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Football Season 2008/2009

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Platt wasn't bad for us, he was getting on when he signed, still a quality player and scored some crucial goals.


Bit like Gianfranco Zola for Chelsea, too. When he came to the Bridge recently heading up West Ham he got a huge round of applause from the Chelsea fans. Absolute legend; no Chelsea fan could possibly hate him or give him a negative reception after his outstanding service at Chelsea :D


Zola was a league legend, played for a respectable Chelsea side. Always had a smile on his face, clearly loved the game. Fantastic footballer.

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Zola was a league legend, played for a respectable Chelsea side. Always had a smile on his face, clearly loved the game. Fantastic footballer.



I'm glad we can finally agree on something :heh: : peace:

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Zola actually my favourite footballer ever. Really want him to do well at West Ham preserving his legend status.

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waheyyyy, arsenal have finally won a game!


My faith in the gooners have already gone this season though.

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I think we (Spurs) have a good shout for the most overrated, overpriced team of the year. *sigh*...


You've won that 4 seasons on the trot.


Good result and a solid performance from the team today. Bit of grit in the performance, I'm pleased.


Was right near the away fans and the bloke with his bell. Good laugh, top set of away fans.

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Well I think I can safely say we thrashed Liverpool today. Screwed them right up we did.

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Well, we got tonked today (although by rights it should have been 2-2 at half time)


At least our fans did us proud though, the scousers were absolutely embarrassing and got the pissed ripped out of them non-stop for how pathetic their support was. I'd say it was just cos they expected to beat us so it was no big deal, but Man U twat us every season and get behind their team and sing their hearts out for 90 minutes whereas there was barely a peep out of Liverpool for the entire game, even when they were wining 5-1.

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So we're almost at the end of the year, and I've just seen thoughts on bbc's site where people were posting their Footballing Highlights of 2008. So I thought why not bring it over here.


For me it was being at the San Siro, although it was only a 2nd round match it was like our final last season. It was a bit of everything, my first away match, my first European away match, the first university assignment hand in I'd skipped, first visit to Italy. And everything went without a hitch, not just in sense of the game (which was near perfect). But the day itself was awesome, met some awesome people, had an amazing time. And was home back in bed before 4am. Crazy 24 hours.


Other notable mentions go to wins over Man United and Chelsea this season, our Carling Cup team this year, I was really impressed with a lot of players, and the rise of Jack Wilshire.


There's not been too much in terms of significant highlights for us Gooners to shout about this year, but I suppose it could be a lot worse.

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My personal highlights of 2008 have been as follows:

1. Barnsley fantastic FA Cup run (another one will hopefully begin against West Ham next week!)

2. John Terry's penalty miss in the Champions League final

3. A thoroughly deserved Spanish win at Euro 2008.

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My highlights of the year:


Victories over Derby (6-0), Blues (5-1), Ajax (2-1) and Arsenal (2-0). The Derby match was just a top performance against a crap team, likewise with the Blues match only that had much more to it being a derby game and everything. And then beating two massive clubs, which shows that we're really starting to go somewhere.


Getting into Europe is definitely a highlight. It had been about 7 years since the last time that happened, and we got knocked out by some Croatian team nobody had heard of.


The All-England Champions League Final.

Just because it probably really annoyed Sepp Blatter and Michel Twatini.


Another one has to be the Boxing Day match against the Gunners. Zat Knight's equaliser sent the stadium into such a delight that I had only ever seen on telly before. It's been replaying in my head over and over since. It's those sort of moments you go to football matches to witness.



It has probably been one of the best years for Villa since 1996. We're really looking forward to see what's going to happen. I can't help but feel optimistic about it. :grin:

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for me highlight of the year is probably Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink's last minute winner against Rangers, sent us on the way to 3 in a row :)

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3) Beating Arsenal in the Champions League- the Anfield leg was immense!


2) Italy being useless at the Euro's. :nono:


1) Finishing the year top of the league.

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for me highlight of the year is probably Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink's last minute winner against Rangers, sent us on the way to 3 in a row :)


I think i consumed the most Alcohol ever on that night. It was a great start to a 3 day bender.

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3) Beating Arsenal in the Champions League- the Anfield leg was immense!


2) Spain winning Euro 2008


1) Finishing the year top of the league.


Pretty much what he said ;)


Apart from the Euro part :)


(Wanted Spain to win :D)

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Wayne Bridge to Man City.... Always thought he was quality and, if he were to move, would sure help them sort out that back 4.

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Saw the Wayne Bridge possible move to Man City on tv this morning, think it would be good for him, hes a solid defender with good attacking sense as well, felt he was wasted at Chelsea when Ashley came in, I personally preferred Bridge. Hope he gets some regular first team play!


Going to see Chelsea v Southend (team I support v local team) tomorrow :) Looking forward to it!

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Love the FA Cup, probably gonna head to the ground early tomororw have a few pints before hand.

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Well not technically a football question but can anyone remember the song that played during the soccer am dance off this morning?

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Well not technically a football question but can anyone remember the song that played during the soccer am dance off this morning?


It's Herve - Cheap Thrills:


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Damn, got there before me red_shift. Loved Soccer AM this morning, that dance off was epic. :D Also the young comedian talking about how much he hated Bendtner (sp?) had me laughing quite a bit, was rather shocked!




Football! From what I gather Chelsea were really unlucky to let in the equalizer in the last minute, they were dominating the entire game but were just unable to find the back of the net. I'm not too concerned about the performance, though it would be nice to not have one extra match to play..


Also, I'd like to commend Robinho once again for his most excellent football club choice.. :laughing:

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Soccer AM was pretty good today.


Fuck me. This ITV highlight coverage is more than I can take.

Fair play to Forest Green for pushing Derby all the way but do we need 25 minutes of coverage on the match?!

Robbie Earle and Llewellyn 'Alan' Curbishley, please do one.

How long do we have to put up with the cup highlights on ITV?


One positive: At least they don't have that bloody woman commentator.

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Went to see Chelsea play, I'm sorry to say Dyson but we didn't 'dominate'. We had major possesion but didn't really do much with it! We should have ended the game sooooo many times but alas we don't have the finishing ability at the moment it seems.


Can't believe they scored in the 90th minute! Last game they scored in the 89th!


Fun time had anyway :)

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