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Mafia Game #5 - N-Europe Forum War!


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I don't really understand the whole keyword thing o_o I mean I get that people have keywords... but I don't really understand the relevance like during night time or whatever.


And O_W isn't a bad guy after all? That means he's really chairdriver? I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

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Seems abit fishy that you'd reveal something like that easily... very suspicious.


Well when you lynch Ashmat today, which will probably end up happening anyway, you'll see he was neutral and that everything I said in the previous post was true.


I don't want to reveal our objective to everyone yet in case it jeopardizes anything. But we are on the townies side, we need to be to win.

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I'd like to ask the fish a question of my own:


Seeing as we have worked out what your power is, and that we know you have at least two pieces of information from day one, I looked back over that day. I think 5 people (possibly 4, the wording of McCoy's answer was a little dubious so may not count) answered your question - it was very clever by the way asking what people thought of their roles. What information did you get on each person? These are the people who answered:





Possibly McCoy


I only as because you could shed light on Dyson, if not everyone, and save a lynching.

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Come on, people. It all fits. Change your votes for gaggle64 now.

I take responsability for what may happen if he's actually good. You can lynch me tomorrow if I'm wrong on this one, nobody will get my vendetta if there's no responsible, promise.


Come on, change your votes now, he's a much bigger threat than Ashmat and the GTFO crew, I just know it.

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I can assure I'm not. I am the thread starter, the one who had his thread about being stuck on buses moved to a different sub section.


That doesn't make sense, I should imagine it's safe to say that The Fish is that person, it was a Coolness Bears style question after all, though that said, wer'e not 100% certain Fish is CB...


Vote: gaggle64

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I can assure I'm not. I am the thread starter, the one who had his thread about being stuck on buses moved to a different sub section.


And how does that prove you're not evil? I have reasons enough to trust MadDog's skills. That, plus the fact that you've been acting quite suspicious since yesterday...

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What to do, what to do... All these groups are confusing me, and I'm unsure who is good, who is bad. I still don't fully trust anyone... So gaggle's evil, dyson and ashmat are banned, GTFO 'neutrals'... Well shucks! That's three suspects. Makes it tricky...

I want to hear more about the gaggle stuff before I change vote - gaggle, what's your defence? Maddog - how did you uncover this?

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That doesn't make sense, I should imagine it's safe to say that The Fish is that person, it was a Coolness Bears style question after all, though that said, wer'e not 100% certain Fish is CB...


Vote: gaggle64


You know what that means? The thread started has been silenced. I'm guessing it's either Tellyn or Fish.

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Ah, curse my slow posting!


O_W; i don't quite see how it all 'fits' myself... but i too assumed the moved thread was Fish's. I still can't say for sure that a chairdriver character is necessarily good or bad, and neutrals are called neutral for a reason! They are fighting for their own victory.


Changevote: Gaggle64

Gaggle; you said you could protect people. How does the thread reflect this?

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