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high-five for you! I'm genuinely terrified with joy. Is wossisnamewhowasgambitinWolverine still in the show? Or is it all-new kids? I'll watch it anyway. Mmmm... that girl with boobs.... mmmm.... coach's daughter... mmmm *prays*

  jayseven said:
high-five for you! I'm genuinely terrified with joy. Is wossisnamewhowasgambitinWolverine still in the show? Or is it all-new kids? I'll watch it anyway. Mmmm... that girl with boobs.... mmmm.... coach's daughter... mmmm *prays*


Allow me to avert your fears Jay.


Wolverines bitch is still in it, appears in all episodes I believe. There are some new kiddies because of the events that happened at the end of season 3 (Coach T starting a new school). Obviously some of the guys (Like Matt) have now graduated but he is still around for 7 or so episodes I believe. Coach's Daughter is there too!


I didn't spoiler the above because, It's probably only relevant to me and the J-Man.

  welsh_gamer said:
24 Season 8 Trailer - don't watch it you haven't seen Season 7 yet :heh:


Yay! Looks good. Not as epic as previously (which is good)


Yay hot chick....whatsername.


And "MillunRupees" guy!



Posted (edited)



Kristen Bell and Jane Lynch will be returning for season two of Party Down (sideline, fucking awesome comedy). I was sure Bell was going to but I thought Fox we're being dicks with Lynch now being on Glee.


Anyway Bell will be reviving her role (and storyline) mid season two while Lynch (whose character is being 'replaced' by Will and Grace's Megan Mullaly) will be in the season two finale.


When asked about this news co-star Ryan Hansen said "Jane's coming back. That's my twin! I love her so much," and he seems to be onto something...






Oh and NBC have orded six more episodes of Chuck (making it 19). Excellent.

Edited by Ashley
Posted (edited)

Sooner than I anticipated. Although surely it means it will only be on for at best three weeks and then fall into the usual xmas/new year hiatus?


Seems the producers of Smallville are trying to lure The CW into agreeing to a 10th series (but no VM season four, damn sexist CW :P).

Edited by Ashley
  Ashley said:
Sooner than I anticipated. Although surely it means it will only be on for at best three weeks and then fall into the usual xmas/new year hiatus?


Seems the producers of Smallville are trying to lure The CW into agreeing to a 10th series (but no VM season four, damn sexist CW :P).


Haha. It's been one of their top rated shows since the network formed, so I wouldn't be surprised if it did get renewed for another season. We all know how VM did in the ratings :heh:


I saw the end of a stray Smallville ep (i'll watch it if it's on, watched the first 3 series way back when), and I don't get how they can STILL be harking on about shit. Unless it was a rerun from just after I stopped watching? Various scenes of Clark walking into Lex's office, Lex drops some hint about maybe knowing he has powers, then clark saves him during some shit deal gone wrong or something. BUT Impulse (??!) has a jewelry box made of kryptonite, uses it, then decides against it, and runs off. Martha is working with Lana at the Talon, while people are still jizzing over "the caves".


Maybe it's jkust out of context, but it didn't inspire me to watch it again.

  Paj Meen Ah said:
I saw the end of a stray Smallville ep (i'll watch it if it's on, watched the first 3 series way back when), and I don't get how they can STILL be harking on about shit. Unless it was a rerun from just after I stopped watching? Various scenes of Clark walking into Lex's office, Lex drops some hint about maybe knowing he has powers, then clark saves him during some shit deal gone wrong or something. BUT Impulse (??!) has a jewelry box made of kryptonite, uses it, then decides against it, and runs off. Martha is working with Lana at the Talon, while people are still jizzing over "the caves".


Maybe it's jkust out of context, but it didn't inspire me to watch it again.


That's 5 years old, just after you finished watching it by the sounds of it. It's been a different show for the last couple of seasons.

  JonSt said:
Haha. It's been one of their top rated shows since the network formed, so I wouldn't be surprised if it did get renewed for another season. We all know how VM did in the ratings :heh:


Yeah but none of the Veronica Mars cast have ended up being arrested for drug trafficking :p

  Paj Meen Ah said:
I saw the end of a stray Smallville ep (i'll watch it if it's on, watched the first 3 series way back when), and I don't get how they can STILL be harking on about shit. Unless it was a rerun from just after I stopped watching? Various scenes of Clark walking into Lex's office, Lex drops some hint about maybe knowing he has powers, then clark saves him during some shit deal gone wrong or something. BUT Impulse (??!) has a jewelry box made of kryptonite, uses it, then decides against it, and runs off. Martha is working with Lana at the Talon, while people are still jizzing over "the caves".


Maybe it's jkust out of context, but it didn't inspire me to watch it again.


Well, Lex has been dead for ages and Lana buggered off a while ago now. Season 9 (maybe 8, lost bloody count) was a bit of a reboot.


It's trash TV but there's something quite enjoyable about it and I have absolutely no idea what it is.

  Daft said:
Well when do dead people actually stay dead? :heh:


He hasn't been in the series for about 3 seasons though.


I thought it was just the last season he wasn't in it, and even then he was for like one episode (when he gets blowed up...)

  Daft said:
He isn't dead?


We're suppose to believe he's dead, he was blown up in a caravan after all. So it probably means he is alive.


Well I guess that's the thing about smallville - the whole Superman universe(s) is essentially available as knowledge, so there are a lot of instances of precognition for viewers, such as a new character's name hinting at things to come. The show is never wholely unknown (except to people like me, who have no idea who these people are supposed to be), but that's part of the show's 'charm'.


People die in comic book universes all the time. In a show thats had clones, who's to say who is dead? Luthorcorp still exists, there's no way he's gone for good. Whether or not Michael Rosenbaum returns is something difficult to confirm.

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