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Calling Christmas lights 'Winter Lights' is just ridiculous. Nobody expects any other religions to change their traditions {nobody is proposing a nome-change to the eid lights}. Celebrate diversity, don't try and homogenify our culture.


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a bit too much political correctness is better than none at all, that's all i have to say really. christmas lights being renamed to winter lights(although that move looks like it'll be overturned anyway) is incomparable to women being sexually harassed in the workplace and black and gay people being beaten up on the streets and turned away from jobs they are perfectly qualified to fulfil. while i sympathise slightly with the backlash against political correctness, it also strikes me as people just whining for the sake of it. just get things in perspective, people!

  • 1 month later...

I heard today that you can't sit on Father Christmas' knee/lap today because of Peado-ness!!.....That SO out of order, I mean, they let KNOWN peados out on the loose to roam the streets for little kiddies, but don't let kids sit on someones knee who can be security checked and such and who isn't on their own with the kids anyway etc!!!!!


I know that's not really a PC thing...but it's still a stupid shitarse rule.


I've only read the first post of this thread but this whole christmas lights thing is crazy. I'm sorry but this is a christian country and christmas is a christian holiday if anybody of another religion is offended by this they can quite frankly fuck off to where they came from

  scubahood said:
I've only read the first post of this thread but this whole christmas lights thing is crazy. I'm sorry but this is a christian country and christmas is a christian holiday if anybody of another religion is offended by this they can quite frankly fuck off to where they came from


what if they are, muslim say, and they were born in london



the laughable comments tbh are the ones made by clerics who say this will be a muslim country in 7 years


As sick as you are of hearing the phrase "Political correctness" I'm sick of hearing people saying its "stupid" and such. Most people don't obide by 100% PCness, in fact the vast majority don't. Its cleaned up the language a bit and people just hyperbolate and pick up on minor details and incidences and panic. Otherwise known as "The Sun effect."


All this PC stuff just annoys the hell out of me, even the little things, it's not PC to call female actors actresses etc etc.


And the idea of "Winter Lights" is just f*cking ridiculous, we're not celebrating Winter (Hooray, our heating bills are going to go up and loads of old people will die!! WHOOOO!!) we're celabrating Christmas. I've always said that while it may have started that way, the majority of people who celabrate Christmas, don't celabrate it as a religious holiday, but they're still celebrating Christmas whether they know of it's origins or not.


They'll be abolishing Christmas altogether and coming up with "Diversity Day" or some such crap before you know it.


  dabookerman said:
the laughable comments tbh are the ones made by clerics who say this will be a muslim country in 7 years


Maybe they know something we don't.

  Ormingstoke said:
All this PC stuff just annoys the hell out of me, even the little things, it's not PC to call female actors actresses etc etc.


To be fair, why should we have to distinguish between men and women in this professions. If we said "the actor Jennifer Aniston..." would anyone think it was a bloke (and no stupid jokes please)?

  scubahood said:
I can assure you this country will not be muslim in 7 years have none of you seen star trek its set in the future and theres no arabs on there


But Star Trek takes place mostly in space doesn't it? Not a UK of the future.


Who's to say all the Arab folk aren't living in the UK and everyone else has been banished to space?

  Bowser57 said:
Who's to say all the Arab folk aren't living in the UK and everyone else has been banished to space?


Yep, and the clerics know this is coming in the next 7 years as part of "the cleansing".


This could be seen as hugely racist, but what the hey.


In my experience, the people who I've met who go on and on about "political correctness" want to be able to call "them" poofs, niggers and all other manner of unsavoury things without being told "Stop it". I've never come across things like being told to call it a chalkboard or whatever. I honestly think the Daily Mail makes half of this shite up.


Yea i did think i did read that newspapers had made up some of these stories but still there is a widespread problem. I remember reading about some lady that had to give a description of a man that attacked her or something like that and she said he was fat and the police told her she couldn't say that or something silly like that and made her look silly

  scubahood said:
she said he was fat and the police told her she couldn't say that or something silly like that and made her look silly

Well that clears that up.

I'll back Jack on this and say that most of it is probably scraped from the bottom of the bullshit barrel by papers like the Mail and the Sun.

  Arragaun said:
Well that clears that up.

