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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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I remember David Hayter disagreeing with Kojima over the ending:

I think it was in an interview or something where Hayter was disappointed with Kojima's decision to make Snake hesitate when putting the gun in his mouth. Hayter wanted Snake to pull the trigger because his character was very soldier like and he felt that Snake would have killed himself without much problem. I think that would have been a cooler/more emotional ending, but I don't mind.


Otacon's little dialogue was endearing when he said that he wanted to stay at Snake's side so that he could pass on the legendary story.


Hayter was upset that his words were seen that way. In the current ending everything is tied up nicely that leads to the end of the saga. The other way there would have been too many unanswered questions as Snake himself was time bomb so why justify that ending? I think Kojima did a great job.

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Cant believe its taken me so long to start playing this game. It is a true sneaking mission, with the stealth being properly realised imo. And it feels like you are truly in a warzone with constant explosions and bullets wizzing right by you, even sometimes catching you.


And the graphics. Geez are they amazing. The online mode does nothing to show how good looking this game is. I can see why it was nominated in so many awards.


It actually deserves the accolades it gets. Soon I will jump onto the GTA4 bandwagon and see if the same goes for that, though I had no doubt with MGS4

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I only ever *really* liked the GB Colour MGS so never really been interested in this. I like to just storm in there and hate waiting about for stuff whilst shitting myself from a fear of being !seen! (I know the GB version wasn't like that...but it just engulfed me.)


I had Twin Snakes and played it through to completion (took 2 years) and yeah, it was 'OK' imo. The movies were AMAZING yet a lot of the gameplay was just frustrating (camera angles mainly.)


Played MGS2 on the PS2 and again, movies were amazing and general tone was sweet...But being on (an oil rig?) and the REALLY confusing story made me bored to tears...Never got back into the franchise after that.


I've heard that a lot of this game is optional though - - like you can run and gun if you want. And I've heard that the story makes sense!

I so desperately want to love it. I liked the demo...well, the running around with about 5 enemies to shoot/hide from/crap oneself from a tank.


I have a PS3 and no MGS4...I feel like the only one!

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I only ever *really* liked the GB Colour MGS so never really been interested in this. I like to just storm in there and hate waiting about for stuff whilst shitting myself from a fear of being !seen! (I know the GB version wasn't like that...but it just engulfed me.)


I had Twin Snakes and played it through to completion (took 2 years) and yeah, it was 'OK' imo. The movies were AMAZING yet a lot of the gameplay was just frustrating (camera angles mainly.)


Played MGS2 on the PS2 and again, movies were amazing and general tone was sweet...But being on (an oil rig?) and the REALLY confusing story made me bored to tears...Never got back into the franchise after that.


I've heard that a lot of this game is optional though - - like you can run and gun if you want. And I've heard that the story makes sense!

I so desperately want to love it. I liked the demo...well, the running around with about 5 enemies to shoot/hide from/crap oneself from a tank.


I have a PS3 and no MGS4...I feel like the only one!


Even if you didnt think so, it's really what you bought your ps3 for (although I actually bought mine for Killzone 2 but meh).

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I only ever *really* liked the GB Colour MGS so never really been interested in this. I like to just storm in there and hate waiting about for stuff whilst shitting myself from a fear of being !seen! (I know the GB version wasn't like that...but it just engulfed me.)


I remember the GBC MGS. That was fun.


I'm the same. I hate being stealthy. I think it's the dullest game mechanic ever. I also thought the controls sucked in all the other games, bar maybe MGS2, but MGS4 fixes this and as for stealth...I'd be more inclined to call it 'tactical espionage action' because it is. Getting spotted isn't that big a deal and there is a lot more running and gunning. I like it when things go boom. :heh:


I never played the other MGSs until a month before MGS4 was out, I did them all on mega easy, and I loved them all but MGS4 was a dream. At least give it a rent.

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I remember the GBC MGS. That was fun.


I'm the same. I hate being stealthy. I think it's the dullest game mechanic ever. I also thought the controls sucked in all the other games, bar maybe MGS2, but MGS4 fixes this and as for stealth...I'd be more inclined to call it 'tactical espionage action' because it is. Getting spotted isn't that big a deal and there is a lot more running and gunning. I like it when things go boom. :heh:


I never played the other MGSs until a month before MGS4 was out, I did them all on mega easy, and I loved them all but MGS4 was a dream. At least give it a rent.


