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Mafia Games - Progress


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Anyway, my apologies, I was just trying to fulfil my win condition. Don't hate me.


It got a bit heated back in there, really didn't know why you were accusing me! It was a great move though mate and I don't think anyone saw it coming, well done : peace:

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Just a quick cheeky bump here.


I want to say in light of recent mafia games (i noticed it with moogles game first) that when a neutral wins the game carries on. In my game if a neutral wins, its over. If a neutral wins both the townies and mafiosas lose. There is no 2nd place.

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Could someone run a game where once enough people have been killed off in whatever games are running, they could have their own game? And then up to a certain point as people die/ are killed off in the other games then they can drop into it? Probably a difficult idea to work with, but it does get a bit boring if you are killed off early in the games.

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I seem to really suck at these games, as I haven't won a single time (though made it to the end once, too bad the mafia won then). X3

Maybe I should talk less in these games... >.>;


Congrats to all the winners so far though.

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