I'll back Jack on this and say that most of it is probably scraped from the bottom of the bullshit barrel by papers like the Mail and the Sun.


its very abusive to call Ents "trees"

  dabookerman said:
the laughable comments tbh are the ones made by clerics who say this will be a muslim country in 7 years


Islamic fundamentalism seems to be becoming the new "communism" to the Western Governments. My Grand parents are muslim, im not. But there is no way in hell i'd stand for living in a country that excersises policy through radically religious views. We may not be happ y obout not being able to call old people "old" anymore, but theres places in the world that you cant even use the internet because it promotes free thinking and could stir up revolution, Hell, some of us on this fine forum could have faced the firing squad for our views :wtf:

  Nevahom said:
Islamic fundamentalism seems to be becoming the new "communism" to the Western Governments. My Grand parents are muslim, im not. But there is no way in hell i'd stand for living in a country that excersises policy through radically religious views. We may not be happ y obout not being able to call old people "old" anymore, but theres places in the world that you cant even use the internet because it promotes free thinking and could stir up revolution, Hell, some of us on this fine forum could have faced the firing squad for our views :wtf:


i see what you are saying but because we do not live in country that is totally controlling should we count ourselves lucky for only letting the government have a little control on our lives? and next year when they introduce slighly more rediculouse ways of steering us this way and that should we think thank god i dont live in korea? and the next year when slightly more control is placed on us?


Well yes i am happy i do not live in korea. but i am not happy with the slight amounts of control that we a forced to accept. i am not against all PC. there is a place for it but it should be a behind the scenes thing not something that forces us to change the way we live. that is the way it is going. how many of you will walk down the hight street and see a father christmas light put up by the council? i live in backward devon and even here there is not a single 1. what about birmingham london manchester?


This is what i am against. i want to see a father christmas in every shop. i want to live the life i choose not one that is chosen for me. granted pc doesnt do that on its own but it is a tool.


Christmas decorations in shops are up to the shop owners, not the council. The cafe I work in has loads of Christmas decorations up, but some shops around it only have tinsel. It's nothing to do with the "Political Correctness Brigade", it's all to do with how much the owner of the shop wants to spend.

  dukkadukka said:
a bit too much political correctness is better than none at all, that's all i have to say really. christmas lights being renamed to winter lights(although that move looks like it'll be overturned anyway) is incomparable to women being sexually harassed in the workplace and black and gay people being beaten up on the streets and turned away from jobs they are perfectly qualified to fulfil. while i sympathise slightly with the backlash against political correctness, it also strikes me as people just whining for the sake of it. just get things in perspective, people!


depends on the definitions.

I think the problem is wordy correctness.

paying lipservice doesn't work.

its sweeping the problem under the carpet.


basically the social aspect has to be tackled, not the language. most people I know are politically correct when they need to, but when they feel safe they let their real opinions out.

  Jack said:
Christmas decorations in shops are up to the shop owners, not the council. The cafe I work in has loads of Christmas decorations up, but some shops around it only have tinsel. It's nothing to do with the "Political Correctness Brigade", it's all to do with how much the owner of the shop wants to spend.


i know that. what i meant was the christmas lights. the ones that are around the high street. when i mentioned the shops i was trying to convey the christmas spirit but it was obviously lost on some people.


What amuses me the most is that they're only doing all this because it'll offend the other religions, and the other religions don't give a toss about it, they know the UK and Ireland is of Christian religion, so they take it in. Some of them even celebrate Chrimbo.


Why don't a few million British people move to India/Pakistan, settle there and start celebrating Christmas there. See what the Indian governments do.

Ban Diwali? Because it might offend the Christians. And the Christians would say "I couldn't give a shit, Eddie."


I think the thing about Political Corectness is that usually but not always the motives behind it are good but the outcomes sometimes aren't Obviously the good points are it gets people into the mindset of disagreeing with racists who want are outraged that they can't "speak their mind" or in other words shout abuse. The bad part of it seems to be it stops true expressions that are sometiemes harmless (like celebrating Christmas) Councils flex their muscles and take the moral highground by stating that they are wanting equality. But the truth is and to use the Christmas problem as an example, the 'minorities' are quite mature enough to either enjoy or not participate in this national holiday.

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