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Mafia Game #5 - N-Europe Forum War!


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Day 9 is now over


The members had had enough of the corrupt staff.


"Get outta here!"


MoogleViper has been banned. He was Tellyn, a staff member who didn't manage to ban the members and "save" the forum (Member / Staff / Mafia player / Time Bomber)



There are 11 players left (6 is a majority)







My Buttons are magic!







Night 9 begins now

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Heh, sorry. First exams take my attention, and then birthday gifts do! And today all this spoilertastic Smash Bros. stuff! Allow me to make it up to you by opening up a little point for tomorrow's day activities that may have been forgotten. Remember what Vicar said earlier:



jayseven is pretty sure that Strider, who died that night, was the one targeted by these people. Four people targeting one person? Surely one of them is a killer. One of these must be a staff member that got Strider banned.


Hope that theory is some use to you all.


dude, jayseven read teh entire thread last night, and this indeed caught jayseven's eye. MBAM! said that her role would only work on a specific night. Also, haggis and shino have failed to come forward with what they've been up to.


Also; it was a MOD that killed strider, and "and moogle thinks he used to be a mod on C-E." i.e moogle believes his character used to be a mod on the forums. To be honest, there's a hell of a lot of evidence agaisnt moogle;


"Moogle is not the time banner at all... Will reveal role if necessary"


"Moogle may does not know whether or not he has that keyword as moogle thinks that DomJcg lied about McMad and is now lying about moogle. Moogle's power is to target people at night. Moogle does not do anything to them whether they are good or bad. Moogle needs to find the person he is looking for. Moogle does not want to reveal who he is or who he is looking for because that may jeopardise himself to the person he is looking for who may be his enemy."


Moogle has changed his story as to whether he is certain, uncertain or whatever about his keywords, also jayseven believes that if moogle was hunting one particular user, then this particular user would immediately know that moogle is the character they are looking for -- this has not happened, thus jayseven believes moogle is lying.


Jonnas investigated moogle and found that moogle killed The Fish.




McMad; "Someone may or may not have targeted Jonnas last night over concern as to who they might be.... *ahem*"

Jonnas; "Wait, McMad, are you telling me you misdirected me? When was that?"

McMad; "Last night."


McMad misdirected Jonnas, but jonnas' info for that night was that Shorty was Platty. jayseven sees this as McMad defending Shorty and attempting to relieve pressure from Shorty, and thus jayseven believes McMad to be aligned with the staff mafia.

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dude, jayseven read teh entire thread last night, and this indeed caught jayseven's eye. MBAM! said that her role would only work on a specific night. Also, haggis and shino have failed to come forward with what they've been up to.


Also; it was a MOD that killed strider, and "and moogle thinks he used to be a mod on C-E." i.e moogle believes his character used to be a mod on the forums. To be honest, there's a hell of a lot of evidence agaisnt moogle;


"Moogle is not the time banner at all... Will reveal role if necessary"


"Moogle may does not know whether or not he has that keyword as moogle thinks that DomJcg lied about McMad and is now lying about moogle. Moogle's power is to target people at night. Moogle does not do anything to them whether they are good or bad. Moogle needs to find the person he is looking for. Moogle does not want to reveal who he is or who he is looking for because that may jeopardise himself to the person he is looking for who may be his enemy."


Moogle has changed his story as to whether he is certain, uncertain or whatever about his keywords, also jayseven believes that if moogle was hunting one particular user, then this particular user would immediately know that moogle is the character they are looking for -- this has not happened, thus jayseven believes moogle is lying.


Jonnas investigated moogle and found that moogle killed The Fish.




McMad; "Someone may or may not have targeted Jonnas last night over concern as to who they might be.... *ahem*"

Jonnas; "Wait, McMad, are you telling me you misdirected me? When was that?"

McMad; "Last night."


