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@ Tellyn - If Nibris are ignoring/not getting back to you then try getting in touch with FOG Studios. They almost always reply. I'll send something off to Nibris tomorrow afternoon asking about Sadness and see I can get a reply. I've had a few replies when asking but really, like you, I've had some of my emails go unnoticed.


edit: just been told that Nibris are supposedly going to be releasing some form of new info on Sadness sometime this spring. Now I know how unreliable they are but I know that FOG Studios are attending GDC and so we may well hear something come from there.

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@ Tellyn - If Nibris are ignoring/not getting back to you then try getting in touch with FOG Studios. They almost always reply. I'll send something off to Nibris tomorrow afternoon asking about Sadness and see I can get a reply. I've had a few replies when asking but really, like you, I've had some of my emails go unnoticed.


edit: just been told that Nibris are supposedly going to be releasing some form of new info on Sadness sometime this spring. Now I know how unreliable they are but I know that FOG Studios are attending GDC and so we may well hear something come from there.


Hmm. They were supposed to be at GDC 2008, but I don't think they ever turned up. Anyway, cheers dude.

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The illusion that hardcore fans backed Nintendo previously was well dissolved this generation, it was just Nintendo fans buying Nintendo products making a little bump in the sales, which were decreasing with each generation.


Get over this media created ideal of hardcore games, we've had lots of Nintendo made hardcore games with success, but it again only Nintendo just like previous generations, and it just happened that when everybody else was jumping out of the sinking boat, Wii was a success hit. I'm sure third party games on Nintendo will increase gradually in quality and importance as it can already be seen, devs can't keep (and they aren't anymore) ignoring the market leader.

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No, lets not face it. Because it ain't.


This is why I love you - you speak the truth! It certainly ain't 'game over' for Nintendo this spring if one or two games don't sell well.


What's more COD:WAW has now sold 880,000 copies worldwide - OK, I know it's not in the same league as either 360 or PS3 sales of the game, but it looks like it'll do over a million now and that's not to be sniffed at.


When you take into account the game was barely pushed - it had no hype before it was released and was not even included on ads etc (the 360 and the PS3 ones were always mentioned), it has sold pretty well.

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I don't think that Deadly Creatures will sell, unfortunately. House of the Dead on the over hand has a lot of in-store advertising going for it, in addition to solid reviews and lots of online coverage. MadWorld is in the same boat. I hope to god that both of them sell well, so we can count on a lot more support like this from SEGA.

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Don't think it's make or break but it can only be good for Wii owners if these sell well to give confidence to people out there thinking of making more mature, hardcore games or new ideas knowing there is a market out there that appreciates quality & effort.

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Yeh, I actually feel a bit sorry for THQ and Deadly Creatures. It's coming out on the same day as HotD: Overkill and due to the large amount of coverage the latter title has had, many will simply go for that. I'm intending to try and at least get both titles this friday. Perhaps THQ should have set the date back a little so it wasn't going up against HotD.

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I feel fairly confident that MadWorld, HotD and The Conduit will sell well but I feel sorry for Deadly Creatures. I see the effort and the original concept behind the game but even a bug loving nerd like me doesn't feel hyped for it.


Hmm... I'm not so sure. So many awesome games flopped miserably in the past even with good marketing. But Conduit definitely deserves to sell. Not to say it's probably a very expensive production. Here's hope.

I'll vote with my €.

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For some reason, I'm keeping an eye on Deadly Creatures and HotD Overkill, but this simply doesn't register on my radar. Can't really point out what's bothering me, though. I fear that for all the fancy lighting and bump-mapping, this is going to be a pretty average game, a 50/60%-er.


Let's hope I'm proven wrong.

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For some reason, I'm keeping an eye on Deadly Creatures and HotD Overkill, but this simply doesn't register on my radar. Can't really point out what's bothering me, though. I fear that for all the fancy lighting and bump-mapping, this is going to be a pretty average game, a 50/60%-er.

Let's hope I'm proven wrong.


You reckon a game would get so much coverage, hype and praise if that were to be the case?

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The team over at HVS have been taking critisism and comment from web forums and trade journalists to bolster and improve the product. At this point, i'm expecting high 80s from the press who 'get' Wii, 60-70 from those gimps who complain the Remote is "too wobbly".


I think every report I've read has said 'noticable improvements' each time a new preview is posted, I however doubt it'll end up with an average score of over 90% as there's just too many idiots in the gaming press who bash every Wii product because they can't stand the concept.

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I'm thinking the same thing. It will get 8s and 9s from Nintendo sites and fair sites, and it will get 6s and 7s, maybe 5s from sites that are biased against Nintendo. Honestly, I don't care about the reviews, I may watch the gametrailers one, but its a day one purchase for me no matter what at this point. It has everything I've been wanting to see on the Wii. Effort in the graphics, potentially good online, More mature setting, ground up for the Wii. It almost sounds too good to be true.

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I fear that for all the fancy lighting and bump-mapping, this is going to be a pretty average game, a 50/60%-er.


Let's hope I'm proven wrong.


I'm feeling the same actually. All the videos I saw were top-notch in terms of technology but I felt that the fun was missing somehow. I also hope to be proven wrong because this game should and could be for the Wii what Doom and Quake were for the PC.

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This is my most anticipated game of '09 so far! I'm really looking forward to it... mostly due to the customizable controls etc.

A game that lets you say how it plays will always piqué my interest and when it looks as good as this one is lookinh like it'll shape up to be I'll be keeping my beady eyes on it! Haha


...I'm also DYING for more FPS on Wii! Haha

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Me too. There's only a few FPSs on Wii with good wiimote IR implementations, it's a shame. But when the controls are great the Wiimote for this kind of game is definitely the best. I even like it better than mouse+keyboard, independently of more or less pixel precision, it feels more natural.

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