I remember it being rock hard. I think I sucked something awful at it. But I think it was another one I got close to completing but didn't but yeah, it was fun.

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I remember it being rock hard. I think I sucked something awful at it. But I think it was another one I got close to completing but didn't but yeah, it was fun.


Yeah it was one of the few games I thought was really hard yet really wanted to complete.


Actually it's one of the only GBC games I remember playing. :heh:


Sir Daft: Consider me renting MGS4 ;)


Good man. You won't regret it. :smile:

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I don't think stealth is a great game mechanic but I really liked my run-through of MGS4 when I finally got the stealth-camo. Getting past the room with 3 gekkos and the rolling thee legged camera things without being spotted was awesome, adrenaline fueled yet slightly strenuous. You can't beat the first run-through where you experience the cut-scenes for the first time and you mix the style of play around, shooting and noob sneaking.

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Big Boss mode is brilliant as well. You really get to use the mechanics well. For example in Act 2 it takes twice as long to crawl around rocks and snipe. The AI is designed to be fun. Getting ammo is a pain though in Big boss.

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FUCK SAKE. As if gekko's aren't annoying enough, they throw damned suicide gekkos at you, and it's not even some clever name for a crack group, they actually fucking blow up! How the Hell am I supposed to take care of these when I have no idea how to kill a gekko properly anyways! Seriously how do I take these fuckers down and actually kill them rather than giving them a good rest.

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FUCK SAKE. As if gekko's aren't annoying enough, they throw damned suicide gekkos at you, and it's not even some clever name for a crack group, they actually fucking blow up! How the Hell am I supposed to take care of these when I have no idea how to kill a gekko properly anyways! Seriously how do I take these fuckers down and actually kill them rather than giving them a good rest.


ok, these things are bastards to kill, but you should have just picked up a nice new rail gun. the gekko has 3 weak points, each knee and a small point on its "head" shooting knees takes em to the floor for a bit, shooting the head kills em out right, i belive the weak points show up as little circles if your solid eye is turned on. dont stop shooting, keep killing em till the section ends. its tough but nothing unrealistic.


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MGS4 fell short, it wasn't even better than MGS3(easily bested the 2nd though). Honestly I think Kojima was just screwing with us the same way a troll would post something ludicrous to start a flame war.

The graphics were good, but nothing mind blowing or astounding. I was playing Chronicles of Riddick while my friend was giving MGS4 a once over and I noticed that it certain points Riddick has better textures(usually worse though) and that's not zooming way in on both, just normal play.

Story was typical MGS stuff, no higher or lower than the others really. Confusing, but I've seen more confusing (and better at that).

Gameplay, this is where it shines. Plenty of people probably didn't like the stealth approach (therefore not liking the game), while others (my friend) ignored it and played like an action game. Well with MGS4 you can play either way really action or stealth or a mixture. The one thing I wish had made a return would be the self treatment in the field from MGS3.

Haven't tried online.

There is lots of replay value though if you want all the medals.


I may sound kind of negative but really the game is great and should be played, but it's similar to FF7 great but not as great as popular opinion. Of course popular opinion decides everything.


I find Valkyria Chronicles to be a much better game, I decided that off of the demo alone, then went and bought it. Speaking of VC.....it only sold 33K in the US November, so everyone should go buy it for great justice.

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And the graphics on MGS4 are insane in some parts, Valykria Chronicles doesn't come close, it's a bloody cartoon!


....I wasn't talking about the graphics when I said it was a better game. (which btw everything is imo) Besides, beauty is in the beholders eye, graphics aren't just about realism art style and a flowing together with other parts of the engine help. That's why people say Prince of Persia is a beautiful game, despite that it's a cartoon as you say.

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Vamp scared me much more in MGS2 when you see the damage he causes to the guards, very freaky cut-scenes. He still looks badass in this game though.


But MGS4 has everything it set out to be - the stalking section and Shadow Moses snow effects are too good!

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Whatever floats your boat - for me I looked in awe because graphically (at least in terms of raw technicalities - if that makes any sense) I haven't played anything that looks better.

Plus it was nostalgic even though I still don't really claim to know exactly what was going on.


Gameplay wise - it was fairly linear, but if you tried to take multiple routes and find everything then it's a very skillful process. For example CQC can sometimes be the only option in certain areas.

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