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The GC Graphics Appreciation Thread


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Time for something new I thought, and I think this is a great idea.

With Revolution coming and no screens/footage yet revealed, I think the time is right to do this. There have been so many times on Gamecube where I have been amazed by graphics, such as Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime and of course the upcoming Twilight Princess.


The aim of this thread is to post one screenshot from a particular game that 'wowed' you, or even the screenshot.


Gamespot and IGN should help you find screenshots if you're having trouble.


To keep it tidy lets say each person can post ONE screenshot each from a game for each post, but they could always do more posts with more screens (just don't double post)


Another thing is Retro_Link has requested for no screens of future games like Twilight Princess to be shown because of spoiler reasons. I agree with him and this should only be for games out now, so no screens of Zelda: TP or Baten Kaitos II please :smile:


Okay i'll start.


Starfox Adventures

While playing through this I was blown away by the graphics as they were so colourful and magical. They remain some of the best this generation to this day imo.


Thorntail Hollow...so beautiful and relaxing.

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The Wind Waker deserves a special mention. The first time I switched my cube on to play this game I was amazed. It has such brilliant detail, facial expressions and special effects, people were actually skeptical over these cel shaded style graphics because it seemed so 'kiddy' but they did an amazing job with it.



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The Wind Waker deserves a special mention. The first time I switched my cube on to play this game I was amazed. It has such brilliant detail, facial expressions and special effects, people were actually skeptical over these cel shaded style graphics because it seemed so 'kiddy' but they did an amazing job with it.

Try to post a screenshot with your game please to make the thread more enjoyable :wink:

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Guest Ray Falling

I'm too lazy to find it. But the first level on Starwars Rogue Squadron II (which was my first Cube game ever) just complete blew me away.


Actually the entire game had solid graphics really brilliant n_n...Hmm I'll have to play that again soon.


EDIT: Okay I got it now:


I rest my case n_n

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Thanks Stocka!!


Super Smash Bros. Melee

It was pictures like these leading up to the Gamecubes launch (and in the early stages of the Gamecube) that let me know what a special console/experience Nintendo had in store!!

Super Smash Bros. Melee is purely a magical game in every way!!



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Hell of a game, and actually quite underated. Rock hard, with great potential for mastering and an awesome car construction/customisation mode. But the really incredible thing is the visuals. I look at this game and think to myself that I couldn't give a crap if next generation saw no graphical improvement at all.


Oh and Killer 7 was probably my first choice, but obviously im too slow for that. Just incredible game alround. A personal favourite.

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Ok, I know I just mentioned one, but I think that this game deserves atention now.


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door


Sure, the characters were sprites, but they were just about the best damn sprites you've probably ever seen! Combine with a 3D landscapes made of paper, and you have yourself a sweet looking game.


The famous Dry Bones scene. Have you ever seen so many sprites on one screen? I know I haven't.

(If you want it to be a smaller size file, I'll be glad to fix that, I just wanted to show the games full graphic power).

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Hell of a game, and actually quite underated. Rock hard, with great potential for mastering and an awesome car construction/customisation mode. But the really incredible thing is the visuals. I look at this game and think to myself that I couldn't give a crap if next generation saw no graphical improvement at all.


Oh and Killer 7 was probably my first choice, but obviously im too slow for that. Just incredible game alround. A personal favourite.


*gives evil glare*

You certainly live up to your name don't you :heh:

PLEASE POST SCREENSHOTS EVERYONE!Its the point of the thread!(as well as talk about how much you like them) and only post ONE per post.


EDIT: Sorry, thanks. But everyone else PLEASE DO!

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Stocka calm down. The picture didn't work first time. You must be refreshing the page like every two seconds, because I only posted it about two minutes ago. Okay deap breaths, go to your happy place. Calm is all around. Good.

Lol sorry mate, *goes back to attempting shitty Chemistry coursework that he can't do*

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Seconded.:heh: I'll complete it though, give me time. Fucking cage.
If that's the cage that falls down on you, this is the best thing to do; Equip a greanade before you enter the room. Skip the falling cage cutscene as soon as it starts, as it will give you a little more time. Immediately turn 180 as soon as you start and throw a grenade (aimed towards the ground) at the locked door infront of you; this will free the door aswell as getting rid of some of the crossbow guys surrounding the cage. Immediately exit the cage and quickly shotgun or supplex the remaining crossbows. You have the whole room to fight the sub boss in now (can't remember if there are any bells or not, but it doesn't matter); you can also go back into the dining room for alot more room, but i've never bothered. Just keep quiet and it'll be fine!
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Mario Kart Double Dash!!

I loved the visuals in this game (more than the game itself! :heh: ) it's all so crisp and vivid. There's a nice depth of field effect that blurs everything in the distance which I thought was cool. I also loved the animation of the characters and the fact it always held its frame rate too.



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Mario Kart Double Dash!!

I loved the visuals in this game (more than the game itself! :heh: ) it's all so crisp and vivid. There's a nice depth of field effect that blurs everything in the distance which I thought was cool. I also loved the animation of the characters and the fact it always held its frame rate too.



The only thing that bothered me was that just about everything had eyes on them. So many eyes, so many, many eyes...

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Metroid Prime for me remains the best looking game of this generation. The beautiful enviorments, weather effects, stunnigly designed enemies and detailed creatures never fail to amaze me. All without so much as a single framerate issue.


LOOK AT IT!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



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I'll prolly do quite alot, there have been many games that have wowed me, this is a great thread.




This was my first ever Cube game, I had never seen any screens or anything. I didn't know I had a Cube until my bro asked me if I wanted a go of ISS3. When we were playing my cousin asked who was playing. That summed up my views of this game, but there doesn't seem to be any nice screens so here's one:



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