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The Bi-Annual Exam Thread!

The fish

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Yes folks, it's that time of year again. It's time to panic.


For those of you doing AS's (or retakes of AS's, like me), exams start tomorrow, I believe. For everyone else, A levels start on, as far as I am aware, on the 21st. Those of you already post A-level are finishing exam season this week, you lucky, lucky devils...


Personally, my first exam is a geography retake on Wednesday afternoon and has anyone else got a whore of a week sometime? For me, it's a mechanics paper, and geography synoptic paper, and a physics synoptic on 3 consecutive days. Joy!


So, do as you lovely people usually do around now and around January, and panic about exams! Oh, and I have a suggestion: if you need assistance on a particular area of a subject, yell, and anyone willing to help should add you on MSN and help via that, to keep this thread relatively clutter free...

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Guest Stefkov

All of my exams are in June. 5th, 13th and 17th. Only General Studies and Computing, so I'll start revising for Computing when I can be bothered.

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Well, got my Physics practical a week Wednesday in the morning, followed by Core 4 and D2 in the afternoon. Then Electrons and Photons retake the day after.


Then just under a fortnight when I have my first English GCSE exam (fuck getting a D at GCSE originally)


Then 2 days after that, got my two computing exams at the same time as my second English exam. Meaning I have to have my english in the morning, be supervised for a few hours, then have 2 computing exams. That's going to be a long day. Then some Unifying Concepts for physics and D1, and Nuclear and particle physics.



This is going to be one fucking long exam season. :(

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All my AS exams are over by the 3rd of June.


I had a general studies exam today (Ok that doesn't really count) although i'm crap at it so i have most likely failed or got an E (as i did in January).


My first major exam is this Thursday, Maths AS Core 2, DUN DUN DUUUUN! I've just been going over passed papers and as usual i manage to understand eveything alot more, the closer it gets. I'm aiming for a B which i think is fairly likely, in core 1 i managed 67/100 (3 off a B) so it's possible.


[EDIT] Question: Do AS levels go towards UCAS? Like when i drop a subject, will that grade make a difference at Uni?

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All my AS exams are over by the 3rd of June.


I had a general studies exam today (Ok that doesn't really count) although i'm crap at it so i have most likely failed or got an E (as i did in January).


My first major exam is this Thursday, Maths AS Core 2, DUN DUN DUUUUN! I've just been going over passed papers and as usual i manage to understand eveything alot more, the closer it gets. I'm aiming for a B which i think is fairly likely, in core 1 i managed 67/100 (3 off a B) so it's possible.


I found Core 2 harder then Core 3 :/


Though Core 4 can go suck a dick. Vectors are just stupid.

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Got my first one tomorrow - Materials and processes in civil engineering. basically resolving forces as level style (mechanics) knowing what non-ferrous means and drawing a few diagrams, easy peasy.


then a week on thursday i have civil engineering management which is mutiple choice, 50 questions, 1 mark for a right answer but -2 for a wrong!

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Guest Stefkov
[EDIT] Question: Do AS levels go towards UCAS? Like when i drop a subject, will that grade make a difference at Uni?

As far as I know they do. I dropped Maths this year and I'm expecing the points I got for that to count.

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My exams won't be too bad.


PE synoptic paper on the 5th June

French reading/writing/listening on the 16th June

English Lang (Texts from Different Times, Accents and Dialects, Lang Change) on the 17th June

English Lang synoptic paper on the 19th June.


Not too worried. PE and French should be pretty easy. Only thing is French is the morning after the Isle of Wight Festival. Hopefully the lack of sleep wont affect me!

Most worried about the Lang synoptic paper. 2.5 hours, it's pretty nasty.

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For some reason I read this as "The Bi-Sexual Exam Thread". :heh:


Anyways, I'm lucky enough to not have any exams, but have suddenly found myself surrounded by deadlines, some unexpected, like a buck trapped by wolves. Having to move back home right in the middle of them ain't the height of convenience either.

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All my AS exams are over by the 3rd of June.


I had a general studies exam today (Ok that doesn't really count) although i'm crap at it so i have most likely failed or got an E (as i did in January).


I had GS today as well... no idea why i retook it, got a C in january, should really have just been fine with that :/ Anyways i cocked up the timings on mine (scientific paper right?) & spent about double the time on the first half of the paper as on the second half... pssh


Then English next weds,

Biology in a couple weeks, 3rd June

Chemistry the day after that. That int gonna be a good couple of days...

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I had GS today as well... no idea why i retook it, got a C in january, should really have just been fine with that :/ Anyways i cocked up the timings on mine (scientific paper right?) & spent about double the time on the first half of the paper as on the second half... pssh


Mine was politics/economy today, t'was about parents spending too much time at work than with kids. I understand it well, it's just what i write thats crap. :heh: Although i do have a Science/Maths one on Thursday.


Then English next weds,

Biology in a couple weeks, 3rd June

Chemistry the day after that. That int gonna be a good couple of days...


Snap on the biology one. Genetics unit and Heart/Plants unit?

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Mine was politics/economy today, t'was about parents spending too much time at work than with kids. I understand it well, it's just what i write thats crap. :heh: Although i do have a Science/Maths one on Thursday.

Lol, sounds well fun. Most of the sci paper was on global warming, renewable energy and all that, which was fine as that was practically all we did in GCSE geography...


Snap on the biology one. Genetics unit and Heart/Plants unit?

Yeah I believe so. Well I have both modules on the same day - took the first one in Jan but got a C so I'm retaking... Shouldn't be too bad this time though


Wait, what!?


You willingly retook General Studies? You realise a lot of universities don't even bother accepting it as an A(s) level right?


Yep, and yep, no idea what i was thinking. I only retook one paper of the 3 though, as I got ABC and that averaged to a C, one mark off a B. I figured I may as well retake the C to push it up to a B... blah

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RE GCSE on Wednesday. Joy.


lol mate, just wait til next year thats when things actually start to matter :smile:


This week.

English on Thursday, Close Reading easy, just need to learn my texts.


Next week :

Information Systems on Monday, should be pretty easy.

Maths on Tuesday gonna be tough but should (hopefully) get a B.

Geography on Thursday, need to do some revision for this, human is a walk in the park but physical is just annoying.


In 3 weeks time

Computing, yeah this is gonna be a lol, for the prelim I got the best mark and I was finished first. I don't actually know how I did it but I've been revising for it and such so there i'm not worried about it at all.

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