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Why does it deserve a high score then? What about it makes it special?


Would you mind going back and reading all the other posts I've made in this thread since the game came out, I'd prefer not to re-post most of it. If you want details anyway. I never did say it deserves a high score though. Just a decent score.


In general though, its a decent game. The controls are the best in any console FPS ever, the graphics are good in terms of effects, the art style is a little bland though. The story isn't bad, its actually decent, its just not presented in the most interesting way until the end of the game, it gets better at that point. The online is the best on the Wii by far. Lots of modes, easy to get a game started, voice chat, and its actually fun. A few glitches in online, but nothing major. The music is good. And the game otherwise has a decent number of features. There's nothing wrong with it and its a fun game. I don't see why it deserves a 4, a rating which is generally reserved for games that are actually broken or have major problems. Parts that are actually unplayable. Online modes that don't work. stuff like that.


My question is, Have you played it? Why does it deserve a failing score? What makes it so bad?

Edited by Emasher
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Their last two 10s were awarded to Mario Galaxy and Little Big Planet.


You haven't played it as you just said, they have. They have a better opinion than you have.


I guess if they rate a mediocre game that you have an attachment to pretty low, it makes them biased.


The game has received higher scores from other places though, which suggest that it is definitely above average. A 4/10 suggests that it's below average, and it just generally goes against the other scores out there. On average, the game is rated around 7 or 8 out of 10.

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All I want to know is, how big are the stages on-line?


When playing with 8-12 players:


Streets - Perfect Size, best map in the game.

Bunker - A little big, but still good.

Complex - A little big but still good.

Sanctum - A little big and an awful stage.

Pentagon - Massive but still good.

Infirmary - Its a big maze, not the best stage.

Warehouse - Perfect size, good map.


I think thats all of them.

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When playing with 8-12 players:


Streets - Perfect Size, best map in the game.

Bunker - A little big, but still good.

Complex - A little big but still good.

Sanctum - A little big and an awful stage.

Pentagon - Massive but still good.

Infirmary - Its a big maze, not the best stage.

Warehouse - Perfect size, good map.


I think thats all of them.


I like the words Big, Massive and maze in an FPS.

Another Question.

Are there matches when one doesn't have the rader so that one can't see where their enemies are like in MoH:H2?

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I like the words Big, Massive and maze in an FPS.

Another Question.

Are there matches when one doesn't have the rader so that one can't see where their enemies are like in MoH:H2?


I don't think so. Unless one of the free for all matches doesn't have it, I haven't played too many of those. I noticed once that it wasn't there until a little bit into the match though. Since the maps almost always have multiple floors its hard to pinpoint the location of enemies though.

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Not read the review yet but Edge scored this 4/10. :(


lol knew it!


not to sound like an ass here.. but i did say this at the start... why did this get hyped? Especially when the team made nothing good ever and their wiiwares games are mediocre!


this seems like the metroid prime hunters syndrome again... It starts like this.. Ign hypes something.. People get interest.. then the jig is up... and Sites like ign are so godsmacked that they are wrong that they can't exactly score it low..


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lol knew it!


not to sound like an ass here.. but i did say this at the start... why did this get hyped? Especially when the team made nothing good ever and their wiiwares games are mediocre!


this seems like the metroid prime hunters syndrome again... It starts like this.. Ign hypes something.. People get interest.. then the jig is up... and Sites like ign are so godsmacked that they are wrong that they can't exactly score it low..



The game actually turned out decent though. The reviews that gave it 7.5-8.6 are way more accurate towards what the game is actually like in terms of the written review. Most of the negative reviews point out a lot of non-issues as cons. Like saying the story sucked and admitting skipping all the story bits, Saying the controls suck without even looking at the customization options, like not even playing the online and saying the game isn't worth buying. Its by no means a AAA game, but its still worth a purchase. 4.0 generally means the game is broken or unplayable, which The Conduit isn't.

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The game actually turned out decent though. The reviews that gave it 7.5-8.6 are way more accurate towards what the game is actually like in terms of the written review. Most of the negative reviews point out a lot of non-issues as cons. Like saying the story sucked and admitting skipping all the story bits, Saying the controls suck without even looking at the customization options, like not even playing the online and saying the game isn't worth buying. Its by no means a AAA game, but its still worth a purchase. 4.0 generally means the game is broken or unplayable, which The Conduit isn't.


No for edge 4 means a 6.0 from other sites.. Gamespot gave this a 6.0 for instance..


Listen what does the conduit do that any 360/ps3 doesnt?.. Nothing..