McMad misdirected Jonnas, but jonnas' info for that night was that Shorty was Platty. jayseven sees this as McMad defending Shorty and attempting to relieve pressure from Shorty, and thus jayseven believes McMad to be aligned with the staff mafia.



with did buttons say that?

(abbreviating ones name due to the fact buttons hates typing)

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Night 9 is now over


Yet another arguement broke out on the music thread.


"I bought the new CSS album today. Two words.


It's awesome."


"CSS are shit. Get over it. I mean, Lovefoxxx has spirit, but you can't listen to them without having to syringue all the crap out your ears afterwards"


A staff member saw the chance to ban someone instead of his intended target.


Oxigen_waste has been banned. He was Chairdriver, the N-Europe mob boss. (Member / HCR / Doctor)



"vegetarianism is stooopid."


Jonnas' house has been burnt down. He was mc metroid, a member who used to be part of the GTFO! group, but changed sides when they were all banned.(Member / GTFO! / Info gatherer)





There are 9 players left (5 is a majority)






My Buttons are magic!






Day 10 begins now

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Are there any investigators left? Because if there is no way of gaining informaion, the mafia are basically in control. We need to lynch, otherwise we're giving the mafia advantage. Has anyone got any idea how many mafia might be left. We know the staff/admins are mafia, so surely we can speculate which staff members might be left. Also, whoever is dynastygal is still alive.

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on night five Eenuh Haggis My buttons are magic! and Shino targeted someone ... cant remember who :S


Right, well, I can confirm that My Buttons are magic! is a good person. So the staff member who banned Strider will either be Haggis or Shino. Or both could be staff, who knows!

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Jonnas: (jonnas explains that he targeted Shorty 'last night' and discovered he was the head of the mafia)

McMad; "Someone may or may not have targeted Jonnas last night over concern as to who they might be.... *ahem*"

Jonnas; "Wait, McMad, are you telling me you misdirected me? When was that?"

McMad; "Last night."


jayseven would like to point out that Jonnas was clearly not misdirected, and would like to know why McMad would claim such a lie, if not to defend/deflect attention away from Shorty.

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Curses! I is dead.


The "I die, you die" thing was genius.



Right, well, I can confirm that My Buttons are magic! is a good person. So the staff member who banned Strider will either be Haggis or Shino. Or both could be staff, who knows!


Ok I can finally reveal my power this late in the game, I'm unkillable as long as I target someone else. Whatever happens to me, happens to the person I target instead (if anyone has an investigative power can check this). I am Aimless ( dunno if he intended the pun :p).


Now the interesting part, I targeted Jonnas last night (again, any informer with the ability to know this can watch me this night) and he ended up dead by DynastyGal, now this wasn't the first time it happened, but the other time there was still a lot of players to speculate. I believe Jayseven is DynastyGal, because out of the players here, he's the one that has been more consistent in playing through the time this coincidences happened. Eitherway, we no nothing of him.


Vote: Jayseven

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*jayseven is annoyed he accidentally lost his whole post*


jayseven always thought that his addiction to this game has been his downfall, and it's sad to see it confirmed.


You say "now here's the interesting thing..." and proceed to bring jayseven into the same paragraph, when there is no correlation between the two subjects.


jayseven spent two hours two nights ago trawling through every single page in order to pick up whatever clues he can. jayseven has repeatedly presented and quoted vital points which have been ignored consistently by other players. jayseven, as he said before, believes this is suspicious behavior.


jayseven would hope that people playing would go back and read the previous two pages and consider seriously.


jayseven would also like to point out to shino that sprout has directly accused that either haggis or you are the individual responsible for killing strider, and yet you knowing your own innocence decide not to focus on the remaining suspect, but instead decide to pick on jayseven for his dedication.


jayseven also wishes to know whether he can stop talking in the third person yet.

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Bastard :P


I'm confused, surely if he was lying, considering Sprout accused him, he would have said it was Sprout and not you that is Dynastlygirl?


no, he would have said it was you. *anger at people never reading his posts properly* You are the other suspect for the killing, see?

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