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Bill O'Reilly


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My friend sent me an absolute jem earlier, this incredible video of the clearly insane Bill O'Reilly. I would have put this in the funny videos section but knowing this man is such a huge figure in American newscasting it's slightly shocking.




To the Americans out there? What's your opinion on Bill?


[EDIT] Literally within a second of me posting this the video was removed I'll try to find a second link. Found it. Updated original link.

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Haha, that letterman interview was hilarious. It's also quite amusing to watch his interviews with Colbert and Stewart.


(The background of this is that Colbert is a liberal/democrat parodying right wing pundits like O'Reilly and he was in character when going on the show)


And the stewart interview is also quite amusing to watch as you can see O'Reilly get all worked up over stewart having political influence (his show gets about a million viewers a day IIRC) and his liberal view points. He starts calling Stewart's audience "stone slackers"


Oh also Colbert did a pretty hilarious parody of the meltdown.

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