All i'm hearing is..

it controls great FOR A WII GAME

it looks great FOR A WII GAME

the on-line is great FOR A WII GAME


that's bullshit logic.. everyone knows if conduit was released for 360/ps3 a 4 is what it would get.. if not lower.



The best wii games would be good on ANY system... galaxy would be fantastic still on 360. metroid prime 3 the same..


Just because we have a lack of shooter games DOESNT mean we should lower our standards!

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No for edge 4 means a 6.0 from other sites.. Gamespot gave this a 6.0 for instance..


Listen what does the conduit do that any 360/ps3 doesnt?.. Nothing..


All i'm hearing is..

it controls great FOR A WII GAME

it looks great FOR A WII GAME

the on-line is great FOR A WII GAME


that's bullshit logic.. everyone knows if conduit was released for 360/ps3 a 4 is what it would get.. if not lower.



The best wii games would be good on ANY system... galaxy would be fantastic still on 360. metroid prime 3 the same..


Just because we have a lack of shooter games DOESNT mean we should lower our standards!


I know you're excited for the PS3 and all but I want to play this because as long as the weapons are good, the maps make sense and the controls are good it doesn't really matter if it isn't a whole lot different.


I had played a fair amount of FPS games before getting the PS3 but the system really showed me that shooters really are the shiz. I was converted to online and the console spoils you in this regard.


You've said before how you think FPS is saturated or whatever, but until you've owned and got into an online guns-blazing experience you can't really judge. Conduit looks no different.

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First of all, the controls are arguably the best of any console FPS ever. And Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3, also look good for a Wii game. And Mario Kart's online is good for a Wii game. Obviously the Conduit isn't as good as Metroid Prime 3, and Galaxy, but its clearly not a 4. Its not the best Wii game. Its not the sort of game that would get 9.0 reviews, its not a AAA game. But just because its not an AAA game and isn't as good as shooters on other consoles doesn't bring it down to a 4 automatically. There is some middle ground, and thats where this game lies. Look at those awful shovelware games people are always complaining about. Those are the type of game the deserve a 4, not something like this.

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I know you're excited for the PS3 and all but I want to play this because as long as the weapons are good, the maps make sense and the controls are good it doesn't really matter if it isn't a whole lot different.


I had played a fair amount of FPS games before getting the PS3 but the system really showed me that shooters really are the shiz. I was converted to online and the console spoils you in this regard.


You've said before how you think FPS is saturated or whatever, but until you've owned and got into an online guns-blazing experience you can't really judge. Conduit looks no different.


It's true on-line isn't my fortee. besides pc and barely on wii I haven't really tried it at all on gaming..


I'm not going to automatically turn into a ps3 fanboy anyway. Maybe it doesn't mater if it a whole lot different to you but reviewers like edge are going to look at this and say.......whats there?...meh seen better ..


Now the graphics are clearly as good as theyre going to get.. In fact it seems they have all the basics right.. for a first attempt its clearly cool..


a sequel would be most welcome... but seems like a very good start but I really think people expected too much from this.. A lot of people though over 9.0.. but from the amount of hype it got.. it's not surprising..


First of all, the controls are arguably the best of any console FPS ever. And Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3, also look good for a Wii game. And Mario Kart's online is good for a Wii game. Obviously the Conduit isn't as good as Metroid Prime 3, and Galaxy, but its clearly not a 4. Its not the best Wii game. Its not the sort of game that would get 9.0 reviews, its not a AAA game. But just because its not an AAA game and isn't as good as shooters on other consoles doesn't bring it down to a 4 automatically. There is some middle ground, and thats where this game lies. Look at those awful shovelware games people are always complaining about. Those are the type of game the deserve a 4, not something like this.


it's just that if I'm being bitchy here.. looking good and controlling well.. are a given in an fps these days... I don't even think edge reviews the shovelware games to be honest.. so it's hard to know what ho they would compare..


Edges system is different though... Although given the halos 9 and 10 is a laugh in itself.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Edge succumbed to comparing the Conduit with PS3 and XBOX360 FPS games.


I've not read the review and I haven't played the game, so I could easily be completely wrong.


But it doesn't surprise me to see the Conduit scored low by multi-format publications. Whether they realise it or not, they are going to have a hard time being Wii-centric and not drawing comparisons with other games from other systems.


Surely The Conduit should be reviewed on its technical merits within the bounds of what is capable on the Wii? And judging from videos, it's close to being the best shooter on the Wii IMO.


What score did Edge give Red Steel out of interest?

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No for edge 4 means a 6.0 from other sites.. Gamespot gave this a 6.0 for instance..


Listen what does the conduit do that any 360/ps3 doesnt?.. Nothing..


