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Gamer's Seal of Approval


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Alright, rant+idea, get comfortable.


When Good Games go Un-played


This is a disease that all entertainment industries suffer from, good work goes under appreciated. At the moment i'm looking at Prime 3, No More Heroes and Zack and Wiki. Games that far too few people played, it's a crime.


Why? I see two reasons. Either a lack of/bad marketing or an unattractive image.


And it matters. When games don't sell they don't get made. Shenmue 3 will never be seen because the first two didn't sell. That right there is a sad, sad truth.


I don't need to explain this too much, you all know it is a problem.


Is There Something We Can Do?


Maybe. I'll get straight the point. A "Gamer's Seal of Approval". A widespread internet based initiative that awards good games with a certificate of merit. The Gamers themselves (us) decide developers that should be recognised, credited, for their effort in developing games.


Similar to the Nintendo seal of approval, the aim would be two-fold. Firstly an extra marketing initiative that could be utilized by publishers to help sell the game. If they want it they can put it right on the box.


Secondly it would let developers know that their work is being appreciated, that we want them to create more of these games even in they don't sell.


Would it work? Maybe. Is it worth a try? I think so. If there is a chance it would improve the state of the industry, why not.


Interested? It's a Joint Effort


Well yeah, I need your help. If you want to be a part of this, if you think there is a possibility it would work, say so below. We'd need a website, we'd need people. We would need to spread the word. We would need to contact media and developers.


But N-Europe is my base. I need to know there are people here who want this to happen. If there are, please say so, and we can get started.


So, anyone want to try and make a difference?


Edit: If you are interest in helping head over to the NiSuTe forums, sign up (in your signature but "I AM FROM N-EUROPE AND I AM HUMAN" (don't ask)), and head to the anouncements section. There say you want in and you'll be added into a secure section of the forums for discussion of this. Hope to see you there.

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Hell yeah, this is a market wide thing. Every console has games that should sell but doesn't, has games that should receive sequels but don't.


When I've got the time i'll PM my e-mail to a couple of people.

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So would the seal be reserved exclusively for superb games that don't get the public interest they deserve, or would it be used as a general mark of approval for excellent games, regardless of how much interest it has drummed up?


Would Super Mario Galaxy get the seal, for instance?

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Interested but let me play devil's advocate for just a bit. Would it be really worthwhile? A game on the wii for example that does not sell well may have needed that extra marketing, but you have to think of the channels to which you deliver a message. Most people who own a wii would probably not trawl the internet searching for game news, reviews and such. They get their information from the tv most likely and I don't believe that this gamer's seal will reach that far. There are a few other issues on my mind but I wait till i get a response to this one.

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So would the seal be reserved exclusively for superb games that don't get the public interest they deserve, or would it be used as a general mark of approval for excellent games, regardless of how much interest it has drummed up?


Would Super Mario Galaxy get the seal, for instance?


This is one of the reasons I want to get a group of people together. Personally I think it should just be games that are predicted to sell badly. Otherwise the seal would become diluted. But then again if people think otherwise than we do so.


Interested but let me play devil's advocate for just a bit. Would it be really worthwhile? A game on the wii for example that does not sell well may have needed that extra marketing, but you have to think of the channels to which you deliver a message. Most people who own a wii would probably not trawl the internet searching for game news, reviews and such. They get their information from the tv most likely and I don't believe that this gamer's seal will reach that far. There are a few other issues on my mind but I wait till i get a response to this one.



The eventual aim (and this is optimistic) would be so it is printed on the front of the box. But ofcourse this would take time. Initially the idea would be to market it virally on the internet, through sites and magazines, and ofcourse to the publishers. If you make it so the community who decides what games receive the award big enough, people will take notice.

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Interested but let me play devil's advocate for just a bit. Would it be really worthwhile? A game on the wii for example that does not sell well may have needed that extra marketing, but you have to think of the channels to which you deliver a message. Most people who own a wii would probably not trawl the internet searching for game news, reviews and such. They get their information from the tv most likely and I don't believe that this gamer's seal will reach that far. There are a few other issues on my mind but I wait till i get a response to this one.


The idea would be that a game publisher could stick the seal on the game's cover, much like they do with website review scores.


I'm interested in this, but I have a questions. Would each registered gamer there be able to give its seal of approval? If so, how would numbers count for it?

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The idea would be that a game publisher could stick the seal on the game's cover, much like they do with website review scores.


I'm interested in this, but I have a questions. Would each registered gamer there be able to give its seal of approval? If so, how would numbers count for it?


Again, someone may have a better idea, but my idea was such. You'd have the forum of gamers, and any one of them could suggest a game for nomination. If it is fesibile (i.e. not crap or uber-popular) then a thread is made, where debate would take place between anyone who wants to help. People would argue over whether its worthy, if enough effort has been pored into it, if it requires the award, if it fits the criteria etc. The a panel of...say 11 decide based on the points raised whether it should get the award (which I think it would be cool to turn into a podcast as well. This panel would be made of of well-informed, trustworthy, non-bias gamers.


If anyone has a better way, please say.

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I'm on board. I'm going to speak to Tom (Tphi) about this and see if we can work out an additional site with AMN. I'm also going to get in touch with my developer contacts and rally some support. If we could start seeing this seal on both downloadable and retail games, it would be awesome.

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Sounds like a really good idea. I'm all for it. Sign me up.


If it got enough attention and was actually placed on game covers then it would be an easy way to sort through most of the crap games on any console for people who don't search the internet for game revies and such. The idea has merit. It just needs support.

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There are several problems that need to be dealt with first. First, its impossible for us to play a game before being printed, then we need a good criteria and define who decides which game gets the seal. And Gamer's Seal of Approval is a bit misleading, I approve of Mario Galaxy, but it sold millions.


Overall I think its a great idea, but more than support, we need to define exactly what it means.

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I would say it should be for all the good games, like Galaxy as Shino said, instead of the ones that should sell well, but don't, such as Zack and Wiki and No More Heroes.


Sign me up for it. There needs to be ways to seperate crap from the good games.

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I'm in and I bet Mundi is also in we can cower Iceland.


I hate when games go under the radar Like Beyond good & evil (Fantastic game but I think I'm the only one who played it in my friend group) and also for rogue trooper (Loved it, loved it and I think I'm going to buy it for wii) and of course No more heroes and Zack and Wiki.


The only bad thing about Iceland is every one here is brain washed by Sony even the shops there is only one company who ships in games from Nintendo and that company is doing an ok job but they could be doing better,


I hope this will work in some sort of an way.

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