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Temporary halt?


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I know it's a strange request but I think a lot of people must be getting bored of Mafia games by now and thus they'll be losing their buzz so to speak.


I was thinking about this earlier and considered asking you lot whether it'd be good to suspend new mafia games for, say, a month following the closure of these games currently running, or a month or so following the end of the queue we have at the moment.


The reason I ask this is because I feel that people begin to drop out after a while because the mafia games have lost a bit of excitement to them. A month's gap might be refreshing for when we do start again : peace:


What do you think?

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If people are bored, surely they just won't join the game?


Don't see why everyone should stop playing because some people are bored with them.


Maybe that's true.


Is it worth maybe even taking night powers off people if they don't post, say 2 posts per mafia day, or something along the lines of?

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I'm ok but maybe we should only have one game on the go? That way, people would be more worried about dying.


I think I also mentioned having a Mafia black-list for people who regularly play up. If people dont have the times to play or forget then they shouldn't sign up.


But I'm up for Rainings idea, we need to do something to encourage people to play. Maybe we should use guns?

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I'm ok but maybe we should only have one game on the go? That way, people would be more worried about dying.


I think I also mentioned having a Mafia black-list for people who regularly play up. If people dont have the times to play or forget then they shouldn't sign up.


But I'm up for Rainings idea, we need to do something to encourage people to play. Maybe we should use guns?




could randomly distribute power to someone in the same alliance?


If there was a blacklist people might get pissed and stuff and feel excluded :/ Even though I think its a very good idea, and they totally deserve it. :blank:


One game at a time is an interesting thought actually. It can be a bit hard to keep up with two if you are alive in them both.


EDIT: beggilax, the problem is people DO sign up when they can't be bothered. We wouldn't need this discussion if they didn't.

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I think one game at a time is better. The only reason we run two at a time is that people die in one and then immediately want the other to start to keep them amused. The game is supposed to be ruthless so I think we should just have one game running at a time.


Also we shouldn't have sign-ups so far in advance. Sometimes people sign up and because it's weeks and weeks until the game actually gets its turn, they lose interest or can no longer be bothered.


I think we should, for the next 4 or 5 games, make a list of the people who participate most and who don't participate at all, and then have one game that only the people who have participated before can play in. Or something like that, but not that.


Either that or say that you must post once a day at least to say something. Or that you must take part in discussion or you die. Something along those lines.

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I was also thinking that we should make the games smaller. I have a feeling that people are losing interest mid game.


If we have shorter games then it's also a lot easier on the GMs as well. As it is, it takes a LOT of work for anyone to set up a game if it has the amount of player that we are averaging atm. I would suggest a 20 player cap at the very least. Easier to balance as well.

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Jamba and Nintendohnut speak sense. One game at a time would certainly make me more interested and alert -- I keep getting confused between games, and whereas normally I'd be up for reading 50 pages of the thread to recap what's happening, I just can't be bothered to do it with two lots of 20 pages.


Because nowadays when you sign up for a mafia game you're saying yes to something months down the line, when you don't know if you'll be able to commit or not - due to both the nature of having two games running at once, and also the number of people per game. If/when I do my mafia game(s) it'll be first-come, first-serve with limited numbers.

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Maybe that's true.


Is it worth maybe even taking night powers off people if they don't post, say 2 posts per mafia day, or something along the lines of?

What if they have to go away? What if they're bogged down with IRL work? What if their character is silenced? What if they just have nothing worth adding? What if all the votes come in superfast and a mafia day is over in half an hour? What if they're the main killer, and they just want to be quiet to avoid suspicion?


Most of the time I don't post much because I never have anything to contribute. I've never been given an investigative power, except once, where I died in the first night. On the other hand some people always seem to have investigative powers (Eenuh seems to have had an investigation role more times than I have even played). Last time my power was a triple vote, no offence to the game-creator, but that power simply meant a) I couldn't find out anything and b) if I voted, I would be instantly targeted. Sometimes people don't play much because their roles aren't very interesting. It's all well and good to have, say, 10 really cool roles with fun win-specifications, but it's much better to try and give everybody a role they will enjoy playing.


This is actually why I think mafia games should be restricted to one at a time, or only a certain amount of players per game. Neutral players should also be forgotten... it was much better when it was a clear cut good or evil.


If you ask me, peoples' interests waning are due to the quality of the games and characters decreasing (which could be due to their frequency, in which case, yes - a halt might do it good).

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If you ask me, peoples' interests waning are due to the quality of the games and characters decreasing (which could be due to their frequency, in which case, yes - a halt might do it good).


Another problem is that, the people who do talk ended up getting killed. Every. Single. Time.


I enjoyed the game where i was Moyles from Radio 1, that was great and i liked the one where i was bond :) Didnt get on well with the bare bones one, not my cup of tea, and was really enjoying forum mafia until that person killed me.

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I think Shorty's made lots of good points - Neutrals sometimes unbalance the game, and there is a necessity for everyone to be content with their roles. My favourite mafia game was where me, rokhed and darksnowman were 'neighbours' who could communicate for teh good of the town, but they didn't know I was a psycho serial killer! Loved that role.


I think the themed games are good because you instantly get a (supposedly) recognisable character assigned to you, and the write-ups are easier to meander through and pick at.


As for silent people playing the games, or people not sending in their PMs, I think the gamesmaster(s) are the ones who should root people out - which we've seen increasingly more of recently, which is good :)

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People who don´t send their Pm´s are the worst thei just stall the game for others...


After about two days (in game time) in my game I just set a dead line and if someone didn´t send their pm after about 24-42 hours they didn´t do anything that night.

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Maybe that's true.


Is it worth maybe even taking night powers off people if they don't post, say 2 posts per mafia day, or something along the lines of?


On HCrealms, were Chair got the idea of brining it over here, it's massive (has it's own subforum bit), and in the only game i'm currently in, the mod auto-kills you if you don't send in targets 2 nights in a row, even if you dont want to do anything that night. (You still have to say you wont do anything)


Good system i think.

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I like Paj's idea, as well as one game at a time, however that could be annoying for people who just miss out on signing up.


Also I think there should perhaps be a rule saying you need to pm the person even if you don't want to use your nightpower, assuming that you have one. Another idea might be to make a black list for people who really are signing up and aren't taking part. Perhaps the GM's have an idea who these people are?


*hopes it isn't me* :p

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On HCrealms, were Chair got the idea of brining it over here, it's massive (has it's own subforum bit), and in the only game i'm currently in, the mod auto-kills you if you don't send in targets 2 nights in a row, even if you dont want to do anything that night. (You still have to say you wont do anything)


Good system i think.


That sounds like a good idea.


I was thinking more along the lines of the evils who won't participate during the day, to try and not be noticed. But some of the taskmasters have noted that they are always very good at sending in pm's.


I'm not of the opinion that they should always have to vote every day (as short says, 3 point vote, very obvious!) but at least posting something!


Its very difficult as an investigator, as to who to investigate. I've found picking the quiet ones don't always work as they can be good, but have nothing to contribute.

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