All i'm hearing is..

it controls great FOR A WII GAME

it looks great FOR A WII GAME

the on-line is great FOR A WII GAME


that's bullshit logic.. everyone knows if conduit was released for 360/ps3 a 4 is what it would get.. if not lower.



The best wii games would be good on ANY system... galaxy would be fantastic still on 360. metroid prime 3 the same..


Just because we have a lack of shooter games DOESNT mean we should lower our standards!


What the fuck are you on about? Medal of Honour and Metroid already control better than ANY FPS game on the 360 or PS3, and if this is better than that's a pretty huge selling point.


And why isn't this being great looking for a Wii game a valid point? Does that mean the DS should also be compared to the 360 and PSP?!

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And why isn't this being great looking for a Wii game a valid point? Does that mean the DS should also be compared to the 360 and PSP?!


Yes, exactly what I was trying to say. Even the best looking DS game might have trouble captivating a reviewer who's just finished a review of Super Graphical Adventurismo 4 on PSP.


Personally, this is why I trust single-format media (e.g. NGamer) more than multi-format media (Edge).

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Well it's widely accepted it isn't as capable so it's ridiculous to expect the quality you get on 360/PS3, and as for price, you are paying for a different product. Plus the cheapest 360 is devoid of features.

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I suppose 6.5 to 9 seems the right area to score this. But why do we go with a score system when reviewing, just mention the pros and cons then simply say whether to buy or not to buy.


EDIT: Well maybe not to buy or not to buy but a Reviewers final opinion.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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Yeah, saying 'it should be better than XBox because it's more expensive' isn't really fair - the cheapest one is cheaper, but it's shit and contains very little compared to the other two, more expensive versions.


Secondly - you shouldn't be comparing a Wii game to a 360 or PS3 game. They're completely different and are good at different things. 360 has the great graphics and online modes, Wii has a fantastic control method (and this game utilises it well) and now a great online mode - for free. They both do different things well, and so that is why it's unfair saying 'oh this looks shit compared to Bioshock' or whatever - it's not about trying to match the graphics of other consoles because we all know the Wii phisically can't. The game does look great for a Wii game though, and pushes the machine. Other than that it has a good online mode and great controls - and I'm repeating that because those are the selling point of the game.


I'm not sure what you want us to say. This game is much better than everything on PS3 or XBox? No, of course it isn't, but it's pretty awesome, has good graphics for the Wii, uses the Wii controls well and frankly deserves support because of the amount of feedback the team have put in to give the gamers exactly what they want.

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What the fuck are you on about? Medal of Honour and Metroid already control better than ANY FPS game on the 360 or PS3, and if this is better than that's a pretty huge selling point.


And why isn't this being great looking for a Wii game a valid point? Does that mean the DS should also be compared to the 360 and PSP?!


first point is completely your opinion..does the wii control better than any other system for fps? We have about 4 games that show this but still your opinion NO!!?


hey I'm not saying that is exactly how I think.. Just trying to get into edges logic for a 4 anyway buuut..


again though your getting caught on graphics. Yes saying the graphics are good for wii is a valid point.. but Im mostly talking about the fucking game.. Gta ds is a good game and would be a good game on the psp as well.. gameplay wise yes.. features wise yes.. and Im not comparing it to the 360.........


bar graphics the wii should have everything the 360/ps3 has maybe a little less on on-line.. The conduits main qualities seems to be that it has great controls and has good on-line........... wow!!!!... your really stuck when your saying

pros: it actually controls well


I remember When they said they would port the conduit to 360 and ps3 if they were offered money for it.... imagine the slaughter if it went up against games like halo..


Would the conduit be an 8.5 game on any other console? hello ..no.


Wii games and 360 games can't be compared with each other, that's the 'bullshit' logic you mentioned. The games get reviewed for that specific console, not judged with every platform in mind.


edge is a multiformat magazine.... they play ps3 and 360 games the whole time.... It's tough really.. But edge will review it AS a game no matter what system its on... Not necessarly comparing it to other systems but god damn is it a good game or not..


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Edge succumbed to comparing the Conduit with PS3 and XBOX360 FPS games.


I've not read the review and I haven't played the game, so I could easily be completely wrong.


But it doesn't surprise me to see the Conduit scored low by multi-format publications. Whether they realise it or not, they are going to have a hard time being Wii-centric and not drawing comparisons with other games from other systems.


Surely The Conduit should be reviewed on its technical merits within the bounds of what is capable on the Wii? And judging from videos, it's close to being the best shooter on the Wii IMO.


What score did Edge give Red Steel out of interest?


this is pretty much what I mean.

Edited by mcj metroid
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