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Make Your Wii Predictions 08 Edition.


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With the new year comes new suprises from Nintendo and I think it would be fun if we all make 3 predictions for this year in regards to the Wii. It can be anything from a game being announced to what game you think will flop.


1. Pikmin 3. Im hoping this will come true as its a great series that fits well with Nintendos attitude of games for everyone.

2. Wii Hard Drive arrives. This is one that everyone is crying out for and a prediction that surely must come true.

3. Monster Hunter 3 Storms Japan. Ok this is pretty much a given seeing as the series is huge over there but this will finally show that the Wii is for core gamers aswell. The MH games are hardcore as they come!


Your turn.

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My three predictions:


1. Nintendo themselves announce at least 3 big online titles, which goes to prove that they are taking online gaming seriously.


2. Bigger efforts from third parties, particularly Capcom. Maybe a big hitter that will seriously shift Wii systems. New title or old franchise, no idea, but I'm slightly thinking it may be something new.


3. A 'big' third party title that will have gamers in a frenzy, a la Red Steel, but will receive mixed criticism from gamers and critics. Ultimately, never living up to its true potential.

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1. Nintendo continue resisting with the hard drive issue, perhaps a firmware update to allow better SD card support, but no "official" hard drive.


2. Wii microphone, but no community channel to actually chat with friends while playing seperate games, only for online multiplayer, and even then only with other friends.


3. Some new DK platformer, whether it be 2D on WiiWare / DS, or 3D as a disc Wii game (or even DS).

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1. No Hard Drive will be released despite another year of complaints from fans.


2. No head set will be released despite another year of complaints from fans.


3. Third Party games to drastically improve in quality as the year goes on

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1. Pilotwings Wii announced. Hopefully it will stay pretty hardcore like the N64 classic, and not to be a touch generation title. Wi-fi play and Mii's in your craft is a must.


2. A Sims-like game featuring Mii's. Instead of Animal crossing I'd much rather see a community with your Mii's populating it instead. Build them a house, trade item's with other, get a job, play mini games and visit other people homes and towns.


3. A Resident Evil game for the Wii. Resident Evil 2 remade with the RE4 engine or RE4.5 showing what happened inbetween numbers 4 and 5 perhaps.

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1.More support for the Wii from 3rd party companies that are not just spin-off games. But new franchises and sequels.


2.F-zero and Animal Crossing will be the most talked about by nintendo when talking about online play after SSBB is out.


3.Brand new franchises from nintendo, as well as Pikmin 3 and a new trailer of Zelda.


Side Notes: Nintendo will bring out more games that use the Wii board.

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1) Nintendo will carry on with the friend-code system, but gradually introduce voice-chat into certain games but you can only talk with direct friends.


2) The headset will be ridiculously over-priced.


3) Another hundred or so mini-games will be announced, released and hundreds of stupid people will buy them thus restarting the cycle.

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1. WiiWare turns out to be the best thing since sliced bread. Nintendo use it to release franchises such as F-Zero and Kid Icarus on since they don't seem to want to release them in full on the Wii.


2. Animal Crossing Wii is announced for late 2008, a Christmas release. (IN EUROPE! :D)


3. Better third party games. A lot better. Next Friday just shows how awesome the year is going to be.

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1) It will be near impossible to buy a Wii in the run up to Christmas '08. Everyone will act surprised.


2) The majority of third-parties will continue to chase Nintendo's coattails, but Capcom will announce a potential classic. It's eventually delayed to 2009.


3) Animal Crossing for the Wii features a crippling flaw in its online integration. "Friend Code" is added to the Oxford English Dictionary as an invective.

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1. Starfox Wii announced, includes linear and free roaming levels, eight player online and no bloody on-foot sections.


2. Animal Crossing MMO is announced.


3. Retro Studios of Metroid fame unveil brand new exclusive IP. Is some kind of third-person action game involving cars.

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1 - Wii Fit, smash bros brawl & animal crossing are biggest selling wii titles.


2 - Nintendo completely ignores fan-base pleas for wii updates of major brands. F-zero, kirby and pilotwings biggest casualties.


3 - wii fans complain about lack of good third party software, then don't bother buying the few that are released anyway (zak & wiki, geometry wars etc.).

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