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Hmmm. I must be the only one that wasn't getting that immediate 'WOW' factor that everyone else got. Must be because I had just played Dead Space after getting it that day and was already..'buzzing' after that. That and I did suck at the controls a bit. Will have to go back and give it another go.

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This game is awesome. Looks like I may have to increase my list to four great platformers.


The time trial mode is amazing. I've only done the tutorial level in the time trial mode, but after a lot of practice I'm currently 3rd.

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Just played the demo, and yeah, it's incredible. The controls are VERY well thought out too, i'm very impressive.


Now gotta choose between this, gears of war 2, Far Cry 2, Dead Space, PES 09...eugh so many games so little time/money :(


cut Far cry 2.

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EA might be my Publisher of the year at this rate - they're getting so many things right atm.


The strange thing about EA's good games is that I never associate them wit EA. After playing this demo, it feels a lot like the "Portal" of Orange Box 2.


Edit: I also had to swap the shoulder button controls around. I could not jump at all with LB.

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The strange thing about EA's good games is that I never associate them wit EA. After playing this demo, it feels a lot like the "Portal" of Orange Box 2.



Presentation-wise I can see the resemblance; but to me it doesn't feel like Portal - pace-wise especially.


Thinking about it...how cool would a level editor be?

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The strange thing about EA's good games is that I never associate them wit EA. After playing this demo, it feels a lot like the "Portal" of Orange Box 2.


Its made by DICE of Battlefield series fame.


BF series itself has influenced fps games alot especially in multiplayer. Things like ranking up or unlocks for example for now standard. :smile:

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I really like this! The control scheme totally took me by surprise but it really works and makes the game great fun. The demo really left me wanting more, the way you could see the next red jump but not get to it because the trial was over... sneaky! Totally looking forward to this game now.

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Downloaded this after Banjo and I have to say.... wow! I had only seen little bits and pieces of this and it wasn't even on my purchase radar but after playing the demo through several times, I have to say I love it. It's replaced Banjo on my list for games this xmas. This is why I love my 360. I can download a demo of the game before it's out and see what it's like. If I hadn't of been able to download the demo, I'd have probably not bothered getting this.


Edit: Scratch that. Got the song.

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Demo was ok. It was too much to learn in the tutorial which made a little difficult to enjoy it fully, but the concept looks good. I was just about to pre order it but the price got me worried. I'm used to high prices here but 55 plus shipping is pushing it.

Eh? Too much to learn? LB=up moves, LT=down moves, RB=turn around, RT=punch/shoot, Y=disarm. That's really all you need to know, and I remembered all that from my first play through, I didn't look it up just then to type it...

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