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A few questions I hope get answered.


How will Wii Speak work with 16 players?

Will it allow everyone to speak at once or will it only allow one at a time?

And if you have 8 vs 8 team deathmatch or whatever, will you be able to have private Wii speak conversations with just your teammates?

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Finally. It sounds like they're really putting a lot of work into the multiplayer, and its not just an afterthought by the sounds of that interview.

Yeah, i'm really looking forward to hear the details. Sounds promising. :)

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No split-screen in The Conduit explained.


“It is mostly for that reason [loss of game quality during split-screen]. When we set out, management handed us a box that had the things that we must incorporate, and one of those things was “Best looking game on the Wii†so, we were very concerned with loss of graphics quality - to basically double render the game on the box. As you can see, we’ve really pushed things with the bump mapping, the shading, the lighting and so forth. But again, it’s something that our in-house technology group is looking into, seeing if there is a way that we can milk the system for more. So that possibly in future titles we can manage that. But for The Conduit, that was the main reason.†- Lead Game Designer Rob Nicholls


Fair enough…I understand the decision. I know the team wants to make one of the prettiest Wii games yet, and including split-screen would mean that the graphics would have to take a pretty big hit. It’s always something they can strive for with the sequel!

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I think split-screen is poor for shooters anyway unless you are playing online. Back in the 64 days it was great though because it was the only way.


That new trailer was interesting because the aliens didn't look shite. Could shape up to be a really good game.

Edited by dwarf
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I think split-screen is poor for shooters anyway unless you are playing online. Back in the 64 days it was great though because it was the only way.


That new trailer was interesting because the aliens didn't look shite. Could shape up to be a really good game.


. split screen is the most social way to play and there's nothing like it.. taunting the other person for losing.. its stil as fun now as it ever was..



I complaining about this near the fstart of this thread and i will again.. there is NO excuse for the lack of split screen when there is on-line..


Goldeneye 007 did it fucking 12 years ago with no noticeable graphical decrease.. we are also wii gamers.. does it look like we care about a slight decrease in graphics at this point?

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I personally don't rate FPS splitscreen unless it is co-op. Getting 4 friends over that can actually get to learn how to play is fiddly to get going, maps are generally too large for it and there's always one superior player that creams everyone.

Most other genres work great for it but the fact that the screen is cut into 4 on a game that you need quite good vision for, along with the issue with people being able to look at each others screen to see where each other is I don't believe it is that great.

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I personally don't rate FPS splitscreen unless it is co-op. Getting 4 friends over that can actually get to learn how to play is fiddly to get going, maps are generally too large for it and there's always one superior player that creams everyone.

Most other genres work great for it but the fact that the screen is cut into 4 on a game that you need quite good vision for, along with the issue with people being able to look at each others screen to see where each other is I don't believe it is that great.



well that's in certain games yes.. but once you get 4 people together that are good in a game tehres nothing quite like it.. I agree it has it's disadvatages but on-line gaming should never be seen to be replacing it..


there both different and good for different things.. on-line gaming doesn't have the same feel..

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When you can get 4 equally skilled people together for a game on a small enough map for 4 people and really get into it, it can be fun. But that almost never happens. Personally, I'd like to be able to go online with multiple people on a console like in Mario Kart. Still, when playing Red Steel with a friend, I really do wish this was going to have split screen. Perhaps Red Steel 2 will have decent split screen.

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I used to have a riot playing split-screen multiplayer on goldeneye and the like with a bunch of mates, but growing older (i wouldn't say up :hehe:) i've found you don't really get the opportunities to get people together as we did back when :sad:

So anyone still able to play split-screen regularly (i envy you), enjoy it while you can.

Online gaming makes it fairly easy to find higher-skilled players that enjoy playing games as much as you and also allows you to play your mates when theres no time to properly meet up.


Basically online gaming is great, but nothing beats the necessary banter that is a given when you're playing split-screen.

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So ur saying if i have a brother he should buy a wii and a game because its better than splitscreen. I can find 3 other skilled players easily and splitscreen is way better than online cuz u know who ur against and u can talk to them right there.

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So ur saying if i have a brother he should buy a wii and a game because its better than splitscreen. I can find 3 other skilled players easily and splitscreen is way better than online cuz u know who ur against and u can talk to them right there.


No-one said that. I won't re-explain why but I think splitscreen FPS is a thing of the past. I remember good times playing my Dad at Golden Eye when I was younger but the experience pales in comparison to larger battles where you can't cheat and you can talk to who you want (if you like).

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I think splitscreen was great back in the day as there was no other way. Now with online - and with the inclusion of Wii Speak, it's pretty redundant to be honest. Also, I'm very rarely together with 3 other quality skilled gamers anyway.


I was a huge fan of split screen, we played Goldeneye, PD and Mario Kart constantly. But since the Wii came out and I started playing a lot online I've just enjoyed having a full screen to myself. Also, I'm really excited by Wii Speak.


the reason you haven't been playing it with the wii is because besides red steel and mario kart wii..

there isn't many other examples at all.. It's very poor.. medal of honor shamelessly left it out for on-line as did conduit..


most other examples are either only 2 player like excitebots or shit like supermonkeyball BB.


Gamecube was awesome for split screen and yes that includes fps games.. Get out the ol timesplitters 2 or 3.. It never fails to be god!

