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  Coolness Bears said:
If you were to get married! How would you like to be proposed to? :)


My ideal place would be in New York up the empire states building :grin:


Dude I don't think you're the one that's supposed to be proposed to.


I'll marry you Coolness :p


I'd take my man to his favourite restaurant, then afterwards go for a walk in a nice park and look at swans or something, then propose to him.


Chairdriver : breaking cliche since '07!

  MoogleViper said:
Dude I don't think you're the one that's supposed to be proposed to.


I know :heh:


Hmm... but hyperthetically?


ok i'll rephrase the question for the males! How would you propose to your fiance?


Proposed to? You sexist! Why can't I propose?


if I propose it will probably not be a terrific story to tell. Knowing me I'd probably buy a ring, keep it in my pocket and wait 'til we're having an argument, or something terrific like that.


Proposed to? No preferances :/


I don't know. Maybe at the top of a snowy mountain on a ski slope or something. There would have to be some sort of lovely scenery.


  Coolness Bears said:
Will you marry me?


Yes! (Dear chairdriver and Ellmeister: screw you.)


I'd just be old-fashioned. Although I'd probably tell her to get down on one knee if she wants the ring. They don't come cheap.


  EchoDesiato said:
Wasn't that while bungee jumping though?


Yes, yes it was. :awesome:


You should do the proposing? Where do you come from? The 1950's?


I've been engaged before, and my girlfriend (ex now) proposed to me :) On holiday in America. A bit cheesy, I was too scared to say no - didn't want to ruin the holiday :) 6 months later I ended it (we were living together too). She was incredibly hot but a bit of a psycho!


Totally dependent on the person i'd be proposing to but tbh it would probably involve us spending a long time alone together away from lots of other people. So we can just be in our own little world. Then I would set up a nice romantic situation but the type where they don't really know whats going on.

  My Buttons are Magic! said:
i would like it to be a surprise... :D (and he has to ask my dads permission obviously)


No that is a load of bollocks. How can you ask your gf's father before you ask your gf? What if she didn't even say yes?

  My Buttons are Magic! said:
i would like it to be a surprise... :D (and he has to ask my dads permission obviously)


spontaneity is always good


Ah yeah, very important. This is an absolute must because parents feel like they are left out as it is. On a seperate note, I think I would say that i dont want an answer straight away, I want them to consider it carefully first.

  MoogleViper said:
No that is a load of bollocks. How can you ask your gf's father before you ask your gf? What if she didn't even say yes?


what if HE said yes... marrying your girl's dad would make for an awkward relationship O___o (*wonders if that's ever actually happened...*)



tbh it's not something i've ever thought about... hen if i try and think about it my brain says "hey! becky!! why are you thinking about that when you could be making some more tea...?" :wtf: i tried... really... i guess it will depend on who's asking as to whether i care where we are or what we're doing at the time. ^___^


I don't think asking for parental permission would even cross my mind, to be honest. But then I'd be happy with a wedding that only required her, the priest and I, so you're best off not listening to me.


As for proposal... well, I've never really thought about it. It wouldn't be public — I'm far too insecure for that — and I'd no doubt make a bad joke that ruined the moment. That's about all I can say for sure.

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