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E3 Thread


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-Wii is selling really well

-DS is selling really well


-Blue Ocean

-Games that are already out

-Little intsy bitsy teasers of some games


-People going batshit crazy as usual


-People overanalyze the press conference, Nintendoomed


-Some new stuff appears in press releases and whatnot instead of press conference


-People keep analyzing the conference


-After a few months, games get released


Apply to every conference or game show Nintendo appears and add water

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I just want more news on monster hunter 3. I really want to play in a persistent online world on my main console, that being the wii, so it would really be cool to get some news on this game. At the moment, I have too many games to play, especially with my recent xbox purchases so I can wait for this.


Another thing that has been bothering me, is that people forget how nintendo games are generally more playable and longer lasting (more value for money!) than most of the games on the other consoles. What i mean is, stuff like Mario Kart and Smash bros will last you for ages. Should there be such a hunt for a new game so soon? Maybe that is the case for some because they went and imported brawl, and the online experience has dulled its impact slightly. Hopefully it will be better when it comes out over here finally. Then again, I play melee now, on my own and with mates locally, so online is sort of a superficial bonus.


Anyways, my point right now is that I have a lot to play on my wii, and surprisingly i feel like playing all of them. Im not so eager for so many games to be released right now, as I wont be able to buy many of them anyways.

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As excited as I am about nintendos ''big holiday game'' the game (not a nintendo one) Im most looking forward to seing at E3 is Banjo Kazooie 3 for the 360.


Also we could be seing a banjo kazooie ds


Yeah i want Banjo so much!


and big holiday game from Nintendo HAS to be Animal Crossing surely? Though part of me still believes Europe won't see this one till 2009.


EDIT: Oh and i need a Hard-Drive Nintendo!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!

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NES sequels? Similar? Am I the only one who thinks that this is a bit... well... wrong? SMB and SMB3 have similarities but there is hell of a lot of difference and lets not even get started on SMB2, which couldn't really be much more different while still being a platformer.


Aye but the Lost Levels are really SMB 2, so if you look at it like that then the jump from SMB to SMB 2 isn't as big as the difference in SMB and Doki Doki Panic.


Some devs have pulled out of E3 this year:


- Codemasters

- NCSoft

- Her Entertainment

- id Software


As well as Activision, who are apparently holding their own special event which will take place on July 15th.

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Just been reading a transcript of the shareholders meeting Q&A with Satoru Iwata on gamesindustry.biz . One bit bit me in the face and I haven't seen it posted anywhere else.


Question: When I look at the supplemental material distributed for this Financial Results Briefing, I feel that the number of titles prepared for the latter half of the year is small. Are you intending to announce the software lineup for the latter half of the year in mid-July at E3? When I compare with the software you have actually sold from the end of last year to the former half of this year, I feel the future lineup is not strong enough. Are you preparing for some big title?


Satoru Iwata: When we prepared the Wii software lineup from the end of last year to the first half of this year, we were very conscious of the fact that we had to make a strong enough lineup in order to expand the Wii platform install base. Of course, we are preparing for a variety of software for the latter half of this year. However, we are now feeling that the speed at which new information is consumed and made obsolete has become quicker than ever. When I think of today’s situation as a consumer, when I am exposed to new information too early on, I find that I am already tired of it when the product is launched. This is one of the reasons why we would like to keep news at bay until we really have to disclose them.


Rest assured that we are preparing for a variety of products for the latter half of this year and early next year. Also, you will begin to see the many results of our third party partners, who have since recognized that Wii will be a platform for their success. So, I am hopeful that there will be rich contents available for Wii software in general. I am sorry but we are not ready to announce the details today.


Very reassuring for me. It's nice to hear that the 3rd parties have got some stuff to show and that there's a reason for the quietness. Iwata wants the hype-machine in full working order so people don't hear about a game and forget about it by the time it comes out.

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That's exactly what I was on about, I really think Nintendo are going to surprise us with a LOT of software!


