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I'd be some sort of researcher, very geeky. Knows everything about some things and nothing about everything else. Likes to read and would probably hang around LazyBoy a lot, as I would have a hard time with the girls, too.


Sadly, apart from the researcher thing, it's all true. :p

  conzer16 said:
Well it better be a bloody Irish bar!!!!


I'd be your best customer!


Won't be Irish or British. It'll just be a pub. Our public house. N-E's public house.

The Jordan & Letty. That's what it'll be called.

Guest Stefkov
  MoogleViper said:
I'd be the village rapist. Naughty naughty.

I hope you wear your uniform.


can i be in charge of the village duck pond...?

  Stefkov said:
I hope you wear your uniform.


Pffft I don't wear clothes.


  darksnowman said:
Lol, Resetti!


In winter each day there would be two snowballs lying around which you could make me from. If you make me in good proportions why then I would bestow upon you a piece of the snowmans furniture range.


The thing is, I dunno what I'd be up to the rest of the year? :o




I'd be the village prostitute, abit like the village rapist but more professional.


I'd have a the power of seduction and be able to shoot lubricant out of my wrists like spiderman does with his webs.

  Strider said:
I'd be the village prostitute, abit like the village rapist but more professional.


I'd have a the power of seduction and be able to shoot lubricant out of my wrists like spiderman does with his webs.


Yeah but you wouldn't get any customers. People would just hang around near me and get it for free.

  MoogleViper said:
Yeah but you wouldn't get any customers. People would just hang around near me and get it for free.


I'm both STD free and shoot lube out my wrists, that must be worth something.

Guest Stefkov
  Strider said:
I'm both STD free and shoot lube out my wrists, that must be worth something.

I'll buy it/you.


I'd purchase Strider's services, I'm much classier than rape! Though I do like you r suggestion of darksnowman being water, as it made me think of him being the village's weather lol.

Guest Stefkov
  killthenet said:
Sorry man, AshMat already took dibs on that position earlier tonight.

Haha good one.


I've changed my mind. I want to run the People's Front of N-Europe.

  killthenet said:
Sorry man, AshMat already took dibs on that position earlier tonight.


Hahaha, brilliant!


  jayseven said:
ok I changed my mind - I want to be that guy from the village that LEAVES this crazy place.


I'm sorry sir, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!

Who's gonna be our border guard/immigration control?


EDIT:Would you believe, in my boredem I actually just drew myself a little mansion house in paint, complete with purple garage and black cat(i have neither irl).



Can I Join!? The position of village whore really appeals to me.


I wanna be the equal to what Britt Ekland is to The Wicker Man community to the N-Europe village!!! Do sex dances and stuff

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