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*Resists the urge to say something negative about Timesplitters*




Really didn't like that game at all. There was no 'meat.' It was all about the style but no substance. I never felt any satisfaction using the weapons or through Kills. Even during multiplayer. Probably one of my biggest disappointments of last gen. Plenty of others won't share this view, which means they enjoyed it, so that's ok. But, it just didn't do anything for me. Not even a semi.


As for splitscreen, I still think it has some place in the world of gaming. Although, saying that, I've not had a good splitscreen session for a long time. I spent a lot of my N64 time split-screening. Then, with the Cube, I spent a lot of time building up a collection of multiplayer games, and a lot of time not getting the chance to play them in multi. One big occasion is where I bought Rebel Strike for the co-op play, and to this day, I have barely played it. Price of growing old, maybe.

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*Resists the urge to say something negative about Timesplitters*




Really didn't like that game at all. There was no 'meat.' It was all about the style but no substance. I never felt any satisfaction using the weapons or through Kills. Even during multiplayer. Probably one of my biggest disappointments of last gen. Plenty of others won't share this view, which means they enjoyed it, so that's ok. But, it just didn't do anything for me. Not even a semi.


As for splitscreen, I still think it has some place in the world of gaming. Although, saying that, I've not had a good splitscreen session for a long time. I spent a lot of my N64 time split-screening. Then, with the Cube, I spent a lot of time building up a collection of multiplayer games, and a lot of time not getting the chance to play them in multi. One big occasion is where I bought Rebel Strike for the co-op play, and to this day, I have barely played it. Price of growing old, maybe.

again assuming you dont own a 360 or a ps3 there hasnt been any good split screen in a while..

Even on ps3 I have the ocassional cod4 battles and theres still nothing like it but there isn's any game on the wii like that..


Timesplitters is a multiplayer game first and foremost.. SIngle player was always only ok but there was so much to do in those games.. The mini games,stage editor you name it.. it just lacked in on-line but that didn't matter at the time..

timesplitters 4 would have shown us if they could do it... but whereis it :(

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But, it just didn't do anything for me. Not even a semi.



I had soo much fun playing split-screen timesplitters, not as much as i did with goldeneye, but maybe the odd 'lob on'. :hehe:

As mcj said there was so much to do, what with the challenges and everything.


Valid opinion Flinky, don't get me wrong, but...:eek:

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*Resists the urge to say something negative about Timesplitters*




Really didn't like that game at all. There was no 'meat.' It was all about the style but no substance. I never felt any satisfaction using the weapons or through Kills. Even during multiplayer. Probably one of my biggest disappointments of last gen. Plenty of others won't share this view, which means they enjoyed it, so that's ok. But, it just didn't do anything for me. Not even a semi.


Yeah, I'm the same. It felt a bit floaty to me.


I really wanted to like it as well. Not sure I even completed the single player. :blank:

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again assuming you dont own a 360 or a ps3 there hasnt been any good split screen in a while..

Even on ps3 I have the ocassional cod4 battles and theres still nothing like it but there isn's any game on the wii like that..


Timesplitters is a multiplayer game first and foremost.. SIngle player was always only ok but there was so much to do in those games.. The mini games,stage editor you name it.. it just lacked in on-line but that didn't matter at the time..

timesplitters 4 would have shown us if they could do it... but whereis it :(


I only own a Wii, and I'm not even giving it as much time as it deserves at the moment (when it comes to new games). I've bought about 15, but haven't had the money to go for more.


Saying that, I have very rarely had opportunities for multiplayer. So, if I had owned a 360 for example, I still would not be splitscreening, due to the people I live with, time, and what other friends are into, and most of which aren't into games. We've had the occasional bout on Guitar Hero, some fun on Mario Kart, but if I were to give them Perfect Dark, I'm sure they would cry. FLAWLESS VICTORY.


Now, rewind that back 5 years, and basically every other game I played was a game that included a splitscreen or multiplayer of some kind. That's just me though, and the fact that I've got older. The ultimate test would be to create a time machine, go back in time to five years previous, and give me a Wii. Although, I think the general push nowadays is going towards online, rather than splitscreen. My heart will always be with splitscreen, and I don't think I've fully embraced online gaming yet.




I had soo much fun playing split-screen timesplitters, not as much as i did with goldeneye, but maybe the odd 'lob on'. :hehe:

As mcj said there was so much to do, what with the challenges and everything.


Valid opinion Flinky, don't get me wrong, but...:eek:


Haha, lob on, I like that. The expression, I mean. Not yours. :p


The thing about TS2 is that the options are good, the range of characters included are good, the map editor is a great feature, the singleplayer is well thought out and you can see what they're trying to achieve, so on paper it all seems good. If you read a checklist of what the game does, then it's staggering, because clearly a lot of effort has been put into the content.


But, playing it, it doesn't seem to have that edge. That smart finesse that turned Goldeneye from a good game to a great game is missing from this. I could die 10 seconds into the game, or go on a 100-person killing spree without getting hit, and it just doesn't seem to affect the way I think about this game. Personally, it feels very weightless, and I just didn't engage with it because of that.

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I loved TS, I thought the single player was hilarious and varied (TS2 moreso imo) and it was just immensely fun.

I have great memories of doing to co-op campaign with a friend splitscreen as well as competing at the challenges - the game has tons of really cool weapons, the most I think I've seen.


If you don't like arcadey shooters I can understand why you wouldn't like it, but for me it was fracking brilliant.

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