And Jamba, my example was pretty bad I admit :) The NES games were all completely different from each other! I was more on about time frames I suppose.....or the equivelanet to majoras Mask to Ocarina.....or the exapansion pack to Band Bros......any of those get me out of what I said?

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That's exactly what I was on about, I really think Nintendo are going to surprise us with a LOT of software!


And Jamba, my example was pretty bad I admit :) The NES games were all completely different from each other! I was more on about time frames I suppose.....or the equivelanet to majoras Mask to Ocarina.....or the exapansion pack to Band Bros......any of those get me out of what I said?


Haha! Sorry, I should have said that I got what you meant, eventhough I disagreed with your example. Personally, I would love to see them use the Galaxy engine for something else. In fact, I'd love to see anything using the Galaxy engine again. It was great :yay:


But whether that happens or not is a completely different problem.

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I want a new Pikmen game. I like Pikmen.


I can see the conference being 60% sales figures, 30% new announcements and 10% Reggie and Iwata running the Eliminator to see who gets to be president.


I want to be the president!


Yeah i want Banjo so much!


and big holiday game from Nintendo HAS to be Animal Crossing surely? Though part of me still believes Europe won't see this one till 2009.


EDIT: Oh and i need a Hard-Drive Nintendo!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!


Yes, Animal Crossing will be coming out this year. Animal Crossing: Wild World sold fantastically in Europe and with some release dates they've been incredibly kind to us. I can't see another game being able to compete with the PS3 and 360 this Christmas other than Animal Crossing, so for me its definately coming over here in 2008.

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I am looking forward to E3 this year :smile: I expect to see some good stuff.. but what I would like to see is the following:


1080 Snowboarding (Balance Board)

This would be great and something I have been wanting ever since the Balance Board was revealed! And I love 1080 anyway :heh: ..and although I would hate for it to be anything like the SSX games, I wouldn't mind if this time they included Skis after playing Wii Fit.



Mario Kart is great online (even if there are many moments where you want to pull your hair out in frustration) ..but I feel if they could somehow get F-Zero online it would be awesome! I wouldn't care if it looked like F-ZERO X on the N64 as long as it had 30 racers on the grid and maintained the thrilling speed it is renowned for! If there had to be a compromise between speed and number of racers, I'm sure they could cut off a few racers from the field :heh: ..but 30 racers from N-Europe in the same race, risking that last drop of energy for a boost to try to win a race knowing that if you get it wrong you're gonna crash out..? Too good! And NO WEAPONS!



Arwing.. shoot using the pointer.. just make it happen :heh: Lylat Wars is great and Fox needs to get back to the winning forumla!


Wave Race (Balance Board Optional)

Turn the remote on its side and tilt it towards you to accelerate (like a motorbike and, presumably, a Jet Ski), analogue stick to steer and then either use buttons to lean or set the balance board at your feet as you sit and lean on it to make character lean through corners!


Excite Bike

I loved the N64 version and was disappointed not to see an Excite Bike on the Gamecube so I'm hoping for an update soon!


Killer Instinct DS



Super Smash Bros. DS

I don't know how it would work, but it would be nice to have a new Smash Bros. game where the touch screen is used to pull off your moves, something different from the console versions! Online, of course..


Pro Evolution Soccer DS

"We've had two of these already, / nando /, and they sucked, you fool.."

..hmm.. yes, maybe, but I want a proper PES that makes use of the DS features and gives an overhaul to the controls similar to the Wii version (something I have wanted for a long time). Here is the link to a thread I made last year outlining some control ideas I had.. DS Control Methods


I know most of those probably won't ever happen, but its the sort of thing I would like. I have never played Kid Icarus, but I have read about what sort of game is is and I think it could work great in 3D is the mix of genres is brought together well with good controls.


Also, I love the look of Sega Rally on the PS3 so I would love a Sega Rally on the Wii (With Wii Wheel support.. why not, eh :heh:)

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I would like to see a Wii RTS. Its about damn time. I think there is a big potential for making something awesome out of it. And if its not crap people will buy it.


Batallion Wars alreadt released a few months ago. Check it if you havent already.

