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Sleeping tips


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Dont lay in the bed if you cant sleep. Do something instead like taking a walk. Else you wil have more trouble sleeping.

Very true this one! Your mind and body needs to associate the bed with sleep.


When I'm finding thoughts preventing me from sleeping, I actually try and do this sort of, er, meditation thing. Now, I've no idea how everyone elses eyes work, but when I close mine it's not pitch-black, it's sort of a blurry haze of all sorts of colours whizzing around (you know how the cones and rods on your retina 'burst' in radials of bright, all-sorts-of-colours when you go from light to dark? Well this haze thing is individual ones firing off. Or at least, I think they are :P)


Well what I try and do is to picture things. Like a castle. A brick wall. A dragon, whatever. It's not just imagining the dragon and thinking about it - it's more like 'seeing' the dragon or the castle. Sometimes this is easier than others, as I can't 'focus' on anything; it all moves around. If I try too hard to 'focus' the whole illusion breaks, so I get into a sort of rhythm where I sort of let the static be in control, and just try and make things out on the fly - kind of like how you can see things in clouds - except not thinking about any associations my mind actually has with these things I see, just letting them happen and change.


I know my description sounds vague, but it works really well, I end up falling asleep before I know it. And it's fun :)

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When i can't get to sleep i go for a walk in my head. When i go camping in Cornwall there is a long lane to walk down which leads to the headland/beach. I go for a walk down that lane in my head. To be honest i think i get bored and nod off.


About 4/5 years ago i used to have a sort of OCD thing before i went to bed everything had to be right or i thought i wouldn't be able to get to sleep (So my stupid brain used to tell me). I realised that what i was doing was daft and the extra 10 minutes i'd spend getting stuff straight was pointless, so i stopped. I still have to have my computer chair facing the desk.

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I´m not talking about the drinking warm milk before you go to sleep or counting sheep's there must be other ways of sleeping beater?


Because every time I lay down on my pillow my brain goes on hyper drive and I start planing word domination and making a robot army or something like that, I can´t control it sometimes I lay down and fall asleep after 3 or 5 minuets and sometimes I´m laying there for hours just thinking about stuff. If you have any tips that works that would be grate but I´m not going to take medication or seek a doctor I'm trusting the internet for this "problem".


yeah i have this problem too i would suggest listening to ipod,radio etc

or play a handheld console or watch t.v

but im more tired when i have been running or doing somthing active that makes you really tired if you do it long enough

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Have a wank before sleep.

Bitch, I was hoping to be the first to suggest that.


It's most theraputic. If it fails, do it again. You'll have to put more effort into it the second time round which should tire you out nicely.

I'm sorry but to the people suggesting alcohol, that is just not the solution, thats what gives people a dependency! >_<

Bullshit! It's not a constant solution granted, but if your sleeping pattern goes out of whack, getting pissed quickly so you drop off is a pr0 method of inducing slumber.

haha for once I might actually agree with you. :indeed:

You heard it here first, girls flick their bean so they can sleep swifter.

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joint and/or few shots of hard alchohol, preferably brandy/whisky. should do the trick.

My dad always says brandy is the one thing that prevents him from sleeping.


As for me, I don't really have any trouble sleeping, but only because I'm so busy all the time. I can quite literally sleep whenever...

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Ok I´m back from work and every one is suggesting that I should wank myself to sleep......


To fill in the blanks I sleep two times a day after work and before work, it´s easy sleeping after 9 hours of work but when I´m trying before work it´s just near impossible. Jayseven I´m going to test you "meditation" theory and also to every one who suggest alcohol I can just image my parents face after I walk in my room with a bottle of whiskey saying "Good night" well thats not happening until I get 20 or something.


Well I´m going to sleep now and Mundi don't you dear calling my while I´m watching Britney blue :Þ.

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Wank before sleep? Wow.


People get tired doing that? I feel way more awake after i do it. Like, alot more awake.


Having sex? That really knackers me. Mostly because i do 99% of any moving going on, damn you Letty!! But err, whats this thing about some video about me anyway? >_>


*scared* :(

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I know it doesent work for everyone but I normally have a hot chocolate, a warm bath and new clean sheets do wonders!


If I still can't sleep then I normally lay on my front and prop my ds on up my pillows and play till I'm sleepy. I know most people don't get tired while playing DS but it helps me.

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joint and/or few shots of hard alchohol, preferably brandy/whisky. should do the trick.


Actually, you shouldn't do this, as it affects the sleep stages your brain goes through, which are important for the proper recuperation. Yeah, I revised for an exam last year with a text book.

Also, as J7 pointed out, try not to spend time in/on your bed doing anything other than sleeping(or sexing of course), as your mind associates it with being awake and makes it harder to get in a sleepy mood. Try and not give your mind too much stimulation before you sleep either(if you read a book, nothing too exciting), so no TVs, Steroes etc etc.


However, I do everything I told you not to, and I do struggle to sleep sometimes. I kind of do a J7 and start thinking about stuff and picturing things, but if I try too hard at it it stops working. It's like...thinking without thinking, use those thoughts running through your mind, don't try to stop them, but don't try to control them either.


Call him and ask him how it's going. We can all lend a help in hand if need be.


Speak for your own hands matey!


Ok I´m back from work and every one is suggesting that I should wank myself to sleep......


To fill in the blanks I sleep two times a day after work and before work, it´s easy sleeping after 9 hours of work but when I´m trying before work it´s just near impossible. Jayseven I´m going to test you "meditation" theory and also to every one who suggest alcohol I can just image my parents face after I walk in my room with a bottle of whiskey saying "Good night" well thats not happening until I get 20 or something.


Well I´m going to sleep now and Mundi don't you dear calling my while I´m watching Britney blue :Þ.

Ahh, I didn't know you were trying to sleep twice a day. How much sleep do you get as it is? How tired do you really feel also, again, the brain and body is supposedly quite good at catching up on missed sleeps by spending longer in the deeper stages, so you might not be tired enough to sleep...though I'm honestly not sure how possible that is.

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