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O-Oh my goodness.. A new Tales game.. For the Xbox 360?! GAAHHHH!

*frothes at mouth*



Infact, the console was only anounced a few days ago, and MAN I'm looking forward to this!


With the Team Symphonia, (behind the Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss games), AND, the designs of Kōsuke Fujishima, (behind the Tales of Phantasia and Symphonia to name a few), AND the music from Motoi Sakuraba, (the only thing I can remember him being from was Eternal Sonata.. But I think he may have composed for Symphonia too.), This game is SET to be awesome!


Yes, there are many ANDS... And little descriptions.. Shut up :P


Also, there seems to be an awesome array of characters, most notably to me is the DOG WITH A PIPE!!



And of course, the graphics are looking STUNNING! Just check out some of the places and the characters in their glory!



It's unsure as to what the story is at this time, and also as to when it is going to be released. However, many websites have put an optimistic 2008, but I place my bets on Early 2009.

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This game is the reason why I bought a 360 instead of PS3. Tales of the Abyss is my favourite game ever so I have high hopes for this one.


I played around 8 hours of Tales of Symphonia and found it to be absolute dross. Should I bother looking at any other titles in the series, or is it safe to say we'll never get along?

What didn't you like about it?

Well, I don't want to sabotage this thread too much. I will say the battle system seemed a bit 'flaily' for my liking, though, and I'm not surprised it came on two disks given how much cliché they had to shoehorn in there.


Really my question is whether Symphonia is representative of the series as a whole or if if there are differences in tone and mechanics.

The battle system is pretty much what makes a Tales game a Tales game.

And therein lies the series' and my fundamental difference of opinion.


Ah well, enjoy your games; I'm afraid I cannot.

And therein lies the series' and my fundamental difference of opinion.


Ah well, enjoy your games; I'm afraid I cannot.


Yeaahh, although there are minor differences between the different battle styles in the games, overall it's generally the same thing.


But still! Maybe pick this up at some point? After all, DOG WITH A PIPE!?

But still! Maybe pick this up at some point? After all, DOG WITH A PIPE!?

Ahh, but to the right of the dog is a wide-eyed, pink haired girl in priestly getup. This is never a good sign.


From what I can tell the series is simply a bit too twee for my liking. I'm not saying it's an intrinsically bad thing for a game — I wouldn't want to see Dr. Mario: Backstreet Abortion Clinic, for instance — but when I'm going to be investing a lot of time into an RPG I need certain things in return: mainly to be surrounded by characters I like and care about, or a story that isn't afraid to surprise me — a little darkness is always welcome.


I fully admit that I only played 8 hours of Symphonia, but... well, if I've read 100 pages of a book and I'm still not interested then it's going to be shelved.


Will this game ever come to PS3? I thought it was a bit strange it was only on 360 since surely the Japs will love this and if it stays 360 exclusive won't it just bomb over there???

Will this game ever come to PS3?

I'd say yes, but most likely it will follow Eternal Sonata's example and come out 6-12 months after the 360 version and with a few extras packed in.


I'm mainly basing this on the fact that both games come from Namco, though, so I could be wrong.

I played around 8 hours of Tales of Symphonia and found it to be absolute dross. Should I bother looking at any other titles in the series, or is it safe to say we'll never get along?


Well, I don't want to sabotage this thread too much. I will say the battle system seemed a bit 'flaily' for my liking, though, and I'm not surprised it came on two disks given how much cliché they had to shoehorn in there.


Really my question is whether Symphonia is representative of the series as a whole or if if there are differences in tone and mechanics.


I agree with your points. I tried Tales of Symphonia and was dissapointed when I really did not like the battle system. I prefered Baten Katios much more *awaits to be flamed


ipaul I'm totally the same - I much prefer Baten Kaitos to Tales of Symphonia! I hated that battle system and because of that I found the game quite hard which led to quite a few raised eyebrows and sarcastic comments from some people on here. I'm interested on how this new 'next-gen' version will play and look like since I loved the art style in Symphonia.


Christ Microsoft got their wallets out for this one. Anyway, looking forward to it, I like the battle system in Symphonia. I want to know what they're doing with the overworld though.


The fighting system in ToS is an acquired taste. Tbh, if even after 8 hours you found it messy or "flaily", you might not have been doing it right. I found that after you perfected it, you could pull it off almost as cleanly as a turn-based FF game.


Although I really enjoyed ToS myself, the biggest problem I had with it was that it was far too linear. Every area was locked until you were supposed to get there. It was very much a to b to c to d, with no mixing it up. You had to do everything in the preset order and that took away from the title for me. If that's not a flagged issue this time around, I may be picking this game up :)


My only problem with ToS is that the camera always follows player 1 in combat, a bit annoying when there are 2 of you playing and the other one is fighting something else off-screen


Woah, the screens look gawgus!!


I never finished symphonia, got about 30 hours in aswell, but yeah, the plot was too bland and cliched for my liking, just got bored. I loved the battle system though, it was good fun.






- ToV uses the EFR-LMB battle system

- there can be twice as many enemies in a battle as Abyss (7-8 normal enemies)

- there will be huge enemies as well

- there's also some sort of weapon synthesis system, you find materials and power up your weapons

- you won't be able to play co-op over XBL

- and there won't be items that are only distriburted through DLC

- although, for really hard to get items, you could buy them over DLC instead... that's a "possibility"

- there could be rankings for minigames and various Tales stats like max combo, etc

- the opening theme singer is Japanese, but they're keeping the same singer for the overseas version

Guest Stefkov

The dog smoking a pipe sold this game to me.

The dog smoking a pipe sold this game to me.


Yeeaahh.. Same. :D


Even still, this looks so awesome! And, I think the Dog fights in battle too with a sword. Yay!

Yeeaahh.. Same. :D


Even still, this looks so awesome! And, I think the Dog fights in battle too with a sword. Yay!


The dog just went from awesome to down-right bizarre :Þ

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