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XBox 360 Price Cut - I wonder if this will influence the Wii Price...


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Hope they do, they're making an absolute killing on an underpowered console with, scarcely any games worth owning.



That's what I've always said.


You'd have to be bat shit insane to buy a Wii over a 360 at the current prices as well. No way should the Wii ever be your only console.

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You'd have to be bat shit insane to buy a Wii over a 360 at the current prices as well. No way should the Wii ever be your only console.
Good as the 360 may be, I beg to differ. The Wii perfectly supplies all my gaming needs. Then again, I don't game too much. But it doesn't count for everybody at any rate.
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Nah I was thinking before buying Wii 'will i regret it' but thankfully all the game i own are awesome, not to mention cool VC stuff. And there are a lot of cool titles coming out soon/have just been released.


360 and PS3 have equal brilliance imo, but 360 price is much better now.


If I was to incorporate all consoles into one, I'd take the Wii controls, the PS3/360 graphics, the 360 Online and the Wii/Ps3 downloadness. (dont care much for arcade.)

Plus every game of course.

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Bit of a bargain that! Much better value now though not as much of a bargain as people think, still need to pay £50-£60 to make it wireless!!!! And the arcade is not even worth considering.Alright though, still possibly the worst construction of a console I've ever owned though!

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Nintendo, lowering the price of a console? Only when it's lying in the gutter, begging to finally be put down.


Nintendo hasn't exactly got a reputation for price-cuts. And with the new price of the 360, I doubt they'd do it now because it's still selling like hot cakes, and because it would be a sign that they 'fear' the 360.

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No, I mean it's insanely loud, not very well designed and feels like it could fall apart at any moment :)


QFT. I love my 360 to bits but what Dazzy said hits the nail right on the head and it really is the worst constructed console I have owned aswell.


Nintendo really dont need to get sucked into a price war with Microsoft and Sony. The Wii has been selling loads and even though the console is starting to become more readily available the demand is still there. Its only when the interest starts to fade thats when Nintendo will cut the price. I still think we will see one before the year is out though.

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Interesting stuff, means Nintendo might have to start working a bit harder(unlikely though, given current demand and how proper minted they must be, profit on the wii since launch worldwide, how many consoles sold now? No doubt manufacturing costs have dropped too). I can't help but think the whole HD-DVD/format war loss has probably affected things too. In fact, how DOES that affect the 360?

Anyway, I don't think we're gonna see the effects of this price drop on the Wii any time soon, demand needs to fall alot more, and with Brawl coming out soon, I don't see it happening.

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More like a few months! Why cut the price of the system when what'll probably be it's biggest seller is coming out?! Melee was the top game on the GC, and I reckon Brawl'll do the same for the Wii unless Ninty pull something proper spectacular outta the bag(terrible that I'm not holding much hope, but Ninty ain't giving us much here). I honestly don't see them cutting prices at all until demand seriously falls, I reckon not until another year's time or so.

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I doubt Nintendo will cut the price, maybe they'll make bundles or something, if it keeps selling, they'll keep the price. Specially because it comes with a game and games are cheaper, they'll probably play that card.
Yeah, you're right. At this rate, it'll take at least another year for Nintendo to even consider lowering the price. Bundles are a much more attractive option for them.
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Love my 360 too, but fuck, is it ever loud. Always fearing mine is gonna break at any time as well, and I'll be dumped with some refurb console and get stuck in the 3 rrod forever! Thankfully my extended warranty I bought lasts for a while yet....


Bit of a bargain that! Much better value now though not as much of a bargain as people think, still need to pay £50-£60 to make it wireless!!!! And the arcade is not even worth considering.Alright though, still possibly the worst construction of a console I've ever owned though!


The wireless point doesn't stand since the Wii doesn't let you use ethernet unless you buy an adapter, and the 360 does. Then again, the lan adapter is cheaper than the wireless one for the 360...

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People were never buying the Wii because it was the cheapest - that was just a bonus. People have been snapping up Wii's by the bucket load because they are different and actually made gaming fun and accessible again to the public.


The 360 also seems to be competing for traditional market space with the PS3, a battle I hope it wins by a wide margin!

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I'm put off buying a 360 namely because of the £60 wireless router thing. Something that might as well be included in the Elite package at least to make up for the lack of wifi. When you live in an attic 3 floors away from the wireless hub - YOU NEED A WIRELESS ROUTER!


Do you have a PC/Laptop in your room? I'm fairly sure that the 360 can share the internet from a computer.

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Do you have a PC/Laptop in your room? I'm fairly sure that the 360 can share the internet from a computer.


You'd probably need a cross over cable, but they can be purchased for a few quid. You'd just need to switch internet connection sharing on the PC you plug into the 360, oh and you'd need to have the PC on when you want to go online.


This isn't based on experience on wiring up 360's, as I don't have one, but general networking experience.


You might get away with a normal ethanet cable, as you can with two pc's if they can switch the cables in software. No idea if the 360 can do this though.

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Bit of a bargain that! Much better value now though not as much of a bargain as people think, still need to pay £50-£60 to make it wireless!!!! And the arcade is not even worth considering.Alright though, still possibly the worst construction of a console I've ever owned though!


Do you need to pay £50 to get all 360's wireless?

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i wonder how much of a loss MS are making off every xbox now? or u think that they have slowly declined production costs of them?


Im pretty sure they never made a loss of Xbox 360 sales. The margin was small, but they've always kept it in profit. This will be no different, they've been reducing they're costs considerably with each revision.


All they need now is to get a stable and quiet version of the console and they might be ready for launch! (oh, wait...)

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Im pretty sure they never made a loss of Xbox 360 sales. The margin was small, but they've always kept it in profit. This will be no different, they've been reducing they're costs considerably with each revision.


All they need now is to get a stable and quiet version of the console and they might be ready for launch! (oh, wait...)


I'm pretty sure I remember reading they were losing something like 100$ or 150$ per console, don't remember when that was though, but I think it was at launch. With the extended warranties, refunds and revisions though it cost them. They only started turning profit very recently. Which is good, cause MS gaming division never had profit since they launched XBOX

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