a second thought or being acknowledged. Yes, I'm a student, but I have bills to pay to. Just because I have an ambition, don't fucking penalise me for it. If you want experience, I have it. If you want availability, you've got it. If you want effort, you've got that. What more do you fucking want?!


Newport is supposed to be an up-and-coming city. There's loads of developments going on to make it more student-friendly. Well, if they can't get the work, what the FUCK is the use in doing all these developments? What's the goddamn point in making all these luxury flats and houses if nobody can afford to live in them? I've had enough of this 'city' and it's the second summer that I've spent here trying to look for some work to fund my future career and just to live. It's not good enough, and on the way home I was really seething with anger and was contemplating sending an angry letter to my local council, because I find it hard to believe that a city with such apparant ambition can also house some of the laziest and worst agency staff that I've yet to come across.


I was actually giving a thought to moving back to Wales after uni, but now I've thought better of it. I'd rather not step foot in this fucking shithole again. Thanks a lot, Newport. Thank's for fucking nothing.

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Ok, this is how my day went.


I woke up this morning, because my brother was knocking on my door. He came in and said that Lloyds TSB were on the phone talking about a telephone interview for a job.


So, I ran downstairs, in my underwear, and was on there for half an hour having an interview. It went really well I thought, I spoke as confidently as it's possible for me to do and I tried to take my time and be clear. I was quite proud.


They said thank you and that they'd let me know in a few days.


So, I'm sat on the computer, browsing N-E...and my phone rings. It's that claire person who I went to see the other day who didn't give me a second thought cos I was a student:


"Hey, its claire. What are you doing this afternoon?"

"Hi, um...nothing...why? Is everything ok?"

"Yes, everything is fine thank you. How would you like a job?"

"what now?! YES please!"

"ok, you need to go to so and so, they need people on the phones. Here is where you need to go <insert long instructions> and then you're there. Its yours."

"...thank you! :D"


I rush around the house trying to look smart, and she calls again.


"hello, one last thing. Don't tell them you're a student, best not to, eh? :)"

"ok, I agree! Thank you!"


So, she came good in the end!


The job itself is fine. Call centre work, which I've done before and am used to, so it's fine. The people there are nice, everyone seems quite happy. I've only literally just got through the door. It's going to take me about 45 mins to walk there everyday, but its fine.


YES! The searching did pay off.


So the moral of the story is...keep going. Right to the very end. Never say die, and in some way you will be rewarded. All this frustration of going out there everyday to find something has finally seemed to have paid off.


*sigh of relief*

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Just (about 3 hours ago) got back from my training and I'm absolutely shagged. Partly because I only slept for about 4 hours last night and partly because I haven't sat down all day. 2 of the girls I'm going to be working with are hot though so it's all good. There were 4 of us there, my friend Dom who I've known for ages and 2 girls who are both really nice. The 4 of us got in really well so working there should be pretty good. Another guy is coming in tomorrow who couldn't make it today who I know well and there are a few older people starting too.


The place opens on Monday night for "family and guests" and then properly on Tuesday. The guy is really flexible too so if I ever want to get a day off if I ask far enough in advance I should be able to do so. :)

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Ok, this is how my day went.


I woke up this morning, because my brother was knocking on my door. He came in and said that Lloyds TSB were on the phone talking about a telephone interview for a job.


So, I ran downstairs, in my underwear, and was on there for half an hour having an interview. It went really well I thought, I spoke as confidently as it's possible for me to do and I tried to take my time and be clear. I was quite proud.


They said thank you and that they'd let me know in a few days.


So, I'm sat on the computer, browsing N-E...and my phone rings. It's that claire person who I went to see the other day who didn't give me a second thought cos I was a student:


"Hey, its claire. What are you doing this afternoon?"

"Hi, um...nothing...why? Is everything ok?"

"Yes, everything is fine thank you. How would you like a job?"

"what now?! YES please!"

"ok, you need to go to so and so, they need people on the phones. Here is where you need to go <insert long instructions> and then you're there. Its yours."

"...thank you! :D"


I rush around the house trying to look smart, and she calls again.


"hello, one last thing. Don't tell them you're a student, best not to, eh? :)"

"ok, I agree! Thank you!"


So, she came good in the end!


The job itself is fine. Call centre work, which I've done before and am used to, so it's fine. The people there are nice, everyone seems quite happy. I've only literally just got through the door. It's going to take me about 45 mins to walk there everyday, but its fine.


YES! The searching did pay off.


So the moral of the story is...keep going. Right to the very end. Never say die, and in some way you will be rewarded. All this frustration of going out there everyday to find something has finally seemed to have paid off.


*sigh of relief*


Flinky got a job!!!! Horrraaayy! We're all very proud of you sir! :yay:

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Well, I'm dropping off my course and starting to apply for testing jobs. I think that my CV will be alright but it's just a case of getting things started.


Job security in the industry is a bit shit but if I can get a permenant contract then I might be able to move out of home sooner rather than later :D Luckily, lots of gaming companies in the midlands.

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Just (about 3 hours ago) got back from my training and I'm absolutely shagged. Partly because I only slept for about 4 hours last night and partly because I haven't sat down all day. 2 of the girls I'm going to be working with are hot though so it's all good. There were 4 of us there, my friend Dom who I've known for ages and 2 girls who are both really nice. The 4 of us got in really well so working there should be pretty good. Another guy is coming in tomorrow who couldn't make it today who I know well and there are a few older people starting too.


The place opens on Monday night for "family and guests" and then properly on Tuesday. The guy is really flexible too so if I ever want to get a day off if I ask far enough in advance I should be able to do so. :)


Well done, dude! We're kicking arse. :)


Flinky got a job!!!! Horrraaayy! We're all very proud of you sir! :yay:


Thank you, Madam.


Well, I'm dropping off my course and starting to apply for testing jobs. I think that my CV will be alright but it's just a case of getting things started.


Job security in the industry is a bit shit but if I can get a permenant contract then I might be able to move out of home sooner rather than later :D Luckily, lots of gaming companies in the midlands.


You can do eet. *waves flag*


Wow, this is a good day for Humankind. Lets keep the arse kicking going, people.

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You can do eet. *waves flag*



Damn hope so! I really need this at the moment. After deciding that I fucked my last year at uni and that I'm not going to be a games artist anytime soon, I just need to make some steps forward. Just need to get into the industry and find out what I'm naturally good at.


Might be designing actually but that's by the by

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Luckily, lots of gaming companies in the midlands.


Two things; there are and you're in the midlands? Never knew.


Anywho. Congrats Flinky.


And to one and all here's some inspiration; if I, with a criminal record (caution whatever) for theft can get three jobs since that happened (and one of which lead to me being assistant manager) its not impossible ;)


Granted I got all my jobs because of who I knew...so maybe thats the best way. G'luck :)

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