jamesbill Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Hi all Actually wanna want to know how to date make a successful. So am asking you some questions related to dating: » What are the essentials of a lasting relationship? What kind of signs do girls give you when they're interested? How to tell if someone is interested in you? » Which signs are pointing out that relationship is going to develop in a long term love and friendship? Decided if you can get along with someone? » How to make yourself interesting, and compel people want to become involved with you? Please give me your suggestion. Do you recommend any book which gives dating tips? Thanks….
Guest Jordan Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Wow... Err. I've only been with my girlfriend for just under 2 years, so. I'll try answer these. Quote » What are the essentials of a lasting relationship? What kind of signs do girls give you when they're interested? How to tell if someone is interested in you? Being interested in the same things really, really does help. My girlfriend and I have mostly the same interests (hense why she hangs around on this forum...). Shes a keen gamer, she likes mostly the same TV shows/movie tastes oh and we both have similar mannarisms. She also, extremely different in others. So i guess its helpful to have a mixture so that you can learn/appriciate/be interested. When girls are interested? Er... I dunno. It helps if they kiss you i guess :p Quote » Which signs are pointing out that relationship is going to develop in a long term love and friendship? Decided if you can get along with someone? Long term just kinda happens. I told Letty (girlfriend... since you're a new member) that i was in it for the long run and she seemed happy by what i said. That was an indictation. That and knowing you're truely in love with someone is a great indicator. Quote » How to make yourself interesting, and compel people want to become involved with you? Please give me your suggestion. Do you recommend any book which gives dating tips? I'm not particularly interesting, to be honest. I think i'm just weird enough to attract attention. As for books? Meh, just do what you thinks right generally people aren't that much of an asshole to expect insane crazy things on a first date. Its important to be natural and be yourself as ultra uber cliché as that sounds it fucking works. [Jordan's longest post of the year!]
nightwolf Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Right better start somewhere.. » What are the essentials of a lasting relationship? What kind of signs do girls give you when they're interested? How to tell if someone is interested in you? Common interest, sexual/emotional appeal. There's no text book but when I like a guy I go out of my way to talk to them and see them things like that. To make a relationship last it just has to be working from both sides, one person can't make the effort while the other doesn't. » Which signs are pointing out that relationship is going to develop in a long term love and friendship? Decided if you can get along with someone? Having the above tends to help mostly. I've never been in a relationship longer than 6months. Love sometimes is a biggy, doesn't matter if it's not said as long as it's shown. » How to make yourself interesting, and compel people want to become involved with you? You don't make yourself interesting! If you feel you are happy with yourself and what you like and dislike somebody will be more than happy to be with you. Being fake and pretending to like something when you don't is a baddd thing. Compelling people to become involved with you requires you just being yourself, being open about what you like and don't. Please give me your suggestion. Do you recommend any book which gives dating tips? eurgh don't rely on books, dear lord no. Just be you, go out, do what you want, don't try to be somebody else. :awesome:
MoogleViper Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Getting women is the hardest part. They make absolutely no sense. But once you've been with them a few weeks then you can start to map out their strange ways (but they'll still surprise you). But don't go thinking that once you've mastered one you've mastered them all. They're all different (yet they seem to understand each other better than they understand themselves) so you have to start again. You can't just make a relationship work. Obviously you can't be selfish and all that shit. Just be yourself (unless you're a total prick then it's probably better to be somebody else). If it will work then it will work. If it won't then enjoy it while it lasts.
Charlie Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Always remember that women are always right, even if they are actually wrong.
Dan_Dare Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Basically you need bling, cold ice on your wrist, some pimped out rides and a few hours in the gym to get rock hard pecs.
MoogleViper Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Charlie said: Always remember that women are always right, even if they are actually wrong. I don't conform to that stuff. When my girlfriend's wrong I tell her she's wrong. Everyone asks me how the hell I'm not single but I care for her and am nice for her. And as I always say, "You wanted equality, deal with it."
Haden Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Charlie said: Always remember that women are always right, even if they are actually wrong. Especially when they are wrong Just be yourself have a good time girls are humans lol. If you meet one your friends with and they like you then thats a great basis for a relationship.
Pancake Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 If they're going on a date with you that's quite a safe sign that they're interested!
Guest bluey Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 meeeh i cant help at all! i'm totally with jordan on the whole "letting stuff happen" thing ~ so i'd just say dont worry about it, be yourself and things will turn out oooook!! ^___^ my mum gave me a book about dating this christmas O_o i was like "uhm... mum... you've met my boyfriend, right...?" it was rubbish though, full of all the usual "treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen" bullshit... i expect most dating books would be the same... stick to your gut feelings/advice from random people from gaming forums!! *grin* Jordan said: Women confuse and scare me amen, sista! women are terrifying. i'd hate to be a guy (or a lesbian) and have to deal with dating women... its bad enough BEING one of them... though it's the lesser of two evils, to be fair.. *mood swing!* you chauvinist pig!!