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Killer Instinct DS


Ultraaa ultraa ultraa ultraa traa traa traa raa raa aa aa aa!


A supreme choice. If Rare are bringing K.I. 3 to the Xbox 360, if they could get it on the DS that would be great. Its been too long since the last K.I. game! Even a beefed up K.I. 2/ K.I. Gold would be great- the DS has all the buttons needed, as well as the mic and touch screen for any gimmicks. :shakehead


Super Smash Bros. DS

I don't know how it would work, but it would be nice to have a new Smash Bros. game where the touch screen is used to pull off your moves, something different from the console versions! Online, of course..

Smash on DS would be cool, but it would be overkill with Brawl on the Wii coming out. Some kinda really mental and stylised spritework would be a good direction for it to go, if it were to happen. Oh and KI > Smash Bros. :wink:


Pro Evolution Soccer DS

"We've had two of these already, / nando /, and they sucked, you fool.."

..hmm.. yes, maybe, but I want a proper PES that makes use of the DS features and gives an overhaul to the controls similar to the Wii version (something I have wanted for a long time). Here is the link to a thread I made last year outlining some control ideas I had.. DS Control Methods

A Pro Evo on the DS in a similar vain to the Wii one be a winner. No matter what they are to do with the next Pro Evo DS, whats for sure is that it needs reimagined.


Also, I love the look of Sega Rally on the PS3 so I would love a Sega Rally on the Wii (With Wii Wheel support.. why not, eh :heh:)

To be honest I'm not a huge fan of serious racing games, but a Sega Rally on the Wii would be worth a look. Ideally, it wouldn't be a port of the PSP game!


Ah, forgot Kirby Wii. That has even been announced.

I think we'd all forgotten the puffball. This looked good in the screens that were shown the other year, so its about time something materialised from it... maybe this E3...

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I forgot about Disaster in my earlier post. That could be out by 4th quarter.


Yeah i forgot about that, but we've known about it for quite a while now ain't we? Strange that we'll get info on even more new games before it's release! :D

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Daz I think you like the buzz from creating a fairly 'big' thread. You feel powerful amiright? Guarenteed posts here.


Anyhow, wasn't there a 3D Kirby game in the works that was originally intended for GC. There'll probably be a mini showcase in the backrooms or whatever.


Edit: been mentioned.

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Disaster is out in two months in Japan. Surely we'll see Monolith's two titles (Disaster and Soma Bringer) at E3. Perhaps a new project from them aswell? Disaster was announced in 2006, Soma Bringer in 2007, maybe we'll see Baten Kaitos or Xenosaga this year.


Daz I think you like the buzz from creating a fairly 'big' thread. You feel powerful amiright? Guarenteed posts here.


Sorry, what? :blank:

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Sorry I got pissed off then. I just cringe when I see someone make a thread really early just so they have the right to it. It wasn't really necessary.


I'll leave.


The hell?! Forum aficionado and you signed up after me and all within 3 months :shakehead

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Some devs have pulled out of E3 this year:


- Codemasters

- NCSoft

- Her Entertainment

- id Software


As well as Activision, who are apparently holding their own special event which will take place on July 15th.


Some more:


It all started when the ESA sent out invites to the press for its E3 Media & Business Summit 2008, revealing an exhibitors list that lacked quite a few names. So far, Activision Blizzard is not attending (nor renewing its ESA membership), as well as NCSoft, Foundation 9, and Her Interactive. In the meantime, a few others who were not on the initial participants list have confirmed their participation (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Bethesda), while id Software is still uncertain. Today, we can confirm that Atlus will not be present, but Codemasters, D3 Publisher, Majesco, Rebellion, Southpeak and Square Enix will be present.


No Atlus at E3. :(


But confirmed as attending we have:

- Codemasters

- D3 Publisher

- Majesco

- Rebellion

- Southpeak

- Square-Enix

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I'm knicking this from GoNintendo but it does make perfect sense!


A WarioWare game which uses the Wii Board? It'll probably be that tilt game Europe never saw knowing Nintendo!


Obviously will happen....:D

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