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Mafia game #mine


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I mistook Night for Day. My bad :indeed:


Just wanted to say that I was the one who was kidnapped.


Anyway I have some info. Done some investigating and found out that DomJcg killed Jayseven and darksnowman.


Tonight the mafia recruiter would be targeted the therapist.


“Sure I’d love to join the mafia.†However the person who planted the bomb didn’t want this to happen.


Darksnowman is dead. He was the therapist who had managed to capture the Psychopath.

Jayseven is dead. He was the mafia’s recruiter. Every night he would give somebody a chance to join the mafia.


As far as I know we have no reason to disbelieve welsh_gamer.

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As far as I know we have no reason to disbelieve welsh_gamer.


So thats the info you were talking about! Right I got ya,


Yes I did kill Darksnowman and Jayseven, I was suspicous of Darky throughout his life, (as was everyone else) so i planted a bomb on him, and by chance i caught jayseven, the recruiter


win-win i spose, i killed 2 mafia members in one go =)

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You in here Zell? I want to know how Jonnas took a potion from you if your not the potion maker. If you are the potion maker, why did you target Nintendohnut?


I am indeed the potion maker. My potions have weird and random effects, and I do not know what they do when I get them. Nintendohnut was the one who was likely to be targeted by a range of people, so I thought I'd use it on him to see what would happen. Afterall I've used other potions on people and they've had no effect, and no mention in the write-up. I had no intent on killing Nintendohnut, I was hoping something more helpful would happen.

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I have a question for Gizmo: I don't want anyone else to read into this as I don't know what may come of it but I would like to know:


Gizmo: In this game, have you at any point had something happen to you that you did not do yourself, eg were you roleblocked, or captured, or poisoned, or protected, or anything at all? If you could tell me what you did each night, or what you did on nights where you were targeted by others, that would be useful. I don't want you to reveal your role, I only need to know if something happened to you. Thanks


Incidentally, it seems that mafia amongst others want me dead. I personally expected this, and thankyou very much to everyone who protected me. I am trying my best to investigate to be most useful each night and will continue to do that as long as I survive! If anyone has info one who targeted me last night that would be great. As it is, I am now seriously wondering about Zell. Not only did he randomly vote for me a few days ago with no evidence, he also tried to kill me last night (although he denies that it was on purpose)...

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Whys it not enough??:confused:


If you would please, you're evidence against MBAM, and why I can trust you. If you supply both i'll vote for MBAM. However I'm taking this as truth from you. If she's lynched and your claims prove false i'll do all in my power to lynch you next.

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I have a question for Gizmo: I don't want anyone else to read into this as I don't know what may come of it but I would like to know:


Gizmo: In this game, have you at any point had something happen to you that you did not do yourself, eg were you roleblocked, or captured, or poisoned, or protected, or anything at all? If you could tell me what you did each night, or what you did on nights where you were targeted by others, that would be useful. I don't want you to reveal your role, I only need to know if something happened to you. Thanks


Incidentally, it seems that mafia amongst others want me dead. I personally expected this, and thankyou very much to everyone who protected me. I am trying my best to investigate to be most useful each night and will continue to do that as long as I survive! If anyone has info one who targeted me last night that would be great. As it is, I am now seriously wondering about Zell. Not only did he randomly vote for me a few days ago with no evidence, he also tried to kill me last night (although he denies that it was on purpose)...


I don't see why I should give you anything on me considering what I did yesterday.

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I don't see why I should give you anything on me considering what I did yesterday.


Giz, this isn't me trying to prove you good or bad - the information I have isn't even about you. But if you can just tell me if you have been targetted by anyone else in that game (and you know about it) then it may help prove someone innocent. I have information on someone else that concerns you, and if you can help me it may be able to prove them good or bad. That's all I'm asking


Also what do you mean by "what I did yesterday"? Why do you not feel you should give me info? It will only help me find out if someone else is evil or not.


Oh and welcome back Cube :)

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Giz, this isn't me trying to prove you good or bad - the information I have isn't even about you. But if you can just tell me if you have been targetted by anyone else in that game (and you know about it) then it may help prove someone innocent. I have information on someone else that concerns you, and if you can help me it may be able to prove them good or bad. That's all I'm asking


Also what do you mean by "what I did yesterday"? Why do you not feel you should give me info? It will only help me find out if someone else is evil or not.


Oh and welcome back Cube :)


Tell me more precisely what you want to know, I don't want to give away any more than I have too.


"What I did yesterday" is change the focus of the game off a good guy (I assume you have now confirmed this judging by the fact that you are no longer crusading against him) and onto a mafia member - I think that proves my innocence. I didn't realise you wanted info from me to prove someone else's story.

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I cannot say whether or not Esequiel is good or bad. I still am highly suspicious, and will certainly will return to the point later (and Esequiel - I don't think I'm wrong). But at this point, my info is on another person.


Gizmo: It's sort of difficult to explain... If I knew who you were I would look through the write ups to try and work out what I want to know, but obviously I don't (and really don't expect you to tell me, please don't reveal yourself!). Basically, each night I expect you use your powers.

Also, of course, others will have used their powers on you. All I need to know is if anyone has targeted you that you know about. For example, maybe one night your power didn't work (and in that situation we can assume you were roleblocked or something similar) or perhaps in the write-up you noticed that you were mentioned as being targeted by someone else?


Put simply: Has anyone targeted you at night so far in this game that you know about? And if so, what was the outcome (what is that persons power, or character)? This would help me a lot! Obviously don't reveal too much, I don't need to know who you are or anything like that, only who has targetted you and what the outcome was.


I'll give one more example if I still am not explaining myself very well :S

One night you may have used your power on a certain person. In the write up you were mentioned, and obviously you knew it was you, cause it said your character. But after that it mentioned someone had targeted you. For example: "The *insert Gizmo's character here* went about his nightly business, but was being watched from the bushes by the *insert other character*"


If you could tell me a person's name or a character, that would help a lot in proving the person innocent. Thanks!


Gaggle: not a conspiracy theory - I have new information I'm following up. What's your problem?!

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Fine Nintendohnut, suspect me all you want, im more bothered about the Zell situation.


Moogle - I changed my vote to no one till i heard from Zell.


Zell is the potion maker who tried to kill Nintendohnut (He denies Attempted murder), Does anyone have any expirience in the past of potion makers?

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