AeroScap Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 jamesbill said: » How to make yourself interesting, and compel people want to become involved with you? Thing is everyone says be yourself and they will like you. In reality its really "Be yourself and IF they so happen to like you it would be so much cooler". In real life everyone changes the way they are around people. Just dont be a weirdo. THat is my advice.
nightwolf Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 AeroScap said: Thing is everyone says be yourself and they will like you. In reality its really "Be yourself and IF they so happen to like you it would be so much cooler". In real life everyone changes the way they are around people. Just dont be a weirdo. THat is my advice. See this is where I disagree, I have never once changed in the slightest to make anybody like me. They do tend to go ''omg girl gamer'' then fall in love with me haha
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 nightwolf said: They do tend to go ''omg girl gamer'' then fall in love with me Who wouldn't fall in love with a girl gamer? On topic, I'm not sure a gaming forum is the best place to look for advice about women. :p Though what's been said sounds pretty reasonable. In danger of sounding like a worn-out cliché: Be yourself. The girl wouldn't want to date you if she wasn't already interested. And since you have probably been yourself when she became interested in you, that means she's interested in the real you, not some role you play. But again, this is coming from someone who has never had a girlfriend nor been on a date, so you judge the credibility of the advice.
Eenuh Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 nightwolf said: See this is where I disagree, I have never once changed in the slightest to make anybody like me. They do tend to go ''omg girl gamer'' then fall in love with me haha That's only worked for me once actually. XD
Raining_again Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 There ain't too many women on this forum to give you an opinion haha In all honesty, being yourself is really the best option. You won't be fully happy with someone when you aren't being yourself. Edit: Being a girl geek never works (from experience)... I like fellas into the same kind of thing as me, and I think it scares them when I know more than they do...
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Don't want to sound like the voice of reason: Dark side Edition, but girls and all this lovey-dovey shitz is terribly overrated. Now I haven't dated 'a lot' of girls but I'd still wager that a lot of girls (lets just say under 21's ^^) are lacking in simple give-take courtesy, ESPECIALLY pretty girls who get a lot of attention. They just sit there on their a$$es and expect shit without thinking about your needs or wants, putting you in situations where it seems like you have to beg for some McLovin's. On top of that, relationships (or rather 'modern' relationships) take up a great deal of time (hours on the phone talking shit), effort (Attempting to get used to said pretty girls bull$hit and fooling yourself that you are in the wrong when she clearly is - just to avoid an argument) and MONEY; all I want to say to this is if that girl expects you to pay for EVERYTHING and not at least offer to chip in, DUMP HER on the spot (You probably won't but if this happens a 2nd or 3rd time and she knows you're a lowly peasant-student part-time working to earn a half-respectable existance, come on dude, let it go :/, that girl obviously doesn't give a fck about you. This might come across as a rant, and it is, but it is also crucial information in its crudest form. Basically don't be fooled, for that soft, mushy feeling is not always love but you on puppet strings being made to do the Riverdance in dog shite.
Olympic Gamer Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 I cant answer your questions, but I can offer some advice. If she says no, its no. Or try not to get caught
scubahood Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 King_V said: Don't want to sound like the voice of reason: Dark side Edition, but girls and all this lovey-dovey shitz is terribly overrated. Now I haven't dated 'a lot' of girls but I'd still wager that a lot of girls (lets just say under 21's ^^) are lacking in simple give-take courtesy, ESPECIALLY pretty girls who get a lot of attention. They just sit there on their a$$es and expect shit without thinking about your needs or wants, putting you in situations where it seems like you have to beg for some McLovin's. On top of that, relationships (or rather 'modern' relationships) take up a great deal of time (hours on the phone talking shit), effort (Attempting to get used to said pretty girls bull$hit and fooling yourself that you are in the wrong when she clearly is - just to avoid an argument) and MONEY; all I want to say to this is if that girl expects you to pay for EVERYTHING and not at least offer to chip in, DUMP HER on the spot (You probably won't but if this happens a 2nd or 3rd time and she knows you're a lowly peasant-student part-time working to earn a half-respectable existance, come on dude, let it go :/, that girl obviously doesn't give a fck about you. This might come across as a rant, and it is, but it is also crucial information in its crudest form. Basically don't be fooled, for that soft, mushy feeling is not always love but you on puppet strings being made to do the Riverdance in dog shite. I 100% agree very much overated enjoy single life as much as you can. I'm seeing someone at the moment and she wants it to get more serious which is a good position for a change as i'm calling the shots and not the girl. As soon as you take away the pussy power its all a lot easier.
Jamba Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 I'll go for a general answer here to these queries (sp?). I think that you are taking the wrong angle on the whole situation. It's not a case of trying to make it work. It's more: "if it's right then it's right". You shouldn't make any great effort to seem more appealing (although being curteous and polite are just a given) nor should you be looking for any signs or whether it's "working". That will just make you feel pressured. You shouldn't be wondering how you can be right for her but if she is right for you. You can only know how you feel about her so if you aren't sure how she feels then do that modern idea of communicating. There is no shame in talking to her about how you feel. Relax and just enjoy the company. No harm in being honest, cos if you try and fake your way then down the line it will all come out in the wash.
Dan_Dare Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 nightwolf said: See this is where I disagree, I have never once changed in the slightest to make anybody like me. They do tend to go ''omg girl gamer'' then fall in love with me haha you play games? zomg, b00bz.
MoogleViper Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Olympic Gamer said: I cant answer your questions, but I can offer some advice. If she says no, its no. Or try not to get caught *looks at court order* That's where I've been going wrong.
Gizmo Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 MoogleViper said: And as I always say, "You wanted equality, deal with it." I am so stealing that line. I predict it will become immensely useful. Ona semi-related note, I have recently noticed that girls looks and girls personality seem to go exactly in inverse proportion. Like, I know a girl who used to be a really nice person, but wasn't particularly good looking, but now she is good looking, but an arsehole. It's a realisation that has somewhat depressed me.
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